MaxYields' First Grow - Warlock - Alien Dawg - Berry Garcia - CFL Closet Grow

Beautilful setup MaxYields! Lets talk wattage and numbers for a minute as i believe your numbers are off a little.

Your LED is 330 draw wattage and this is the wattage you have to go by when talking numbers. Your LED will produce 11.78 ounces at 1.0 grams per wattage. If you ware shooting for .5 grams a wattage you would be looking at 5.89 ounces. Its all about the draw wattage and I have not seen a LED produce more than 1 gram per draw wattage. Just to let you know theirs no way that 330 draw wattage is equal to a 1100 watt HID system... Thats just crazy talk. (The website is BS if they claim it). Just though i would post this information for you so you can set your expectations and know what you are going to get per these lights you have!

I believe with those beautiful plants, with good care you can easily pull the 1 gram per watt with your setup!!! You have done an awesome job on them and dont think you will have a problem hitting the numbers.

If its at the two week mark i would start letting them grow upwards and stop tucking because you are running out of stretch time and all your buds will form under the screen if they dont stretch above it! Again awesome setup and congratz on the new gear!!!


Thanks Hunter!

I realize now I that I was confused on which wattage to go off of (actual draw or equivalent) I was using 700W when I should have been using 330W in my equations haha... :oops:

Anyways, I was never talking in terms of this grow anyway when I was talking about possible yields. Although I am extremely happy with this grow, there is no doubt much room for improvement and I would be kidding myself if I didn't admit to making several avoidable mistakes, that will definitely effect my end yield and quality.. but I'm glad I was able to learn so much during only one grow.

I started to let my ladies grow upwards about 3 or 4 days ago, so they should be finishing their stretch in the next few days and hopefully I will have a canopy of buds that I am pleased with.

Couple of things to keep in mind Max

#1 Your total yield is a result of many factors, not just light although that is one of the main ones. Just not the only one. Lest just say that your new lamp will blow you away. Try not to think in terms of "I'm going for xyz ounces". I know it is extremely difficult not to think in those terms when you do this. But believe me when I tell you, your harvest will make you and your homeys very, very happy. And every harvest beyond that will be better as you sharpen your skill. After a few harvests, you will understand what I mean about not really caring anymore if you get x or y weight because you will find that it makes no difference. Once harvest start coming in, you will never run out or have to buy again.

#2 Regarding not having the experience to pull the weight? I don't claim to know everything, but you're definitely not alone bro. I can swing by anytime.

Thanks so much Seraphim, you have really been a huge help in this whole process and I definitely wouldn't be where I am without ya!

I definitely understand not looking at my grow in terms of a final weight, I definitely have been a little overly excited about my new gear and in my excitement I miscalculated some things, however I am not discouraged and nor should I be. It was never really about the end weight for me, I enjoy the actual care taking of such interesting plants more than anything, the end weight is fun to think about though... all of that bud!

Anyways, I am so excited about how much I have already learned and how bright my future in growing looks. I have your beautiful contribution to my garden back in fifth gear and she will start getting interesting soon, I have four Auto Seeds on the way to experiment with and harvest while I grow a monster Strawberry Diesel. I also will be entering the realm of High Brix growing in a harvest or two. Not to mention outdoor grows will start too take off here in a few months. So much to look forward too.

Thank you so much for offering your help my friend, lord knows there will probably be times when I need it. Besides chillin' with an experienced gardener in any garden would be a ton of fun, we will make something happen.

