Kush DWC grow

Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Thanks for the advice Labrat, it makes sense. And that will make the grow that much more economical which is ideal for me.

:thanks: :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

The seeds are all pretty much mutts and you gotta look close to pick out a good mum. Good news so far, they all sank so there must be something in there. It'll be nice to get the Kali going again. That stuff's the shit! Nothing wrong with the Kush, it just rings different bells.
No "winks" required. LOL


you can say that about the Kali Mist. Has to be one of my favorites! I just introduced a new Kali mist cross on my Butchers Pride thread. Picts and all. Its Black Widow x Kali Mist x Super Silver Haze..Hope you enjoy the spread..It has that Kali Mist smell..You know what I'm talking about. Its sooo distinct w/ a twist of fresh fruit..Cant wait to see that kali
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

G'day me ole mucker. I've a quick question or 2 for you. Do you find the plants stable enough in the small net pots? Are the bigger net pots a lot more stable or just a little? With such a root mass I'd think it wouldn't make a lot of difference but just wanted to be sure. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

G'day me ole mucker. I've a quick question or 2 for you. Do you find the plants stable enough in the small net pots? Are the bigger net pots a lot more stable or just a little? With such a root mass I'd think it wouldn't make a lot of difference but just wanted to be sure. :peace:

The larger, 5", pots in the one tub are definitely more stable than the 4" ones I'm using in the other. It takes 3-4" pots to fill a 5" one so there's triple the weight of wet hydroton to keep the girls upright. With the smaller pots it's easy to tilt the plants over to let light into the middle of the mess I've got going on. I'd like to use the 5" ones only but don't seem to have many. 6 total but I've got about 40-4" ones. Thought I had more of the bigger ones but I guess not. Hydro store is 5 hours away and I don't do the mail order thing. I may just make my own net pots out of some of these big plastic tobacco tubs I have laying around. They're 6" wide by 6" deep. Put one in the middle of a tub and grow a half dozen plants in it. lol I shouldn't laugh I've got 5 in a 5" pot now.

Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

This sure is a boring time to work on a journal. Not much to report other than they're getting a little fatter and after 52 days the unchanged tub looks the same as the other. There are a few necrotic patches showing up on some leaves in both tubs so I'm thinking its sweat burn. You know, the leaf damage you get when the leaves lay on each other and sweat. I may just prune a bunch of fan leaves to let more light in and allow for better air flow. They ate the nutes down to 1100 so I bumped them back up to 1250 with 100 mls each of Bloom. I gave the unchanged tub 30 ml of liquid rock as it hasn't had any of that since the start and the other tub got a 50 ml dose when I changed the nutes in it. 40 days of flowering so far.

I know I was going to let the ppm go lower but I'm getting impatient to see those buds fatten up. They are but it's so freakin' slow. I don't know how OldMedMan does it. 100 days of flower! Get real. The man is better than a saint, he's gonna be M.O.M.! Take that you old pope you! We have the higher power! :rofl: :bong:

As an aside, I found some old polaroids of my first or second tub grow when I still used 4' flourescents to veg with.

Moms, juniors and a tub of little babies.


Some 8 yo budage going on here.

And the fruits of my labours. The pic is fuzzy, not your eyes.

I still have that scale too but the buds all gone.

A little piece of close-up bud porn to close the post.

Oh yeah. I found an open male flower today. It looks like it's been open for a while and spewed it's nasty spawn in there. I couldn't find any affected pistils anywhere nearby so maybe it's like me, shooting blanks. lol

C'ya all L8r. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Oh yeah. I found an open male flower today. It looks like it's been open for a while and spewed it's nasty spawn in there. I couldn't find any affected pistils anywhere nearby so maybe it's like me, shooting blanks. lol


Great update, love pics, especially the macro shot. Oh, and the jar of buds made me salivate. Thanks.

Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

DOH! Still the Victorian era, I forgot. Scratch that. LOL :thanks:

:bong: :bong: :bong: :bong: :bong: :bong:

Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

LR, just caught up here. Your grow is awsome and educational. It's particularly helpful as I'll be going back to hydro on my next grow, mimicking PitVipers grow...Violator Kush...House & Garden nutes...but it will be a dwc grow very similar to yours. You've thrown out great knowledge here...I'd rep you if I could...but I can hit this grow with a 5 star rating.
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

The larger, 5", pots in the one tub are definitely more stable than the 4" ones I'm using in the other. It takes 3-4" pots to fill a 5" one so there's triple the weight of wet hydroton to keep the girls upright. With the smaller pots it's easy to tilt the plants over to let light into the middle of the mess I've got going on. I'd like to use the 5" ones only but don't seem to have many. 6 total but I've got about 40-4" ones. Thought I had more of the bigger ones but I guess not. Hydro store is 5 hours away and I don't do the mail order thing. I may just make my own net pots out of some of these big plastic tobacco tubs I have laying around. They're 6" wide by 6" deep. Put one in the middle of a tub and grow a half dozen plants in it. lol I shouldn't laugh I've got 5 in a 5" pot now.

:thanks: I got 4 of the 5" pots but I think I'll grab 2 more and go for six.
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

so Latrat how much did you yield this time around??

the plants look nice and healthy. :goodjob::goodjob:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

LR, just caught up here. Your grow is awsome and educational. It's particularly helpful as I'll be going back to hydro on my next grow, mimicking PitVipers grow...Violator Kush...House & Garden nutes...but it will be a dwc grow very similar to yours. You've thrown out great knowledge here...I'd rep you if I could...but I can hit this grow with a 5 star rating.

Thank you very kindly SouthernWeed. Pit sure has some amazing stuff going on over there and I'm learning more here every day myself. The mind boggles at the possibilities. Such a versatile plant and so forgiving if you pay attention to what it tries to say. I think mine are telling me piss off and leave them alone sometimes. lol

I'm really enjoying my time here. My growing buddies have all moved on. One to the great beyond and a couple more to greater things I guess. Now I've got lots of growing buddies and we all get to share and learn from each other. I see a wonderful future for our lovely ladies and it's great to play a small part in it. Nice not to have to run around looking to score as well. :0)

Thanks for dropping by and we'll C'ya L8r. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Sorry to here about the male. Hope he didn't violate your ladies. Plenty of seed stock if he did so I guess it's not all bad.

I thought I'd got rid of the last of the interlopers but he was tucked away under the curl of a little bud leaf and escaped detection. Damage, if any, was likely limited to a few local lower buds tho I see no sign of fertilization. I should have taken my own advice. Death to Hermies! I'd like to get some new blood going and I've got three Kalix beans sprouted and hopes for the NLx. What's life without a little drama eh?

Take care. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

so Latrat how much did you yield this time around??

the plants look nice and healthy. :goodjob::goodjob:

Thanks dahcwon. It's going to be 5 or 6 weeks before I can say anything about yield. Probably longer as I'm planning to crop in stages to get as much as I can out of the girls. You'll be able to find out shortly after I do myself.

Take care. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

I guess you didn't get a pick of the open male flower...
I would have liked to have seen that....

Never even thought of that. If I find another I'll try. Kinda like finding a rattle snake in your sleeping bag. You just wanna get it out of there without nobody gettin' bit. lol

I just zapped it with the sprayer and stomped it's sorry ass. It sure makes you pay close attention to your girls when you have to keep an eye out for those sneaky buggers. I hope to clone a couple that haven't shown any 'nanas 'cause they're a PITA!

C'ya Joe. :peace:
Re: LabRat's latest Kush DWC grow.

Never even thought of that. If I find another I'll try. Kinda like finding a rattle snake in your sleeping bag. You just wanna get it out of there without nobody gettin' bit. lol

I just zapped it with the sprayer and stomped it's sorry ass. It sure makes you pay close attention to your girls when you have to keep an eye out for those sneaky buggers. I hope to clone a couple that haven't shown any 'nanas 'cause they're a PITA!

C'ya Joe. :peace:

For a while there he was just the happiest guy in town....
A single guy in a room full of horny chicks.... Damm.....

Did he smoke a cigarette afterwords??? :cool:
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