Just for me


420 Member
Hi Everyone!
This is my first time posting here on 420. I'm just a guy growing for myself. I've just harvested SoulFire's LungBuster and Miami Madness. Really really pleased how they turned out.
I'm currently starting a BubbleGum XL pip and its into its first couple of weeks. Will keep you all posted!
nice to have you in the show @Blackyoda :welcome:

make sure you get a grow journal up and running once you have a look around. don't be afraid to ask questions.
:welcome: Just for me? Shearing is caring! 😂
:welcome: to the forum @Blackyoda :passitleft:

Hi Everyone!
This is my first time posting here on 420. I'm just a guy growing for myself. I've just harvested SoulFire's LungBuster and Miami Madness. Really really pleased how they turned out.
I'm currently starting a BubbleGum XL pip and its into its first couple of weeks. Will keep you all posted!
Any Pics :smokin:we love bud porn :yummy:
Bud Porn?
In the voice of Alexa "Ok"


Huh, never heard it called sweating, but live and learn :smokin:

Well :hmmmm: this is kinda what I was talking about...but that looks good too :passitleft:

Yoooo!! That's crazy! I grow in a tiny space, those buds are my 2nd ever grow. To me they are huge. Those buds you posted? Are amazing, I've never seen them like that before. Well done on the results ,👏
Yoooo!! That's crazy! I grow in a tiny space, those buds are my 2nd ever grow. To me they are huge. Those buds you posted? Are amazing, I've never seen them like that before. Well done on the results ,👏
:rofl: I've been at this for about 16 years now :smokin:it took me a little while to grow like that, environment and lights are key...I still use old school HIDs, I've tried LEDs but for the wattage I want...well, let's just say I'm not going to pay 5 to 800 bucks for the equivalent when a replacement bulb for my 1000 watt HPS is 15 bucks...(I change it once a year every year...on New Years)
And those buds were grown in a 4x4 tent with 3 other plants, another Dos si dos and 2 wedding cakes, and only a 600 watt HPS...

Welcome to 420 Magazine @Blackyoda

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
:rofl: I've been at this for about 16 years now :smokin:it took me a little while to grow like that, environment and lights are key...I still use old school HIDs, I've tried LEDs but for the wattage I want...well, let's just say I'm not going to pay 5 to 800 bucks for the equivalent when a replacement bulb for my 1000 watt HPS is 15 bucks...(I change it once a year every year...on New Years)
And those buds were grown in a 4x4 tent with 3 other plants, another Dos si dos and 2 wedding cakes, and only a 600 watt HPS...

I ran the same setup with the same logic for a decade after moving indoors. Maintaining HID is cheap (other than power bill), easy, with good yield. Expanding or starting from scratch now a days is a different story. $250 in LED equals a 600w HID PAR but running at 60% power usage, no added AC unit, no added ducting fan, no additional circuits to run.
I ran the same setup with the same logic for a decade after moving indoors. Maintaining HID is cheap (other than power bill), easy, with good yield. Expanding or starting from scratch now a days is a different story. $250 in LED equals a 600w HID PAR but running at 60% power usage, no added AC unit, no added ducting fan, no additional circuits to run.
I hear what your saying :smokin: I had some LEDs gifted to me from an old sponsor, 1 LED diode shorted on them and they both started blinking on and off, had an electrician buddy of mine look at it, said he could fix it but he'd have to get parts...good thing I still had a 400 watt HID around to replace it...told him he could keep them and never looked back...My point is that you're waiting on the Maker of the product to replace it or fix it, and could take a while, and they're of course going to ask for a picture/video of the problem, all while my plants have no lights...got plenty of 15 dollar bulbs waiting for a bulb to blowout...and as far as cost, I have a 1000 watt HPS in a 4x4 tent, running on 50%, never had a problem with spectrum or burn out early cause of the reduction, just change my bulb and I'm good for another year :passitleft:doesn't affect growth either, here's a Frosted Guava @ 4.5 weeks, in my 4x4 with my 1000 watt @ 50%..
Hi Everyone!
This is my first time posting here on 420. I'm just a guy growing for myself. I've just harvested SoulFire's LungBuster and Miami Madness. Really really pleased how they turned out.
I'm currently starting a BubbleGum XL pip and its into its first couple of weeks. Will keep you all posted!
Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I hear what your saying :smokin: I had some LEDs gifted to me from an old sponsor, 1 LED diode shorted on them and they both started blinking on and off, had an electrician buddy of mine look at it, said he could fix it but he'd have to get parts...good thing I still had a 400 watt HID around to replace it...told him he could keep them and never looked back...My point is that you're waiting on the Maker of the product to replace it or fix it, and could take a while, and they're of course going to ask for a picture/video of the problem, all while my plants have no lights...got plenty of 15 dollar bulbs waiting for a bulb to blowout...and as far as cost, I have a 1000 watt HPS in a 4x4 tent, running on 50%, never had a problem with spectrum or burn out early cause of the reduction, just change my bulb and I'm good for another year :passitleft:doesn't affect growth either, here's a Frosted Guava @ 4.5 weeks, in my 4x4 with my 1000 watt @ 50%..
That's what I like about growing, there are almost endless combinations of light, soil, temps, Rh that will produce different yields. Plus a lot of the combinations are not wrong, they just suit some people better than others. My space is smaller than a 1x1 (70cm wide by 45cm deep) it's tight but I make it work
That's what I like about growing, there are almost endless combinations of light, soil, temps, Rh that will produce different yields. Plus a lot of the combinations are not wrong, they just suit some people better than others. My space is smaller than a 1x1 (70cm wide by 45cm deep) it's tight but I make it work
I hear ya, I started in Miracle Grow, with CFL lighting, and I did rather well even with all the gnats that came with the Miracle Grow :rofl: I had no idea what I was doing, no fans blowing on them, no extraction fan to deal with smell and humidity, no humidifier in the fall/winter months...I was a wreck to be honest :smokin:but still came up with some smoke, and all of it done in a little itty bitty closet, until I got my tents :passitleft:I was only getting about 1 to 2 ounces per plant back then, but now my average is about 4 to 6 zips per plant, with the occasional monster that I got 14 ounces from
But yep, different strokes for different folks, as long as it works :thumb::snowboating:
Good morning everyone,
My Bubblegum XL is currently growing slowly until a new batch of Living soil arrives. I've got some top dressing to aid with stages. The soil has enough VEG nutes for 6 weeks, then I can top dress for a longer Veg or move to use the Bloom when I flip. Seeing as I have already started my grow I will get a nice total of 10 weeks Veg period when I transplant into the Living soil. That should be enough to get a nice SCROG canopy. By the way the Cover Crop is a mix of RyeGrass, Clover, Cereals & Grains and Buckwheat. Thats should give me a nice "Lawn" around the Bubblegum. I'll post an update when the soil arrives.
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