Mountain Winter Indoor Grow

Day 80

Day 31 of Flowering

Stuck my finger down medium as far as I could first thing to check for moisture. Even though they feel pretty dry all the way down I am going to wait at least one more day to give more time to dry out all the residual water before giving more. I was definitely guilty of overwatering some before and do not want to repeat my mistake. Cheers all and here is wishing everyone's garden the best!



Got to looking at things and measuring and sure enough 2 milkcrates out front with the bushes on them would put their highest sitting buds around 30 inches from the light.



Now I have a nice even canopy except for bushes a few inches higher now as they were a few inches lower.
Just chillin in the storm so of course Im using the opportunity to spend some time with my girls. I bought my duck some earthworms today and thought why not and added one to each pot. Fast suckers ; got my camera and they vanished into the medium before I got back, lol. The shortest seedling was really starting to crowd and block its own light to the bottom rows again so I tied her branches down to help her out, didnt want to remove any leaves on her. Rearranged tent around some but leaving the 2 largest seedlings in back row for now. Added my wife's little starter pot of lavender to the center, never tried to grow it but seems simple. My cat Tick seems like he is mad he cant eat my girls!
My large unidentified seedling in back left Im gonna say is my "plant of the day" if you will, its one of those I just love to look at..and the closer the better. Cheers gang!:Rasta:




Day 83

Day 34 of Flowering

Mmmmm their profiles are really starting to show and each lady is starting to look and smell much different from one another. Starting to think the middle sized seedling could be Rossetta Stone by look and smell, and the shortest im torn between White Widow and Power Plant..not entirely sure just know there are many similarities and one of each last grow, so could be possibilities. Ive definitely started storing seeds with labels and seperated now. lol..
Removed all crates and boxes from underneath all of the ones left putting everything lower and further from light. Then rearranged each so all buds get light and to rotate them so each spends time in the hotspots of the light. Cheers 420!

Day 83

Day 34 of Flowering

Mmmmm their profiles are really starting to show and each lady is starting to look and smell much different from each other. Starting to think the middle sized seedling could be Rossetta Stone by look and smell, and the shortest im torn between White Widow and Power Plant..not entirely sure just know there are many similarities and one of each last grow and those are possibilities. Ive definitely started storing seeds with labels and seperated now. lol..
Removed all crates and boxes from underneath all of the ones left putting everything lower and further from light. Then rearranged each so all buds get light and to rotate them so each spends time in the hotspots of the light. Cheers 420!

Day 35 of Flowering

Today is the end of the fifth week..they look and smell amazing. Not alot to report other than that. They appear dry even though they just got water the day before yesterday, still not giving in though. My wifes lavender has a few seeds sprouted so will hopefully do well for us. Have a blessed day all! I'll check back in this evening after all errands are out of way. For now, dab time to start this day off right.
Day 36 of Flowering

They are looking phenomenal today...I have one issue and may just be getting closer to done but still dont know; my largest seedling's oldest fan leaves are turning yellow and looking kinda rough..other than this I dont see any other ladies doing this and thankfully only see it on 5 or 6 larger, older leaves. Skunk Cookies Im pretty certain is the strain and have trouble finding any info at all on her, but I did read maybe shes just getting closer to done and cant argue with nature. :hmmmm: Hopefully nothing is wrong, Ive also considered maybe where Im growing her in a different season even though is indoors. Five and a half weeks flower with 50 days veg; I would think she could go another week or two but Im honestly just guessing. Any thoughts?
Dab time guys! Have a blessed day all!





Here is a shot w flash and then a shot without..definitely the most developed buds with second going to the wedding cake.



Then I have to mention the bushy Breakfast in Paris; she is far out in front as far as sheer bud mass goes which is my favorite category and she is truly suprising me being a rescue and all; really just shows how much these plants can bounce back with a little tlc..keep it up French Toast!

Day 86

Day 37 of Flowering

Things are very dry this morning. Gave about 16 oz to each only to try to watch how long until they suck it dry.
Besides watering they look and smell fabulous. I am kinda awestruck how large some of the Rossetta Stone's buds are! Hopefully they all continue to gain mass in the next few weeks to come. I'll check back tonight...cheers 420!


Here is a closeup of each of my mainlined trained pretty..followed by the two rescue bushes.

Skunk Cookies

Power Plant or White Widow?

Breakfast in Paris


Wedding Cake

Breakfast in Paris


Rossetta Stone
Day 38 of Flowering

Yumm...just being patient lol...
Here is some especially trichromy pics of each of my lovely ladies this morning. Looking almost as good as it smells! Cheers!
Ive done my best to properly identify each but I am still open to any suggestion or advice anyone may have though because Im just guessing from smell and pics from last grow; thankfully only a few seeds were from somewhere besides my last batch..a few I am certain of, Skunk Cookies for example is undeniable. The others are more like educated guesses..Im glad the clones are all id'd at least also lol.


This one looks like the famous White Widow or possibly the one I had called Power Plant..Im honestly most clueless about this one out of all.

manifolded Breakfast in Paris clone

Skunky Cookies seed - this one is already showing signs of being closer to done?! Is the only answer I can think for her older, larger leaves yellowing. None of the other 5 plants are doing this so Im really clueless.

Rossetta Stone seed

rescued Breakfast in Paris clone ;left to grow bushlike

rescued bushy Wedding Cake clone

The weight of the buds have weighed the branches down on the bushy ladies a few inches so I decided to try the milk crates again. When they are on them now they sit about 28.5-30 inches away from light which is perfect! Before they were getting dangerously close to lightburn range, so Im really glad their buds have fattened up so much!
Day 39 of Flowering

Nothing to do today except watch mother nature do what it does best! Rotated the bushes so the other sides will get light ....Here is a top view of each pot, as Im deleting photos from memory I realize I may actually post to many pics, so my apologies for my picture addiction. Have a blessed day 420!







Fungus Gnat update - My package has arrived! The sticky cards even came with cute little shovel I suppose to help you insert the cards; I didnt need to unwrap my shovel but I will keep it to look at, lol..went ahead and inserted one card per pot today to start snagging the flying bastards. Tommorow morning's watering will be done after a small sprinkle of the Mosquito Bits over their medium; this should erradicate any unseen larvae. Shots fired little assholes! :high-five:



Day 89

Day 40 of Flowering

First, I sprinkled just a tad of Mosquito Bits around the topsoil of all six pots. Next, I poured about 35 ounces of water to each pot pouring as slow as I could. Went ahead and positioned them the same except switching the smaller trained girls out with their bushier sisters putting them in back but still on crates. I've got to admit that the two rescues have somehow more than suprised me and seem to be the show piece of the tent now. Cheers!






The Skunky Cookies looks very good today! Not quite yet I say but I believe she almost done anyway..yellowing fan leaves, swollen calyxes, tons of clear trichromes. I'll try to get some better closeups soon.
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