I am so stoked for you..:yahoo: You are going to love this light!!! My last harvest was from under 2 Mars II 400's and is by far the best I have ever grown and off my Black Jack I had a 21 gram nug dried.... It's posted up in my regular journal and on the Mars-Hydro thread... they tell me on 420 if you don't post a pic it didn't happen...:)..I love my Top Led/ Mars-Hydro's and I'm a real person...:goof:...:circle-of-love:

Thank you very much for your positive energy Dennise! I am super excited on my new lamp to say the least, and I believe I can already see a difference. Not to mention how professional my garden looks now!! I am super interested in other growers success with the 700W or similar Mars II lights, so I will definitely be checking out your journal.. and that nug!
Greetings from down under Max, I know i am very late into this grow but subbing anyway as i want to see your results using this light. Cheers :)
Greetings from down under Max, I know i am very late into this grow but subbing anyway as i want to see your results using this light. Cheers :)

Greeting from Up Top Bonzmoking! Excited to have you along, you made it just in time for the exciting part, so don't feel to bad my friend!

I am super excited about my new light (as I have already said hundreds of times haha) and I can't wait to see what she can do for me. I have no doubt she will be the turning point of this garden. Enjoy the show and I hope you get the information you need about the light! If you want anything specific don't be hesitant to ask! I am to please!

Thanks again to EVERYONE for the continued support in my Journal. I am so thankful I found such a positive and helpful community.I want to especially thank Seraphim and HunterNitro, they have offered much help and have taught me a lot. Extremely thankful.
Greeting from Up Top Bonzmoking! Excited to have you along, you made it just in time for the exciting part, so don't feel to bad my friend!

I am super excited about my new light (as I have already said hundreds of times haha) and I can't wait to see what she can do for me. I have no doubt she will be the turning point of this garden. Enjoy the show and I hope you get the information you need about the light! If you want anything specific don't be hesitant to ask! I am to please!

Thanks mate if i need to ask you something i certainly won't hesitate to ask. That is why i love this website everyone if so nice and helpful. cheers again mate, and happy growing to you :)
-- UPDATE :: JANUARY 21 :: DAY 17 FLOWER --​

Hey 420magazine! I hope everyone's garden is green and growing, I know mine sure is! This grow keeps getting more and more exciting, every day closer to harvest the more anxious I get! So with todays update I will give you some insight on how I have been tending to my ladies, changes made to the grow room, and so forth! So without any ado, let us begin!!


  • Nutrient Feeding on Monday January 18 (one day late) : 1 gallon Denver Tap // 15 ml Big Bloom // 5 ml Grow Big // 10 ml Tiger Bloom // 5 ml Blackstrap Molasses
  • Leaves were droopy and some were dried up on feeding day, obvious signs of under watering. All bounced back within the last few days.
  • Pistils are starting to shoot, lots of tops on this lady.
  • Foliar Feeding today Wednesday January 21 : 1 qt Denver Tap // .5 ml Super Thrive // 2 ml Cal-Mag Plus

  • Nutrient Feeding on Monday January 18 (one day late) : 1 gallon Denver Tap // 15 ml Big Bloom // 5 ml Grow Big // 10 ml Tiger Bloom // 5 ml Blackstrap Molasses
  • No signs of under watering, lots of compact growth above the Trellis.
  • Over all, this has been a VERY resilient plant.
  • Foliar Feeding today Wednesday January 21 : 1 qt Denver Tap // .5 ml Super Thrive // 2 ml Cal-Mag Plus

  • Nutrient Feeding on Monday January 18 (one day late) : 1 gallon Denver Tap // 15 ml Big Bloom // 5 ml Grow Big // 10 ml Tiger Bloom // 5 ml Blackstrap Molasses
  • Tops of this plant are VERY compact and flat... each top is sort of like a table top, very interesting growth, as if each top is growing against a glass ceiling.
  • Pistils started shooting 3 days before other two ladies.
  • The bud spots are stacked perfectly up each shoot.
  • Foliar Feeding today Wednesday January 21 : 1 qt Denver Tap // .5 ml Super Thrive // 2 ml Cal-Mag Plus

Without any further ado, her are some pictures of the ladies.... I got some close ups of the little baby buds. :love::love::love:

Top view of the Trellis. Warlock covers the left half and Berry Garcia the right.

Vertical growth on Warlock.

