Mountain Winter Indoor Grow

Girls looking phenomenal as expected.

Completely out of kind for now (plant getting the chop in around 24 hours from now), so down to smoking my #2 outdoor.

Pretty forked up from it! the combination of Green Crack, Crowne Royale, and possibly Cali Kush?,.

From the Internet (with some edits):

How do I get rid of those little bastard flies in my growing soil?

If those little fuckers just won't quit, you can use a solution of water, soap, and stuff in a spray bottle (a spray bottle is used to spray liquids on things and stuff). to spray into the top layer of soil (or pour that shit directly on top). You can also do this with an organic bug soap or Neem oil mixture be very careful with Neem that shit is potent; these natural bug killers should be effective in the elimination after a few treatments. Bringing a extreme painfully slow miserable death to those little son of a bitches that is soon accompanied by a painful eternity in Hell.

Yes. The yellow sticky pads are great!!! Best for preventive/protocol/proactive pest management..
If I find one or two on the yellow sticky I'll apply pressure to eliminate the small fly activity.

Typically topping my pots with clay balls seems to assist in small fly management.

Finally, sanitation from external sources maybe a probable causes.

An example is when going on a brief holiday in the U.S. City of Charlotte, in the U.S. State of North Carolina.
Went to a wedding where the two humans were possibly the least fetching individuals from our species that I have ever encountered. Note: from Mrs. Reading's side of the family.

They have now reproduced and I am praying for some serious hybrid vigor Y'all.

I came home to twenty bottle flies (those big bastards with the shiny green backs) in my veg. tent.

The top of the soil was bone dry and my tent was as clean as i can recall it ever being.
Noticed a moderately damp drain about a yard from my tent, which possessed magots.

The drain on the top looked clean, but about three inches down was a lot of nasty shit of a bio nature.

Pulled my plant from the tent and had a lovely time shooting them with a very potent citric acid solution my employer produces in mass.

Finally cleaning the drain. Resulting in the elimination of my bottle fly friends.

Point being make sure there are no external sanitation factors attracting your small fly friends.

Somebody should write how to books for stoners. lol
Brought home a few different strains that are very high cbd % to try. Dont get me wrong as I am always seeking the most thc potent flower to be found..only in the last few years have I discovered the different benefits cbd,cbg, and cbn can offer. My wife also got me an early valentine; coolest concentrate holder ever! Here some bud porn for all you fellow advocates!


I feel like Winnie the Poo! Love it!

Pinapple Express - tried on way home, still feeling awesome! :thumb:

Anxious to try this Bubba Kush too....supposedly 23% cbd! Neat!
I am just recently able to smoke.. Driving truck my whole life I was up for random drugs tests and missed out on what would have been the medicine I needed. I didn't realize how anxious I was until I started smoking. I would be a different person if I was able to partake all these years. lol Sorry I'm rambling. I just wanted to say I've been smoking different variety of strains for the first time. After I started growing I started to buy different strains from dispensary, so I could compare my weed with what I could buy. Over the last couple years I had received sub par crap I was buying and didn't even know it was crap. Bla, Bla. Anyway. I just wanted to say.. I smoked some Bubba Kush a golf buddy grew after 6 month cure. It was soooooo goooood. I'm loving the variety of strains....
Should recieve my mosquito bits, yellow sticky traps, and new fiscars trimmers by the 17th! Thanks for the help guys, the time it arrives my drought will be over and can get rid of the bastards if I start seeing when I begin to water again. :high-five: As of now just one here and there which means they are still present which makes me realize how tough they truly are. I cant find an external source except somehow maybe my duck pen outside in snow, with zero gnats to be found; maybe the little shits hibernate in grow tents lol...Cya in morn 420. Thanks tons!
I am just recently able to smoke.. Driving truck my whole life I was up for random drugs tests and missed out on what would have been the medicine I needed. I didn't realize how anxious I was until I started smoking. I would be a different person if I was able to partake all these years. lol Sorry I'm rambling. I just wanted to say I've been smoking different variety of strains for the first time. After I started growing I started to buy different strains from dispensary, so I could compare my weed with what I could buy. Over the last couple years I had received sub par crap I was buying and didn't even know it was crap. Bla, Bla. Anyway. I just wanted to say.. I smoked some Bubba Kush a golf buddy grew after 6 month cure. It was soooooo goooood. I'm loving the variety of strains....
I feel somewhat similar to your story except most of my missing out was me being skeptic of cbd benefits until here recently. Boy was i missing it seems I wouldnt want it any other way. Even when (about 75% of time) we are only hitting various concentrates we are constantly either alternating or sometimes blending together high cbd and high thc products. This week is flower week for tolerance break but even now Ive been going Pinnapple Express to Dog Bite in mornings, then later in day closer to evening switches to Dog Bite followed by Bubba Kush and the entourage effect from these simple combinations has relieved all my worse ailments and allows for full focus or relaxation depending on which your needing when...and yes, the more strains on hand, the more possible combinations. So wonderful..has honestly rescued me from pharmaceuticals and lord knows what else. This and some changes to my diet also has left me feeling like a new man completely. (also ive quit smoking tobbaco AND quit drinking about 3.5 years ago) Sorry I tend to rant myself friend. Cheers! :bong:
Girls looking phenomenal as expected.

