Miwa's 3rd Inside Grow

nice harvest my friend, well done looks and sounds very nice,

now for the grafting, ill be giving it a try myself in a day or 2, just make sure you got a good guide so you know the best place to have the V cut at the node, then you need to make sure its sealed so air dont get in then it should take,

anyways not sure where you got the indica sativa info from, both indica and sativa have hollow main stems, if the side branches get thick enough then their also both hollow, its not the hollow part you need to graft though, you want a nice side branch as cutting and place this into a branch at a node that has the same stem width, that is what ive read and what ill be trying,

but indicas are hollow, i know as i was tempted to start injecting something inside the plants to give them a boost but never got round to testing that, but my sativas main stems are hollow and side branches are not if their not hunky, the same with indica, main stem is hollow, the bigger the stem the bigger the tube in the middle, so skinny plants wouldnt be hollow but both sativa and indica have hollow stems on the main trunk part and big side branches, so it should be possible to graft any plant to any plant,

i was at my moms the other day and she has got a tree thats been grafted in her back gardern, she has lived their for 30 years so its been grafted long before she moved in, anyways she has got an apple tree with 1 trunk, but one side of the tree gives cooking apples and the other side gives very nice sweet eating apples, so i guess any plant can be grafted,

ill keep my fingers crossed for you, what i might try is grafting using rizzla so it creates a tight seal then use tap to prevent light getting in, then another graft im going to attach to the stem and then use honey on the outside to create a seal before using rizzla or tap to keep it free from problems,

as long as the graft is fully touching all the way around then it should be ok, it needs to be a nice tight seal so the V needs to be the same size, the cutting needs a same size V as the V you cut into the parent plant, now would it be best to have a very short V with a sharp angle, or would a longer V be the bets option so you have more surface area touching, ill try both when i try mine, we know it works so with a bit of practice it should be possible,

give it a try and see what happens, im sure an indica and sativa will take as they both have hollow stems
another method i came across was placing a bag over the cutting so it keeps it moist and stops it from drying out, some seem not to use this method but i think like clones they will lose moisture quick until they take so ill use the bag method and keep the clone alive by spraying it once or twice a day to keep humidity up inside the bag,
also miwa you know the strain hunters vids, well their now showing how they grow plants and thier producing huge yields in very short time, one was kings kush, but here is what i found interesting, they use very low npk nutes, like 1,2,1 for flower, they dont use anything added to bulk the size of buds but they ended up with some huge ass buds and over 4oz per 56 days i think it was,

now this is the strange part, they flushed 3 times during flowering, not because they had problems like sat build up or the plant showing signs of stress, but they flushed 3 times and let the pot totally dry out, they say this allows the most oxygen to get to the roots and this then makes the plant bulk up, it was pretty amazing to see their results, at harvest the leaves had turned purple, now using low NPK nutes seems to of done the trich, they give you all info like temps, ec, humidity etc etc, but this flushing idea was interesting, they said they was using this method as was told to flush at least 3 times during flowering as this gives the roots plenty of oxygen and this then makes the plant pack on weight,

maybe you seen the vids but thought id mention it so you can check it out, the vid i watched was the kings kush vid, huge plant considering the short grow period, they certainly done something right and the flush seems to of really paid off
all the grows I have had have hollow stems. indica or sativa.
Nice pull even if your not happy:)
Really...[ never notice..just read that..didn't get a chance to research..

