The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Looks like you need a garden shovel my friend. :laughtwo:
I agree sue even in regular growing I like to "feel" the energy in the dirt
Morning family!!!

Love the dirty hand, I was immediately envious. Looks like so much fun!

There's something to be said about sending and feeling the energy of your soil. A little love and passion go a long way. It's shows in your garden :love:
Nothing like being up to your elbows in new soil. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I concur. It's almost as good as being up to your eye balls in fresh ganja.
Morning family!!!

Love the dirty hand, I was immediately envious. Looks like so much fun!

There's something to be said about sending and feeling the energy of your soil. A little love and passion go a long way. It's shows in your garden :love:

Haha! When I posted that I thought "Pigeons will get a kick out of that!" I know you pretty well, my friend, eh? :laughtwo:

I was checking out the trichomes on African Buzz and Cheese Candy. Mostly cloudy, no ambers to speak of. While doing that I got to thinking about that trick Cannafan turned us into recently of placing the loupe over the device camera lens, so I decided to try. It's harder than you'd think to be still. This will take a certain amount of practice.

Cheese Candy, at Day 105.



African Buzz, Day 104.



Here you go Atrain, since I saw you asked. I'm still narrating the update, but I pulled this one for you.

That's it! I'm picking up pipe cleaners on the way home today. The proof is in the foliage.
Have you ever tried chopping any of your girlz with 90% of the trichs being completely cloudy the other 10% clear to partially cloudy, no amber or very few amber?
In the past I used to go by the look of the pistils and now that I'm aware of the improved accuracy of harvest time based on trich color it seems that the old way of going by pistil conditions pretty much matches what I'm seeing for my preferred effect based on trich color as well. When the pistils are looking ripe for harvest to my eye the condition of the trichomes seem to be about 90% of all trichs being completely cloudy with only a few amber if you look hard enough.
This is the way that I prefer to harvest (very little to no amber) but it all depends on your buzz preference I guess.
Daily Update: Perpetual Tent - Week 16, Day 3 & The Tiny Closet: Week 7 - Day 3

Finally, the temperatures have dropped enough to turn off the drone of the air conditioning and open up the windows. Thank you Mother Nature.

Maintenance notes:
- Carnival got a Growth Energy drench.
- The New Year's Bag Seed in Kit soil got a 1/4 Trans/Tea drench.
- All Kit plants except Carnival got DeStress foliars. Carnival will get a Brix foliar in two days, playing the growth energy of the drench against the reproductive energy of the foliar and allowing at least a full day in between to let the plant adjust to the drench.
- All SWICK trays got topped off. The ones under the vegging plants were bone dry. The one under the no-till never goes dry.

So let's check on the expanding brood, shall we?

I started the day with foliars at 5AM, right before finally falling into bed. I often ask myself if it's worth going to bed at that hour, and then I pass right out and wake up 3-4 hours later, so I guess it is. :laughtwo:

The Bag Seed soaking up its 1/4 Transwater as Carnival drinks up every drop of the Growth Energy.


After the the drench the restraint went on and my ponytailed darling went back under the lights. She's at Day 41 now


The Afghanis are keeping up.


I switched out one of the CFLs for a warmer spectrum, just to add a more complete light signature to the area.


On to the tent.

The seeds soaked yesterday both cracked, so the Kit group now includes a Dark Devil Auto and a Nebula. I'm happier. I'll be happier tomorrow when that Dark Devil sticks it's head above the soil line. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The LOS seedlings doing their quiet root building.


Cheese Candy (Day 105) is finally showing signs of wearing down. She was the reason I pulled out the loupe today, to make sure I wasn't shooting myself in the foot by being overrun with amber trichomes. I didn't need to worry. :battingeyelashes:




African Buzz (Day 104) is also finally winding down. I think we're within a week or so with her. I'd give the Cheese Candy longer. I'm trying to wait for all white pistils to stop, but neither plant wants to cooperate there. Oh well, at least theyre getting thicker every day they stay in the tent.



