Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

haha, Colesdad , If I use Smokesara series, what will happen? hahaha.

500pages. :circle-of-love:
I dunno, I still like Mars-hydro Colesdad........ :cheesygrinsmiley:

Another thing, I'm even more awesome now, this is my 300th post!
factory asked me when will the new lights arrive at testers home, they are waiting for their suggestions, then we can make more lights. we need to do some change if we get better suggestion:):circle-of-love:
Is Sara a real person? She could be a T1000 sent back here to sell led panels, then in the near future they will come alive and steal all our plants.......

Hmmmm, I'm real, and Dennise is real. What are you Sara, a real person or a Skynet cyborg planning to grab all of our ccannibis?

You must give Dennise and I lots of free lights before we can trust that you are indeed a real person. :cheesygrinsmiley:

For Sara. A T1000 is a fictional robot from the Terminator movies series and Skynet is basically the self-aware computer program trying to destroy all humans.
Thank you, Sara, and thank you everyone. I will be ordering, as soon as I can. :)
SOL and Helios were used, only Polaris now:)

polaris is neat. sirius is the brightest star after the sun. polestar series? sirius series? it's really you up to you guys. hyper is good and I like mars and reflector. the moon reflects the sun so you could even name reflector series lunar series. pulsar series is another name that comes to mind.

I'm going to run 2 plants under the old model 100 x 3w at 12/12 from seed and see how I yield. the two seeds are in a cup of water as we speak :)

I hope my english explanations are not too difficult for you and you find my feedback useful. It's very nice when mfgrs are responsive to problems reports, even if they are pretty minor.

I tried a few sockets on PC's I own and found that all IEC 320 sockets taper and use a press fit like a cork in a bottle to help hold the connector in the socket. The sockets MH are using work just fine, but they require a lot more force to get the cord to seat in the socket than the typical piece of consumer equipment. Although it's harder to plug in properly, the tight fit makes it less likely to wiggle loose. Perhaps the tight fit is a feature, not a bug :)

This connector is not really designed to terminate a regularly flexing cable. I've often seen the right angle end cord with cable to case clamps I mentioned on rack mount equipment which pulls out from the rack for service. If the clamps are not used, the power cords can easily become unplugged as the equipment is moved. The same issue happens when lights are raised and lowered. Bouncing power sources are pretty hard on equipment. Perhaps this is one of causes of the PS failures. I know one of my lights went blinkety, blink a bunch of times until I plugged it in better. I always worry about my electronics when I see that happen.

yeah, post less than 50, you can not send PM, could you send me email?

I'd like to PM you with my contact info, but the site won't let me due to low post count.
It won't event let me post as a visitor. :(
RE: New light model N=name ideas.

How about "Rose"? It's considered a regal flower in the US and not taken :)

I am just wondering, why not use "Sun" directly. :peace: Sun series. we will use CREE, pro-sun series. haha.
Some pictures of my current grow.

Looking forward to watch some PAR-meter readings vid with the new panel!
And I really hope the new fans are more quiet, getting 52db out of my Mars II 400, same db with my Mars II 900s too.
Other than that I cannot complain :)
Looking forward to watch some PAR-meter readings vid with the new panel!
And I really hope the new fans are more quiet, getting 52db out of my Mars II 400, same db with my Mars II 900s too.
Other than that I cannot complain :)

I turn the new light on, quieter than mars II, but also has sound.
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