Vertical growth on Berry Garcia.

Just wanted to add this little tidbit of info: for the first three days the L.E.D. was in the tent I had it 25" above the canopy... this light is WAY more powerful than my DIY C.F.L. Hood and I wanted to give the ladies time to adjust. On the fourth day the L.E.D. was in the tent I lowered it to 18" exactly above the canopy (probably around 15"-17" now due to growth) and the ladies are loving it. Even more awesome is I gave the ladies their Foliar Feeding today at 1:30pm (2.5 hours after lights on) and it evaporated very quickly and left zero light burns. Everyone is always concerned about the droplets causing damage... I see no harm :love::love:

Close ups of the Warlock.

Close ups of the Berry Garcia.

The Alien Dawg... Very excited with her budding so far, did not expect this.

That's all for now! I forgot to take a picture of the thermometer, but this light has done wonders for my environment.... Day time temps are hovering around 83* and night time temps around 72*.... 68* on colder nights. The R.H. has been around 35-40% during the day and 25-30% during the night. So happy I am growing on this level now, these plants should produce quality medicine regardless of the damage I have caused.

Hope you all enjoy the update.. more to come!!

May your gardens produce lush green flowers for you and your loved ones!!!
They look awesome man!! Great job!!!
SCROG is looking awesome man! Good job. Beautiful!

Thanks Hunter! I was kind of curious, I have been referencing your Soil Papaya Journal for basically everything I needed to know about ScrOGing... And it looks like you tucked for a full two weeks of stretch? Am I reading that correctly? I hope my canopy looks even remotely as good as your Papaya's canopy... There are some empty spots but I am optimistic it will look nice:)

They look awesome man!! Great job!!!

Thanks Seraphim, as always you are a driving force behind my interest and success (I hope success?) in Cannabis Horticulture.

Looking realy good max and I love the simple set up very organized.

Thanks a lot my man! I really REALLY am liking my Grow Tent.... I am a very organized individual and being that I am in Architecture school... Aesthetics are extremely important to me. So it is only natural that I want my Grow Tent to be as organized and neat as possible:)
I was also curious.... From my research it seems like the general consensus on Defoliation for a ScrOG grow is;

First Defoliation (under the Trellis) of EVERYTHING unimportant, on Flower day 21...
Second Defoliation (whole plant) to expose more bud to the light, on Flower day 45...

Am I correct? Because it seems like the stretch on these ladies has come to an end, and I don't want to defoliate to late and shock the plants.

Thanks everyone!
Here is KingJohnC's Defoliation method:

You should defoliate in vegetative growth 7-10 days before flowering to remove excess fan leaves and open more light to branches and nodes that become bud sites and colas. I defoliate in vegetative growth by removing any fan leaves that are excessively shading the branches and nodes to encourage the nodes to grow larger and produce more colas. I use Low Stress Training to tie the branches of my plants to the outer edge of the rim of the pots and each branch becomes its own bud site and cola. When I defoliate in preparation for flower I leave no more then 4 fan leaves at each growing top and remove the majority of the fan leaves, any fan leaf that shades a top and lower growth, this is a perfect time to select cuttings to root as clones from the plants you are about to place into flower. I defoliate in flower at days 21-25 of flower when the stretch phase has ended by removing lower growth that will not produce anything except for popcorn bud and any fan leaf that shades a bud site and again if required at day 45.
Here is KingJohnC's Defoliation method:

You should defoliate in vegetative growth 7-10 days before flowering to remove excess fan leaves and open more light to branches and nodes that become bud sites and colas. I defoliate in vegetative growth by removing any fan leaves that are excessively shading the branches and nodes to encourage the nodes to grow larger and produce more colas. I use Low Stress Training to tie the branches of my plants to the outer edge of the rim of the pots and each branch becomes its own bud site and cola. When I defoliate in preparation for flower I leave no more then 4 fan leaves at each growing top and remove the majority of the fan leaves, any fan leaf that shades a top and lower growth, this is a perfect time to select cuttings to root as clones from the plants you are about to place into flower. I defoliate in flower at days 21-25 of flower when the stretch phase has ended by removing lower growth that will not produce anything except for popcorn bud and any fan leaf that shades a bud site and again if required at day 45.