Just a group shot. To the far left is Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia (Day 34), and next to her Buddha Tahoe OG (Day 42).


The veg shelf.


The environment got a little dry there overnight. I'll have to keep the SWICKs full and set the Kit plants on risers above the perlite to let them dry out.


I'll close with a last close up of Cheese Candy, covered in frosty goodness. Mmmmmmm. :slide:


I'm planning a busy day of running around, hoping to get to the labyrinth today. It's been too long since I walked that meditative path. I have some chores I'm responsible for in our building that I've sorely neglected and I need to make every effort to get them done today as well. I need to get my life back on some track that includes more routine than tending my garden and doing this update, much as I enjoy both of those activities. It's been two months and I still lack motivation. Apparently I'm going to have to force myself to begin moving forward again. It's been nice just relaxing, learning how to live with the grief and getting used to being alone without the stress of other obligations, but I'm beginning to appreciate the need to contribute to the community, so at the very least I need to do some volunteer work.

:hmmmm: Maybe start a couple Callanetics groups in a local church or two. Just to share the joy of movement and the thrill of the spectacular results. I haven't done that since 1992. I'll have to look into it.

May your own day offer you the satisfaction of work well done, meals that please the palate and nourish the body, hugs that fill you to overflowing with joy. I'm doing my best to live it all to the fullest and I hope you'll be doing the same.

Someday we need to potluck.

I'll be seeing you around the threads.


Yes, Sorenna, I swept. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Have you ever tried chopping any of your girlz with 90% of the trichs being completely cloudy the other 10% clear to partially cloudy, no amber or very few amber?
In the past I used to go by the look of the pistils and now that I'm aware of the improved accuracy of harvest time based on trich color it seems that the old way of going by pistil conditions pretty much matches what I'm seeing for my preferred effect based on trich color as well. When the pistils are looking ripe for harvest to my eye the condition of the trichomes seem to be about 90% of all trichs being completely cloudy with only a few amber if you look hard enough.
This is the way that I prefer to harvest (very little to no amber) but it all depends on your buzz preference I guess.

These hyperactive soils I play in often don't turn trichomes amber, but I still get concerned and have to check. I can't remember the last amber trichome I saw on one of my plants, but that's because I stopped looking after my first plant when Graytail pointed out that tendency of our soils and Doc came on right behind him to reinforce it. I actually had to go looking for the loupe, it's been so long since I've used it. :laughtwo:

I'm sure you all know by now I'm looking for the zippy head high that comes from a majority of cloudy trichomes. How nice that my soil mixes grow that, eh?
That's it! I'm picking up pipe cleaners on the way home today. The proof is in the foliage.

I bet you just made Atrain smile real big BAR. It is impressive. I'm a bit taken aback.
Your trichomes do not turn amber because of your soil? Please explain my dear.
Originally Posted by Doc Bud
It's a matter of personal preference, but here's how I look at it:

You're in mineralized, living soil so your triches may not go amber. Mine don't, same with a lot of us. So I don't use trichomes as the gold standard for harvest anymore, I use several factors:

1. growth characteristics. Drinking less water, not pushing out pistils, swelling and ripening is the harvest window opening. Re-growth of green leaves in buds and cessation of swelling....harvest window is closing. The triches may all still be clear/cloudy. There won't be much amber at all.
2. Medical needs. Do I need something really, really heavy? If so, I want an indica and I want to take it at the latter part of the harvest window. Do I need something not quite as heavy? Take it in the early portion of the harvest window.

3. Supply and demand. Do you need it sooner, or later? Will it be more convenient to take it in 2 weeks? These are real concerns as well, because if you develop the habit of harvesting at a really inconvenient time it takes some of the joy away. I try to harvest when it's most convenient, if at all possible.
So, I think I've gleaned from your journal that it stopped drinking as much, has cloudy triches, is putting out green leaves in the buds, AND you have a husband with real'll probably do better making your decision based on these factors, not just the trichomes.