Completely out of kind for now (plant getting the chop in around 24 hours from now), so down to smoking my #2 outdoor.

Pretty forked up from it! the combination of Green Crack, Crowne Royale, and possibly Cali Kush?,.

From the Internet (with some edits):

How do I get rid of those little bastard flies in my growing soil?

If those little fuckers just won't quit, you can use a solution of water, soap, and stuff in a spray bottle (a spray bottle is used to spray liquids on things and stuff). to spray into the top layer of soil (or pour that shit directly on top). You can also do this with an organic bug soap or Neem oil mixture be very careful with Neem that shit is potent; these natural bug killers should be effective in the elimination after a few treatments. Bringing a extreme painfully slow miserable death to those little son of a bitches that is soon accompanied by a painful eternity in Hell.

Yes. The yellow sticky pads are great!!! Best for preventive/protocol/proactive pest management..
If I find one or two on the yellow sticky I'll apply pressure to eliminate the small fly activity.

Typically topping my pots with clay balls seems to assist in small fly management.

Finally, sanitation from external sources maybe a probable causes.

An example is when going on a brief holiday in the U.S. City of Charlotte, in the U.S. State of North Carolina.
Went to a wedding where the two humans were possibly the least fetching individuals from our species that I have ever encountered. Note: from Mrs. Reading's side of the family.

They have now reproduced and I am praying for some serious hybrid vigor Y'all.

I came home to twenty bottle flies (those big bastards with the shiny green backs) in my veg. tent.

The top of the soil was bone dry and my tent was as clean as i can recall it ever being.
Noticed a moderately damp drain about a yard from my tent, which possessed magots.

The drain on the top looked clean, but about three inches down was a lot of nasty shit of a bio nature.

Pulled my plant from the tent and had a lovely time shooting them with a very potent citric acid solution my employer produces in mass.

Finally cleaning the drain. Resulting in the elimination of my bottle fly friends.

Point being make sure there are no external sanitation factors attracting your small fly friends.

Somebody should write how to books for stoners. lol
That makes sense. There's a type of fly called drain flies. Idk why, they are more like gnats for a while then they get tiny moth type looking wings. But, they're all basterds being shit eaters causing trouble everywhere they can. I want to check around now in everywhere tiny and drains vents etc. And yes they should, I would forget to look for it. When I finally got it, I would forget to read it lol
Was just getting home and could not figure out what my cat Lucy was screaming about...but then i realized she just wanted to "help" with the leaves, lol. Her brother Tick likes too but has never just screamed pitifully until i get in about spoiled kitties lol..




Here is a quick topshot of the bushes after a little pruning on their sugar and fan leaves that were blocking light.