Awesome, thanks for the post Hunter! I am anxious to trim her up, cant wait for this Sunday!

Although KJC says here that he defoliates "days 21-25"... So is he suggesting to do it slowly? Or is it a better idea just to strip her?

Thanks again.
I believe that is meant that you have that timeline to defoliate and his method is usually all at once.

MaxYields, Personally I no longer recommend defoliation. I like to post the correct information and let you make the choice on what and how you want to grow. I say try every method!!! Thats what i do and always try new things. I HATE to see these growers that chop there whole girl up in veg and then post 2 weeks later "awesome recovery". This is kinda "ignorant" to me as if you never cut the girl up there would be NO recovery and your growth would be twice as much. Also, there is a difference in cutting some fan leaves that are shading than some of this defoliation i see on the site! There again i just try and give the correct information and let the grower decide their method! I know what works for me =)

I have saw double the growth rate and so much healthier plant on my current grow with no defoliation. My next upcoming grow will be 3-5 plants SCROGGED with no defoliation unless its some under the net small colas that would need to be cut off. If i have to cut anything off it will be one at a time every day or so. What i have found is the key is no stress and you will be rewarded. Try different things and find your style!

I agree no defoliation. Tried and and growth slowed. Tried it side by side on a couple grows with clones a few years ago after reading the debates on the internet and thinking it seems like it makes sense. Saw slight decrease on yield on defoliated plant.
But I know how strongly many will debate it, perhaps it is strain dependant. It sure saves me hours of work.
Anyway I don't feel like debating its been done to death. Look up the debates and do your research and decide what is best for you. Hell do a side by side. :cool:
Although I will say I'm not against cutting the dead leaves out and the areas where crowding has bunched them up I will cut a few to prevent mold from extra dense vegetation. On also thin the bottom as well to prevent mold but not bare for 8" like some do. My very bottom popcorn buds with no defoliation and not much penetration look like this. They say "if you shave it, it looks bigger"; and maybe it does but it's not. :winkyface:
And to be honest I defoliated heavy for years thinking the beautiful recovery of new leaves was great. I thought it was good because the internet made solid logical arguments for it. But I thought I was seeing a slow In growth after defo. so I did a few grows with 1 defo and one not to see results of slightly less yield. So I had spent many hours defoliation my plants over the years to get slightly less yield. Hope that can save you my wasted time by STARTING with the side by side :winkyface:
Just skimming to get caught up here but eery thing looks great!! Nice job. That Mars is so effing sweet - I want one! I'll chime in a little on the defoil in a small debate on DK's thread but let it go. Haha! Unless you have to defoil to keep a plant inside of a small grow dpace, it makes no sense scientifically. A mature fan can have 20"sq. of surface area or more...chopping it to expose a few little tiny things with less surface area will stunt your plant. Period. Again, if you're trimming because of a size constraint or because you are trying to create a certain type of growth form then do it..but even then it will stunt your plant.

Enough of that. Thanks for stopping by my journal, great to stop in on yours! Subbed.

Oooo a defoliation debate. I love it :) still torn in the middle myself :) lol.
Oooo a defoliation debate. I love it :) still torn in the middle myself :) lol.

Haha I am so torn now!!! :smokin::smokin:

I see interesting results on other peoples journals but never a side by side examination.... I may not defoil since several people can speak to experience, and it seems like my ladies are doing that themselves under the net... a lot of the leaves are shriveled up and droopin' and some have already fallen off...

I feel like I will take off all popcorn bud sites under the net.... Do you guys think if I did that slowly after day 21 it would contribute to the weight of the buds above the net?
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