I simply don't get amber triches......pretty sure several others have the same "problem" and I suspect you might be one of the other misfits and ne'r do wells who grow in hyperactive soil and get body, soul and spirit involved in growing. We always seem to find each other.
Interesting especially since I'm an organic soil grower. Thanks for sharing BAR.
This is a post from a brief while back by Graytail, outlining his watering method for drenches. I dug it out of the files yesterday and reformatted it. None of his wording was changed at all, just spread it out a bit to make it more easily digestible, because this is what I use as my guide. I figure a few of you might appreciate it as well. Somewhere back in these pages I have the reformatted one scrubby wrote too, using totes to hold the pots. Gray uses cups to measure out the drenches, and that works better for my tiny, restricted living space.


"This question about dosing rotates through the thread on a regular basis as new people come onboard.

I think the confusion comes from two different ways of looking at watering.

* If you're growing several plants of the same age and type, you tend to think in terms of concentration in the feed water, because you're going to mix up a bunch and feed 'em all.

* But if you have different plants of different ages, you'll be feeding each plant separately, so you need to calculate how much each plant needs.

The instructions are written for one feed to multiple plants, so it's given as a concentration - so much per gallon of water. Everybody gets a bunch of properly mixed feed water.

To feed individual plants, you calculate how much per gallon of soil, added to as much water as the plant will take. I feed on the low side, and for my 6 gallon pots, I use ~ 2.5 ml of drench and 0.3 ml Tea. But that's just the mark on the vial that I aim for - sometimes it slops up to 4 ml.

:cheesygrinsmiley: No big deal.

An easy way to dose individual plants is to mix the drench and Tea in individual 16oz solo cups, pour them each into the soil and follow with 1/4 Transwater until they're soaked.

When I have a complicated feeding,
- I mix up a dose for each of 7 plants,
- and then fill a big bucket with transwater.

I might have two Energy feedings and one CatDrench, with two just transwater and two Transplant.

Five of those will need Tea, so I put 1.5 ml into a gallon or so of water and let it steep.

Then I'll mix up five individual cups of the various drenches.

If everyone needs the same drench, I'll mix it in a gallon pail, and evenly distribute it.

It sounds complicated when I lay it out like that, but feeding 7 individual plants is complicated. If you're doing a batch, you just fill a big bucket and pour in the right amount of drench.

So, calculate how much dosage for your pot size, and that's always how much each plant gets. Add water as needed.

Benchmark dosages:
1 Gallon pot = 0.5-1.0 ml Drench, 0.05-0.1 ml Tea
7 Gallon pot = 3-7 ml Drench, 0.3-0.7 ml Tea
10 Gallon pot = 5-10 ml Drench, 0.5-1.0 ml Tea" --- Graytail
I reread that post on the harvest window (thanks Reg) and went back to look more closely. I've definitely started into the close of the window on Cheese Candy. She's been pushing out new tiny leaves for a bit now.



As I was looking I noticed this blossoming growth in the back, where I almost never look.


That starts right at the soil line and stands 6" tall, just the same length as the main cola. It's not as thick, but not by much. These blossoms are like rocks! :cheesygrinsmiley:
loolking good be careful walking into the tent i think i left my tongue in there:drool:
You guys will get a kick out of this. I remixed my tote of LOS yesterday and the entire time this voice in my head kept asking "what's missing?" Well, I just looked up from my studies and spotted it! I purchased a new bag of Worm Power vermicompost to mix into this batch. It's one of the things that increases the Brix readings of whatever grows in that pot, and it's not doing me any good sitting on the floor of my living room now, is it?


Time to mix it in.


Well, that was fun. :cheesygrinsmiley: Up to the elbows again. That's a lot of dirt to churn and keep contained while doing so.

Somebody tell the blonde part of my brain it's time for her to wake up now. :laughtwo:
theres no such thing as a lazy grower
maybe a lazy stoner but not one who grows
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