Gotta say it, these 2 are amazing and suprizing me, especially yieldwise. The "clusters" in alot of places are starting to take shape as it was just one big bud instead of several smaller as it truly is. I love this plant!! lol





Man I may be the only one so say this but why did you take all those healthy leaves ? You are gonna run out of fuel( leaves are a plants fuel ) and run into issues late flower if you strip anymore of those leaves . Just saying
Man I may be the only one so say this but why did you take all those healthy leaves ? You are gonna run out of fuel( leaves are a plants fuel ) and run into issues late flower if you strip anymore of those leaves . Just saying
I appreciate your concern but dont worry. Even before flowering when defoliating I made certain to systematically remove only half of the leaves on all the trained (4), and left even more on the bushes (2) as these were actually rescues when obtained and felt they could probably use the extra "fuel" for a full recovery. Ive been advised both ways several times now...some say to remove all the larger bottom fan leaf when bud development is in full swing to really hulk them out..some say things more along the lines your saying. Hence why i went 50/50 this grow. I dont know which is best yet honestly but i can say the buds aint looking bad and waiting to see some more color before snapping any more big fan leaves off of any of them. Their rate of growth is so fast lately also I really dont think removing a few blocking light to the larger buds or even occasionally hooking Lucy up with one is going to hurt anything and maybe even help. Thank you so much for good looking out though and I do believe in leaving some leaves in case any issues arise before harvest time. Lucy is probably withdrawaling as I definitely dont remove them near as often during 12/12 as i done when 18/6 obviously. Feel free check back anytime and know I greatly appreciate any feedback, help, or suggestions you may have friend. Cheers! :ganjamon:
I appreciate your concern but dont worry. Even before flowering when defoliating I made certain to systematically remove only half of the leaves on all the trained (4), and left even more on the bushes (2) as these were actually rescues when obtained and felt they could probably use the extra "fuel" for a full recovery. Ive been advised both ways several times now...some say to remove all the larger bottom fan leaf when bud development is in full swing to really hulk them out..some say things more along the lines your saying. Hence why i went 50/50 this grow. I dont know which is best yet honestly but i can say the buds aint looking bad and waiting to see some more color before snapping any more big fan leaves off of any of them. Their rate of growth is so fast lately also I really dont think removing a few blocking light to the larger buds or even occasionally hooking Lucy up with one is going to hurt anything and maybe even help. Thank you so much for good looking out though and I do believe in leaving some leaves in case any issues arise before harvest time. Lucy is probably withdrawaling as I definitely dont remove them near as often during 12/12 as i done when 18/6 obviously. Feel free check back anytime and know I greatly appreciate any feedback, help, or suggestions you may have friend. Cheers! :ganjamon:
Well I’m new at this myself, I did the same things you are doing too. But I’ve since learned to not take a bunch of leaves and my plants look so much better. I haven’t taken any off the five plants im growing now . I’ve threatened to do it but every time back out . I’ll see where that gets me I guess lol best of luck
Day 77

Day 28 of Flower

Still not giving in yet and giving water. This morning's chore was to untie the bushy ladies and bend them back the complete opposite direction. Both of them have adjusted to being tied down to the point when I untied them they didnt even flinch or bounce back like one would think..If all the buds now start reaching for the light again Im in business. I'll check back in this afternoon and wish everyone a blessed day.



Here is view of the new side to recieve light for awhile. I love how either way I tie down the Wedding Cake there is still a huge branch left growing normal, it had more branches starting out then any other clone Ive grown and even sprouted a few more extra branches out during her veg. Now to just get light to touch her everywhere.


Wedding Cake

Breakfast in Paris
Decided to take one closeup of each girl to just kinda mark how each looks here at the end of week 4.


This is the Breakfast in Paris clone ive had since page 1 of this journal and manifolded the best I could. She is the only girl unlucky enough to get stuck in a little pot but you cannot see much difference yet sizewise suprisingly. Keep it up French Toast yumm

The shortest mainlined seed - unidentified. Found 1 ball yesterday morning but the hermie scare is pretty much over. Gonna yield pretty ok for the shortest at this rate. Good things come in small packages?