I should have said I have never done it. I understand the concept. I have a cherry tree that has 3 different varieties on it. :)
i figgued you knew the concept..
yeah...that info on hollow stems..i read on another site..havent did research on it ..about the bag..thats the one i tried..in my last grow..i'll go back and check..i think i lrft that bag on for 2 weeks..it stayed green..3 days after i took the bag off..it died..the reason i don't think the bag is nessesary ..i broke a lot of branches and wrapped them up..i'll try both ways..also gonna check that strain hunter...right now i'm harvesting wormsi..i got a lot of babies...about a pint of castings..gonna make some tea...
Just driving thru Miwa. Grafting, myself I can't see the use in it unless your just boried and want to do alittle exprementing. I did a graft once way back I grafted and it did take, a hops top on a cannabis root. I was wanting something that wood have the THC but not look like a pot plant. I took a spot where the main stem forked and cut it there and grafted straight down into the stem. Kind of like this,

I've never tried grafting side of the stem. Well Miwa GL and Keepem Green
Opps link didn't work out but here's the picture; oh another thing, my partner grafted a marijuana top on a hop root system and it produced thc.

Keepem green
you know your put the hops plant on the thc root, then this surely means you just had a hops plant that was been fed off the roots, it dont turn the hops into cannabis or make it produce thc,

so if their was a cannabis plant at the bottom then hops at the top then you could harvest the bottom half which would be cannabis but the hops would just be plain hops, now if you grafted a cannabis plant onto hops roots then this would produce thc as its just the same as growing the cannabis plant,

the idea me and miwa are doing is to produce 2 or 3 strains growing off the same plant, you get a cannabis plant with side branches, you then get another strain and take a cutting and graft this onto one of the side branches, when it takes you then have 2 strains growing on the same plant, so you could have sativa growing off one branch and the rest be indica,

i dont think you could cut the main stem and attach a plant to that main stem, both the plant your grafting to and the clone have to remain growing so it can relly only be done with the side branches, the rest of the plant needs to remain alive and healthy so it then fees the new graft,

so grafting mj onto hops would just be the same as growing the plant without the hops, but putting hops on mj plant would just still give you hops but growing off an mj plant, so i guess if you grafted the hops onto one of the side branches then the hops would grow and the mj plant will also keep growing, but what miwa is trying to do is have 2 or 3 strains growing off the same plant, this plant could then be transplanted outdoors and it would grow pretty big outdoors and at harvest you would have 2 or 3 strains coming from the one plant, at least thats the idea if the grafting works.

it just saves space and allows you to grow at least 2 strains off the one plant, so you would just be replacing one of the side branches with the cutting from the other strain then that branch would grow out and produce the strain your grafted to it, so an indica sativa plant would be possible, plus if it was trained you could produce a decent sized bush and have a nice yield of both strains,
I have always pondered on the idea of grafting! This thoroughly explains what I have been asking for a while now. Thank you Don Paul ;) Now the next step would be to have two multistrained grafted plants to produce seeds, and see what genetics comes out of that! Interesting!

And Miwa, Your harvest pics look really great!
yeah..that sounds like a Good:idea:Ideal...the way i would do it is graft a male to a female..or vice a versa :cheesygrinsmiley:..and let the plant seed itself..hey..i'l put three females on a male plant...and i got a lot of bagseed to work with...got a head magnifier so i can get that cambrem...however you say it..get it lined up..i'm ready to go..
speaking of bagseed..i put some in water 3 days ago..chechem..

drop them in some jiffy pellets..surround the pellet with medium ..to stop the pellet from drying out too fast..put them under cfls..i'll be ready to play Dr. Miwastine..:)
this bagseed came out of DWC..its now in Sunshine Mix 4...people on line said with this product..do not feed for 1st 3 months...this plant has had no nutes...this is day 52...
nonthing but PHed RO water..and another one...this is a PE clone reveg...this is the last of my reveg..no more..don't want no more reveg...too much trimming..dammmmm.yep...she came out of the cloner straight to the pot..same medium...this is day 31...no feed...now...i got some tea bubbling...made from worm castings my worms made..got mollasses in there...see if they can veg on that diet until the flower rm is cleared...bout 2 months..al so going to be grafting on these two..that bagseed plant may be a male...i topped it once..them side shoots..they're growing bout an inch a day..not too bad ..living off the mixs nutes...save me some money:)...focus...
good evening weed to ya miwa. Your grow is looking great and that hash lady sounds like some fine weed.
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