Interesting thoughts you've had while stoned?

i wonder what the voice in my head sounds like? the thinking voice? is it my voice? what if im thinking of a narration?
always pondered the same question dude, the voice in my head is definatly a narrator. but heres one i thought of just there:

people say u are who u are based on experiences and how u reacted with them.

well supposing u had twins seperated at birth, and raised them exactly the same, and i mean exactly the same, (so all events from the outcomes are the same) and kept them apart for say 6-7 (till the really will be starting to act on their own more. (maybe even earlier) would these two people be the same? they have had the exact same expeirnces and such so surely would think the same,

anyone get what i mean? lol

My best friend and I discovered that there wasn't really ever a place called the Garden of Eden. Marijuana is the Garden of Eden because everything is better when you're high, and you're at peace. She concluded that pot smokers are God's chosen people because they've discovered the secret of marijuana. I had the whole conversation recorded on my phone and we listened to it later. Quite entertaining.
I hear lots of different voices and some of them have some really great ideas.
When I smoke in my bedroom, I hear my kids pounding on the door. I try to tell myself that it isn't real, but the sound doesn't go away. I eventually open the door and, Swoosh, my joint dissapears. You would think since they both have jobs that they would buy their own.
I'm the bad one, I'm knocking on their door.:partyboy:
What happens in blind people's dreams?

Something interesting I've noticed when high is that if you stare at one star in the sky, all the others disappear.
What happens in blind people's dreams? - they still dream, but it is an abstract that sighted people can never understand.

Something interesting I've noticed when high is that if you stare at one star in the sky, all the others disappear. - that is because there is a "dead spot" in the centre of your eye where the optic nerve is. That is why, at night, you always look a little off centre, or move your eyes around.
Out here we can lay on our backs on a dark summer night and watch the satellites move across the sky with the naked eye. Off topic, but Sugarmagnolia made me think about it. Pretty trippy.
What happens in blind people's dreams? - they still dream, but it is an abstract that sighted people can never understand.

I've know a lot of blind people and when they meet someone for the first time they ask if they can feel the persons face and then feel their face for 15-20 seconds.I've asked them if they've never seen then what are they pictureing? They told me that they can picture what the person looks like in their heads by touch.Pretty cool shit.
More than once when stoned I just sit back and feel 'waves' of green flow over my head..and even count them, like counting for thunder:hmmmm:

I also come to some great realisations when stoned, but rather than say them out loud, I dont feel like (or am too stoned to) share my thoughts, and 20 seconds later i've forgotten what the fantastic realisation was... :confused:

Im sure I can have many more...just let me roll and i'll update in 5:winkyface:
Someone recently asked me what a chair would look like if our knees bent the opposite direction - I don't know . . . I don't really care.
Someone recently asked me what a chair would look like if our knees bent the opposite direction - I don't know . . . I don't really care.

Haha. I've seen a movie a long time ago with aliens that looked like normal people but could bend their knees/legs that way. That's how they normally walked, looked like a cartoon deer walking on it's back legs. It was sick cause two normal people could be walking around, then one would bend its knees backwards and you'd be like, "yep, that other dude is gonna die."
I can never say these right when I am high lol.

I am a mother pheasant plucker.
I pluck mother pheasants.
I am the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker,
to ever pluck a mother pheasant.

Or this version:

I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate,
And I'm only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.
I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son,
And I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant pluckers come.

Or another:

I'm a sheet slitter
I slit sheets
If sheet need slitting,
Sheets I slit.
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