Lembatoast's 2017 - Last Hurrah - Grow Journal

The 2 plants that I harvested last Friday were dry so I jarred them.
I ended up with 6 oz's of Bud, 2 oz's went straight to Shatter Sticks, which are on the dash board of my car as we speak and 1 oz of trim to use in the next round of Shatter. I haven't tried any yet as it's not finished curing, but when I do I will let you know how it is. I will be trying the Shatter Sticks this evening. I will report on that then. TOAST
I don't get it. The bud was under a week old, but the Shatter didn't come Golden, it has a reddish hue to it. Any way the Sticks came out normal. I tried some last night, I did a 5 tapper and didn't think it was enough so I did another one and I was out of it until now. It's real smooth, no cough, no taste really, but smelled a little like burnt cherries on the exhale. Way to, gota go lay downy, for my taste, but will probably make good ointment. I took 3 hits on the pipe, of the bud it self and it wasn't near as sedative as the Shatter, but until it cures more it taste's like Alf Alffa. Over all its pretty decent. The next one to come down is the #1 plant in planter#2 it's less than a week out. The tips of the hairs are all brown but there are no hairs that are completely brown. So its close. TOAST
The heatwave broke here too finally and after some rain it looks like the rest of September will stay in the 70s, which I hope is gonna serve the gals well.
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