Is there a problem here?

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
Cagney, a Blue Dream plant, is a runt.Here sister, Lacey, is twice her size (if not more). It took her much longer to break ground.

I've noticed her leaves seem wrinkled (see photos). Can anyone suggest why?
I've noticed her leaves seem wrinkled (see photos). Can anyone suggest why?
The few times I have grown from seed I see the occasional wrinkled or bumpy leaves. As the plant gets larger the wrinkles start to go away on the new leaves. Even some of the older leaves that are still growing will smooth out.

I don't know why it happens and since the wrinkles go away I did not give it much thought.

Now wondering if it is somehow related to the way some hot peppers, like the Habenaro variety, will have wrinkled leaves, but those do not go away as the plant gets larger.
Wrinkled, bumpy, and weird shaped leaves are often a sign of overwatering which is stupid easy to do with a seedling. The better looking sister plant may just be bigger with a better root system and able to handle the same amount of water more easily.
Right now, the girls are in one pint plastic containers (drilled). They are under a Mars-Hydro TS3000; they started under a smaller light.

Cagney is having a bit of a growth spurt. I doubt she'll ever catch up in height to her sisters, but she'll be very bushy.
Right now, the girls are in one pint plastic containers (drilled). They are under a Mars-Hydro TS3000; they started under a smaller light.

Cagney is having a bit of a growth spurt. I doubt she'll ever catch up in height to her sisters, but she'll be very bushy.
Cool. How long do you plan on having them in those pots? What size pot will you be going to? What kind of soil mix?
I'll be transpotting them tomorrow into one gallon cloth pots. And later into five gallon pots.

One of the plants I started turned out to be an auto; she'll go into a three gallon pot; she'll stay there.

I use FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil.
Ye some strains do that crinkled leaf do da what's it thing :green_heart:

Never really worked out why just yet or whether it is a common effect ?

Yarp, I'm sure they will be fine.
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