Landrace Genetics 101

I know, it puts off a lot of growers, creates a kind of filter too. But if you want the real thing there are no shortcuts. I really grow outdoor only now although I dabbled in indoor few times in my life. In my climate the latest sativa I picked was around 3rd week of October (northern Indian charas plant), so I'm hoping for not much more with this strain. I'm also happy to tell you there are certain techniques or tricks if you will to cut overall growing time of these strains indoor like starting from 12/12 and switching to 11/13 after just 4 weeks or growing on 11/13 straight, using different angle of lighting, adding supplemental UVB lamps, keeping the soil nitrogen very low or high RH throughout the grow. It's also not that difficult to minimise the stretching via LST... other fellow members will give you more good advice I'm sure.
I know, it puts off a lot of growers, creates a kind of filter too. But if you want the real thing there are no shortcuts. I really grow outdoor only now although I dabbled in indoor few times in my life. In my climate the latest sativa I picked was around 3rd week of October (northern Indian charas plant), so I'm hoping for not much more with this strain. I'm also happy to tell you there are certain techniques or tricks if you will to cut overall growing time of these strains indoor like starting from 12/12 and switching to 11/13 after just 4 weeks or growing on 11/13 straight, using different angle of lighting, adding supplemental UVB lamps, keeping the soil nitrogen very low or high RH throughout the grow. It's also not that difficult to minimise the stretching via LST... other fellow members will give you more good advice I'm sure.

i've done a couple of those techniques and others with great results..
A scrog screen can handle anything if you keep on top of it. As far as the flowering time- it helps a lot to have a perpetual grow with a bunch of different stuff going on, so there are frequent harvests, and you don't really notice as much.
I was blessed to have started smoking and growing weed in the mid 70s. From Nam / Asian weeds 15 an oz. Next came stemy seedy Mexican of widely varying quality 10 to 25 an oz. The best of the Mexican had a spicey earthy flavor combined at times with a hashy flowery exhale. Whether were a bunch of giggly horny idiots because of that weed or just because we were a bunch of giggly horny idiots because of genetics....its like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop...the world may never know. Next came the Columbians ..some times brown...sometimes brown and green.... and finally the reds and golds...Prices started at 25....High when they first came up. Who in my age group didnt complain about the amount of seeds and shake on Columbian and Mexican in the day? But some of my most memorable...highs...(you know when you all of a sudden you realized that you had been sitting in your bibbs staring at your bare feet for 15 minutes that felt like an hour and that feet are really weird looking but at the same time have a beauty born of utility!!! Or was that just me?) came from smoking some of those spicy rich multilayered red and gold Columbians. And dont forget the Rainbows. Even if they seemed incredibly expensive at 35 or even 40 an ounce. Quarters at 100 to 120. Then came Thai sticks...blonde, red and finally black hashes and oils . Man I really have smoked a huge amount of marijuana in all of its forms. Which all of this brings me to this...there is some Oaxcan Zipolite landrace out there still. Conradino another excellent job on your part. Always a pleasure my friend. Best of luck in all you grow!

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Ace's site is carrying a pack of 10 x zipolite and 10 x alcapolca gold that are a special release of bohdi.

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.
Yep I saw it, however the price is a little bit steep for seeds from a bud scored on a beach.
So... I have sourced 2 different sets of landrace Lebanese seeds for this year's grow from a friend in Europe. I am looking forward to a tasty early fall harvest this year and a nice crop of seeds crossing the two lots. No modern strain grows for me this year. I like GDP, but it is very prone to PM. Good high and taste though, and my favorite of the ones that I grew last summer (Blue Dream, GDP, White Widow, and OG Kush). OG Kush is my least favorite of the lot. Rougher taste, scattering high and does not do that much for me. Great fresh bud smell to it though. I have more weed than I can smoke here now...
I've been thinking about getting Leb, but the only one offered on the market is by Real Seed Company (UK), and they reproduced it indoor outside Lebanon.
I wonder if Black Sabbath would ever even have thought of the song "Sweetleaf" if cannabis then was like cannabis today...
As far as I can tell, ain't nuthin "sweet" about the new stuff, certainly not the flavor.

I got some so-called Acapulco Gold seeds from Barney's and someday I'll find out how close to the real deal they can be, grown here at 39° North.
Have you tried sugar black rose ? It's really sweet with a spicey exhale afternote lovely

dinafem blue widow-white widow& delicious sugar black rose
I've been thinking about getting Leb, but the only one offered on the market is by Real Seed Company (UK), and they reproduced it indoor outside Lebanon.

Ya, that is an issue. One of my two strains was collected by a grower in Europe in 2012. I am pretty sure that is the real deal. The other is an earlier sourced Leb strain from a seed company in 2009 when they sold them as landrace seeds sourced from the Bekaa Valley. Or so they say. One can never be sure with seed companies. These seeds have been grown out in the UK though, and they seem to be true to form. Short, compact, early ripening, and they turn red when exposed to cold weather in the fall (rather than purple like Leb27). They were also tested out at nearly a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, which is what I am after.