Wedding Cake clone I pretty much just pruned a little and just let become a bush. Partly because it was a very weak looking plant when rescued I didnt want to risk hurting her anymore by aggresive training and such; Only until very recently and then ive began tying her to one side then the other 3-4 days later to ensure light gets all those lower sites plus keeps the existing ones stretching back and forth more as they stack and cluster. Seems to be working out.

Breakfast in Paris clone - exact same story as Wedding Cake except the crazy catch is this and my other BiP are indeed sisters cut from the same mother plant. You can sit these plants beside each other and the older they get, the less they even resemble each other at all.

Big, beautiful, mainlined, and unidentified. This one is actually slightly in the lead at the moment for largest buds on top. Smells super skunky so far.

Mainlined Skunky Cookies seed.
Day 78

Day 29 of Flower


Kicking off week 5 by feeding and watering each pot. Had not been giving water the last 3 days and they are starting to show signs of thirst. The most obvious being each pot is alot lighter than it should be with the proper amount of water. Decided to give double the amount of 4-8-4 organic bloom fertilizer but half as often..starting today they will be recieving 1 tspn each every 2 weeks; this would mean today on the first day of week 5 and only once more at the beginning of week 7. (i suppose there is a chance at week 9 also if they are still far enough from harvest, we'll see) Trying a new method today; giving a 1/2 tspn to a bottle of water for the first splash, then dry ammend another 1/2 tspn, then extra slow water to chase. Not sure if will make a difference as far as a delivery system and im certain at least half of what goes into the water bottle may just stick but I have plenty so oh well. Will feed again 2 weeks from now.





1/2 tspn added to water


shake vigorously

slow cover all ground, watch it drink down with no runoff


another 1/2 tspn to surface of soil

slowly chase it down with another 15-20 oz of plain water
G'day @AlmostHeaven

Garden looks great. I'm still guessing at 750g :laughtwo:

IMHO you can let your plants go dry without worries. A little wilting would be no harm. Not for days and days, but it would be fine if you suddenly found them flagged. Water well then. Cheers
G'day @AlmostHeaven

Garden looks great. I'm still guessing at 750g :laughtwo:

IMHO you can let your plants go dry without worries. A little wilting would be no harm. Not for days and days, but it would be fine if you suddenly found them flagged. Water well then. Cheers
I agree PS. Was just saying earlier I am not going to water anymore until pots are light enough at least. If I do land anywhere your mark I will be extra proud! Ive said a little if I ended up with even just 100 grams per plant Id still be tickled but definitely would not be opposed to more. Cheers friend.
Day 79

Day 30 of Flowering

Not going to water for another few days at least. The only thing Ive done today is rotate them around some. Wedding Cake finally getting a stronger aroma, almost like a bag of fruity candy smells lol. Really have to get down on her buds and a few others to notice anything other than the super skunky syrup smell from the BiP clones. While I do like the smell (thank god), they are seeming to drown out everything else. Here some pretty pics of each of the six ladies today. Take care all and oh yea! Happy Valentine's Day all!


BiP clone

Shortest unidentified seedling - this one is really reminding me of a certain strain I had a single plant of last grow. Power Plant was the name and was short, stalky with very dark leaves just as this one.

Wedding Cake clone

BiP clone

Middle girl ; unidentified seedling - still no idea even though she slightly resembles the skunky cookies earlier now they nothing alike. Maybe my WW or Rossetta Stone crossed with another I had.. :hmmmm:

Skunky Cookies - smells like fresh peeled oranges occasionally
Decided to untie the bushy girls for a day or two and to move them to front so a few others can have center stage for a bit. The manifolded BiP and the shortest, darker, mainlined seedling are the new lucky ducks going in middle row..
The 2 bushes are looking great and may tie them back up, not sure yet they look so good.


The 2 above are both of the Wedding Cake bushy clone. Lighter green then my other 5, neat.


The above photos are both of Breakfast in Paris (French Toast), this bushy clone seems like she is doing the most "stacking".

Was just about to zip up and spotted this asshole. Dont worry little guy, got yours coming in mail any day now!
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