Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Last harvest was right about 60 days this harvest 53! I say it's still good enough to get good buzz especially the sour g oh my God you wouldn't believe those buds especially that one super cropped my god there was a lot of juicy buds on that one and in the middle was like one big old clump twice as big as a fists! Felt good and solid too. I don't know if it hurt on being wrapped up like it for almost 18 hours if anything I said it kept them alive a little bit because they was on their stems and they had all their leaves. Now my main concern is drying this shit out here I hope everything goes good with it it is what it is at least I don't have to throw it away I'll still smoke it bugs and all if it gets on it.
Congratulations on the emergency harvest, looks perfectly happy in the boxes. Just keep in mind that temperature doesn't matter anywhere near as much as humidity, so if it's dry out now I definitely would jar them after 2 days and get a reading in them.

It was nice of the realtor to be looking out for your interests with the year lease, since the place has to be harder to sell with a tenant in it!
Congratulations on the emergency harvest, looks perfectly happy in the boxes. Just keep in mind that temperature doesn't matter anywhere near as much as humidity, so if it's dry out now I definitely would jar them after 2 days and get a reading in them.

It was nice of the realtor to be looking out for your interests with the year lease, since the place has to be harder to sell with a tenant in it!
You're right about that brother can't control the humidity outside temperature's going to be 75 tomorrow it says humidity supposed to be around 35% the same for the next day I got jars on hand and ready!
Sad part about it he was cool as hell he wasn't even looking in or around shit I could have put up my projector to cover the tent you wouldn't have been able to see it! But rather be safe than sorry! Bet your ass on that one! And yeah I'm going to take a chance drying it outside animals can't get to it ain't no way , but bugs I don't know about them. Im in the drying process now so maybe I'll be okay.
Congratulations on the emergency harvest, looks perfectly happy in the boxes. Just keep in mind that temperature doesn't matter anywhere near as much as humidity, so if it's dry out now I definitely would jar them after 2 days and get a reading in them.

It was nice of the realtor to be looking out for your interests with the year lease, since the place has to be harder to sell with a tenant in it!
It's not in a box it's in a metal cabinet sitting outside underneath my deck this is how it sets now and how I got it cracked for air so animals can't get in it.

Congratulations on the emergency harvest, looks perfectly happy in the boxes. Just keep in mind that temperature doesn't matter anywhere near as much as humidity, so if it's dry out now I definitely would jar them after 2 days and get a reading in them.

It was nice of the realtor to be looking out for your interests with the year lease, since the place has to be harder to sell with a tenant in it!
Honestly though shed you see my trichome shots everything that has been going on that was like 5 days ago on those pics! You think I'm okay My shit should be good for real I think I know the sour G will be I seen mostly cloudy tricoms on every bud I looked at. As far as the pizookies couple buds had a little clear but most of them was cloudy as well. So I say the buzz will be there.
Now hopefully I ain't got to worry about freaking bugs! I knew that cheese cloth would come in handy! Now I can open the doors wide as I want instead of a crack birds or nothing can't go in now! It's the only reason why I had it cracked just a little was fear of birds and squirrels. Before I go to bed I'll see what the humidity is if it's high I'll crack at a tad and I'm going to put a piece of plastic over it so no dew hit it until I wake up then open the door time and see where it's at tomorrow evening

Well I'm going to set this little darling up for a day or two cuz I don't think that's going to work. I think I'm okay now to at least get by for two or three days I'll hook exhaust up to it and put a fan in there I had to clean out first I'm going to do it tomorrow when I wake up and burn one then I'll get it assembled and put the bud in there. I looked in there and said humidity 80%.

What normally gets stored in that box under the porch with the cigarette butts?
Nothing I had just recently painted it on the outside I sprayed it out with water really good and let it dry in the sun and then I put newspaper down and then the bud like I said tomorrow I'll cleaning that tent out that's where I was growing tomatoes and that chard that I've kept alive for 3 years!!! Lmao damn things got to stalk 2 in thick! But anyways I'ma clean that out tomorrow and set it up even with the high humidity hell they'll be good till then I believe I'm just tired bro I'll have all that set up by tomorrow afternoon I'll have the vivo son fan in there and like I said I'll have that exhaust so then I'll see where my humidity is settle after a couple hours then I'll decide on turning on the Vicks or not if I need it should be all good
Got it set up and ready to roll charcoal filter fan for air circulation and I'm going to have the buds laying on some newspaper. I hope it ain't fuck them upsetting out in that high humidity and being wrapped up like that for that 12 hours or 15 I should say they don't look like there's anything wrong with them they just need to dry. Time to get them transferred
Well here we go here's what we're sitting at and I just turned on the Vicks! In your opinion shed when I had it wrapped up for like 18 hours and then it sit out here and high humidity from the looks of the buds they look okay do you think I'm going to be okay? Now that I got it perfect conditions for it. That was my humidity without the Vicks by the way I just turned it on I will turn off and turn on as needed when humidity rises to I don't know what maximum is in drying maybe 65° humidity. And nothing know higher I don't know.

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