I mean, why re-invent the wheel when a high CBD strain has long since been developed?

Anyway, I hope these babies germinate and I can produce a lot of F1 seeds from them.
Doing some digging around about Lebanese growing history... (asking myself, is it really a landrace?)

Supposedly Syria and Lebanon only became major hashish exporters after the Greek hashish prohibition in 1932. That was after the much earlier ban on hash in Egypt and before 1932 when hashish was generally supplied to Egypt from Turkey and Greece (former Ottoman Empire states). Supposedly in 1944 during WWII British and Allied forces destroyed seven million sq. meters of Cannabis plants in the Levant and in 1945 the Lebanese authorities claim to have destroyed 22 million square meters of Cannabis being cultivated there. Since then there have been several booms and busts of the Lebanese hash growing industry.

So in a short 12 year period, hashish production had ramped up rapidly in Lebanon between 1932 and 1944. I have to wonder if the weed was there in Lebanon before the Greek ban on hash production, or was Lebanon just one place in the Ottoman Empire that Cannabis was grown and made in to Hashish on a smaller local scale, and then ramped up rapidly after the bans to feed the Egyptian diet? Like the weed boom in Colombia after the Mexican paraquat debacle? Weed was grown in Colombia long before 1975 and there was a reasonable market for it here in the states, but it was grown on a much much smaller and localized regional scale. Then it boomed and there was all this Colombian weed around in the late 1970s.
Doing some digging around about Lebanese growing history... (asking myself, is it really a landrace?)

Supposedly Syria and Lebanon only became major hashish exporters after the Greek hashish prohibition in 1932. That was after the much earlier ban on hash in Egypt and before 1932 when hashish was generally supplied to Egypt from Turkey and Greece (former Ottoman Empire states). Supposedly in 1944 during WWII British and Allied forces destroyed seven million sq. meters of Cannabis plants in the Levant and in 1945 the Lebanese authorities claim to have destroyed 22 million square meters of Cannabis being cultivated there. Since then there have been several booms and busts of the Lebanese hash growing industry.

So in a short 12 year period, hashish production had ramped up rapidly in Lebanon between 1932 and 1944. I have to wonder if the weed was there in Lebanon before the Greek ban on hash production, or was Lebanon just one place in the Ottoman Empire that Cannabis was grown and made in to Hashish on a smaller local scale, and then ramped up rapidly after the bans to feed the Egyptian diet? Like the weed boom in Colombia after the Mexican paraquat debacle? Weed was grown in Colombia long before 1975 and there was a reasonable market for it here in the states, but it was grown on a much much smaller and localized regional scale. Then it boomed and there was all this Colombian weed around in the late 1970s.

7 Million sq meters here , 22 million sq meters there - these are claims made by drug enforcement agencies, right? So basically bedtime stories for "law and order" citizens.

Asilomar (lovely place) - California IBL from landraces around the world

I just read this thread in the last 3-4 days, all caught up, and I must say Big Sur (also a lovely place) you are a font of knowledge and....
well just because I love a good joke... but I mean it ...
You are also a breath of fresh air.


(photo from my bathroom 5 minutes ago - I shit you not :) )
7 Million sq meters here , 22 million sq meters there - these are claims made by drug enforcement agencies, right? So basically bedtime stories for "law and order" citizens.

No drug enforcement agencies in the middle east during WWII that I am aware of. A massive world war was raging then. Likely this information was just recorded in some military ledger someplace. The British had just barely held onto Egypt in 1942 when Romel was advancing across north Africa. Likely they were just getting things back under control again in '44.

Asilomar (lovely place) - California IBL from landraces around the world

I also lived near Asilomar for several years out on the end of Lighthouse Ave in Pacific Grove (or PG as everyone calls it there). Fog capital of the world. No place to grow weed. Nice place though. It USED to be cheap to live there as well. We paid $400 a month for a 2 bedroom house there. Try $4 GRAND a month rent there now.

I just read this thread in the last 3-4 days, all caught up, and I must say Big Sur (also a lovely place) you are a font of knowledge and....
well just because I love a good joke... but I mean it ...
You are also a breath of fresh air.

Oh man, the people of Big Sewer should sue over that.

