My sativa, I love her.

your bud looks exactly like something I picked up about a month or so ago.. exactly the same.. pretty crazy. nice sativa for sure man :allgood:
Endo: the trim and stems still sit in the same place, but I think I'm going make her into brownies/hash. prolly mix with purple haze/kush/ect shake and cook up something spectacular.

Dahui: thanks, I will! And that you also for your help, you and akorn deserve half of this plant each.

Brett: Sounds good man. I'll try to save some for us but It's spoken for.. I'm sure I can grab some though ;)

Ganja: Yeah it looks pretty wild but the buds have really disinegrated alot over the past couple days..I'm sure yours was better! Could come blaze one with me and let me know? haha j/p

Akorn: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You helped me more then I could have asked for, and you didn't make fun or me for the stupid shit I have done. lmao.. You are the grow rooms GOD!!! If you lived around here I would have gave you 1/4 of my total outcome, honestly. And if you wanna come get it you can! I could never thank you enough. Yeah, she was a slow grower but she was also over 6 foot tall and I didn't have many lumens. It's ashame she didn't finish in time too. Put alotta heart into her, ya know? Ah well shes a put all you've got from your heart into them and they run with it. :laughtwo:

Thanks for the comments guys, I would totally smoke everyone out if you all lived in michigan! The buds have REALLY thinned up.. I bet I lost half of what I had...they were almost crispy and they didn't even set that long... I'm going to have to cure them with an apple or something. Thank to everyone that followed her for any number of months (heh) the both of us appriciated it! Am I allowed to tell you guys what I'm planning on doing with it, or will I get in trouble considering the few options...

She's gonna be ready for a little blazin by 4/20.. They dried up fast and they are both in jars already. I mean.. they wont be fully cured but there will be enough for all of us to get a little taste... its UNBELIEVEABLE.. I usually can't taste weed at all...not even top shit like purple haze or flavored chronic.. (think of an eric claption song, for the reason why) I'm kinda of like a deaf person when I smoke, I can hear it but I just cant really make it out you know? But this..this shit tastes preeeetty wild!

Thanks, again everyone. :adore: :headbanger: :peace:
The stem? Well a description would be its tall as hell lmao. I just put it in the living room for my roommate to see when he got home. Just to kinda suprise him to say that I cut it...cause he didn't know I was going to cut it as soon as I did.

It's acually funny because I threw the stem out on my deck, because I had left a few smaller buds on it that I didn't care about....and one of the buds has like turned into a plant and there are a LOT of leaves on it... I'm going to try to sneak it down to my car one night and plant it at a buddys house...along with some others ;) I'm on like 4th generation of this plant now lol
i had a sativa that looked almost identical to yours but i wasn't very satisfied with the smoke compared to some of my other blends, so how was yours? Personally i wasn't that high and it had more of a harsh taste compared to other buds that were also dried in a glass jar.o
it was a nice grow but you could have left it a little longer the calics were a little premature. I know this was trial and error but y not see how log it could have gone and how good it could have gotten, if you would have keept on the path u were on it would have been some nice dence sexy nugs. good job overall im sure your nugs in the future will be fire
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