Alas, Big Sur is a shambles right now. After huge fires in the summer of '16, now they are closed off after flooding in early '17. Polo Colorado road is completely washed out and was a raging river in February. Landslides closed much of Highway 1 from the Carmel Highlands all the way to San Simeon. The Big Sur Inn was completely flooded out. And now the Pfeiffer Canyon bridge has been destroyed by a landslide and Highway 1 will be closed for a LEAST A YEAR cutting Big Sur in two while CalTrans removes and replaces the bridge. The bridge literally collapsed as one of the supports was pushed out by a land slide on one side of the canyon. That will put a MASSIVE dent in tourism there, and mean that you can only go to the south half of Big Sur from San Louis Obispo, or to the north half of Big Sur from Monterey/Carmel. Ventena, Nepenthe, and Eselen are on the South side, Rocky Point, Pfeiffer State Park, and Fernwood are on the north side. Its going to be devastating to the community, and to all the business there.
Alas, Big Sur is a shambles right now. After huge fires in the summer of '16, now they are closed off after flooding in early '17. Polo Colorado road is completely washed out and was a raging river in February. Landslides closed much of Highway 1 from the Carmel Highlands all the way to San Simeon. The Big Sur Inn was completely flooded out. And now the Pfeiffer Canyon bridge has been destroyed by a landslide and Highway 1 will be closed for a LEAST A YEAR cutting Big Sur in two while CalTrans removes and replaces the bridge. The bridge literally collapsed as one of the supports was pushed out by a land slide on one side of the canyon. That will put a MASSIVE dent in tourism there, and mean that you can only go to the south half of Big Sur from San Louis Obispo, or to the north half of Big Sur from Monterey/Carmel. Ventena, Nepenthe, and Eselen are on the South side, Rocky Point, Pfeiffer State Park, and Fernwood are on the north side. Its going to be devastating to the community, and to all the business there.

Wow .. wow and wow!

That is tragic. I caught my first trout at Pfeiffer State Park, then swam in the river pool after the fish got wary.
Years later I got a ticket for illegal camping when I pulled my motorcycle to the side of the road at night and slept because I was low on gas and the gas stations were closed at night. Highway 1 was basically closed at night to anyone with a 3.2 gallon gas tank. This is closed, closed. I had heard Highway 1 had been closed for a few years up near Devil's Slide/Pacifica/Halfmoon bay - but you don't expect things to be closed that far south. - Thats about 150 miles of coastline that will be ignored by tourists - probably all the way down to Morro Bay. Wow! I'm shocked.

Thanks for taking my joke about fresh air as it was intended. Yu really are an interesting character.
Well, the road to Big Sur has been closed before. Many landslides took out some very large sections over the years. But they are usually to the south of Big Sur proper past Lucia or north of Pacific Valley. I have spent much time there myself, up and down that coast from well, actually from El Rosario in Baja to Campbell River, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Highway 1 north of Bodega Bay has gates that often times close in winter through to the mouth of the Anderson Valley. That goes up through Sea Ranch, Gualala, Anchor Bay and Point Arena. Hurricane Point up here in Oregon just south of Cannon Beach often closes on Highway1/101. The Devil's Slide Highway 1 closure was around a rather short section of road for re-construction when I lived in the SF Bay Area, but no one was cut off like they are now in Big Sur. Basically it is split in two. They are working on a walk path around Pfeiffer Canyon for locals to walk back and forth, and a turn-arond for northern traffic at the Ranger Station. CalTrans completely failed with their attempt to use a wreaking ball to tear down the bridge in a controlled demolition this week, and they have gone back to the drawing board. That bridge is tough and so far is not giving any way, though it remains in a dangerous buckled state. YouTube has coverage of it and other Big Sur road issues on Channel 8 news. Supposedly they are re-opening Highway 1 south from The Carmel Highlands to the closed bridge in Big Sur at the end of this week. We shall see if that actually happens though. I was supposed to be reopened by now.

I smoked a lot of good weed in and from the Big Sur area. I have a lot of fond memories of GFs that I went there with over the years, and one that I lived with for a while on Partington Ridge. My brother and friends used to drop acid there a lot on Pfeiffer Beach. I never liked doing acid, so I was always the designated driver. I also used to go to Big Sur a lot on my motorcycles as well, well over 100 times when I lived on the Monterey Peninsula. I had a GS750 that I rode hard and fast down there as often as I could. I was a fixture at Nepenthe for a while. Their specialty there is a tequila sunset drink. They also threw great zodiac parties. I do not know how many bands I have seen at the River Inn. I had a scholarship to stay at Eselen when I was in college one year. That was a peak moment in my life. Ah... well, I wish them luck.
So, I got a lead that a local dispensary is selling seeded weed here for $15 an eighth with tax, so I am on my way to check them out. Supposed to have some modern strains and Durban Poison seeded tops. For the price of a few beans, I get the weed for free! Or is it the other way around? Retro 1970s seeded weed for late 1970s prices! The true meaning of free seeds! Of course they could be immature or crap seeds germinated from a nearby hemp farm. And yes, likely not great for breeding. But... for growing home grown? Should be fine.

This year's landrace grow is going to be wild: tall Durban sativas, short red Lebbies, and goofy Ganja. Durban is supposed to be a higher CBD strain at about 1%. Durban is also early blooming and hardy, as well as an old school sativa. Durban Poison is a "landrace" from South Africa that is really a transplant of a trippy mind blowing Thai landrace strain. Can't wait to smoke some Durban this afternoon. And plant some seeds later tonight. Happy days are here again! Or is it Hippie days are here again? Where is my tie dyed t-shirt? Break out the vinyl records!
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