New girl here! I'm 19 and hoping someone could help me out with a question I've got

Princess C

New Member
Hey guys!
I'm posting this in hopes of some help or answers as I've been having some issues. I have been researching answers for the past three days and still couldn't find anything, I'll start from the beginning

Basically what's been happening is that I've been having really bad highs after smoking weed for only the past three days. Im an everyday smoker and I love it for about a year now, but since three days ago, after having a cone I literally feel like I'm tripping? My vision is skewed, I feel extremely heavy and it's almost as if my whole body is numb, especially my face and when I try to do something, it's as if my brain is like 2 seconds behind, overall nothing feels real. My chest gets super tight and it scares me a lot to the point where I feel like I'm genuinely going to die, because at this point it usually also feels like I can't breathe/I'm not breathing. Towards the end of this type of "high" I tend to feel absolutely freezing and I shiver & shake profusely, at the same time extremely sweaty as I slowly start to sober up and feel normal again.

The first time this had happened, I used a brand new bong straight from the shop because I had accidentally dropped and smashed my last one the night before, I had also purchased some new accessories I'd never had before like a percolator and these fancy stems that's supposed to make it easier to smoke. Along with this my mate had given me this weed she wanted me to try that was given to her by another one of our mates, which supposedly was really good and got her higher then usual, so I was like hell yeah.

So anyway fast forward to the day after my first really bad high, I had suspected the bud was possibly laced with something though I decided to smoke it again to see if it was just a one off thing but it did happened again, just as bad as the first time.

The day after I had managed to buy some off my usual guy, but it happened again, though not as bad, it was more of a mix of me being anxious itll happen again I feel like & Ive already extremely anxious in general after the first time it happened though as it was honestly a really scary experience. This is also a completely different experience to what I've always had, which I loved as I do struggle from an anxiety disorder and smoking weed always made me feel so chill and happy.

I've been mentally exhausted since then going through three of these highs. I'm honestly just been very confused and drained, and I feel like I've already forgotten what it's like to have my usual highs.

I guess what I'm asking is does anyone know what could have happened? Are you supposed to clean your bong right after you've bought it? Or was this weed laced?

Thank you for reading and your comments❤️
Who really knows. I find it hard to believe the new bong caused it, altho if you go from one form of smoking instrument to a new one that perhaps delivers a much bigger kick ,which I feel you get, for example going from a pipe to bong, the bigger intake hole makes you more likely to use your diaphragm to breathe in a much bigger breath than perhaps using just your throat/mouth muscles to pull a wee toke thru a pipe.

I am guessing it was the new bud, maybe it was laced, maybe it was unintentionally contaminated with something, maybe it was simply a new strain that took you somewhere that was unpleasant for you, and if it were, then I guess best stay clear of it, go back to your old supply as you have done, but go easy, gently on it to get your confidence back. Good luck tho.
These are the exact symptoms I get if I overdo it with strong weed.
I've been regularly smoking it for 20 years but still if I smoke too much in one hit I trip out and get the shivers really bad.
Try just half filling that bowl or just smoking half the joint and let that high develop slowly.
Once you get that nice high you can build on it slowly and get pretty wasted with a nice feeling high :thumb:
I doubt the weed was laced, especially from two different sources. It sounds to me like you just got hold of a fairly strong strain, and probably of a variety that you were not used to. Some people have reactions like this the first time they smoke a strong sativa for instance, when they had only before ever smoked indicas or hybrids. A good strong sativa or other land race strain can knock even experienced smokers back on their butts...

I get a similar reaction to what you described, sweating, tight chest, feeling like I have forgotten how to breathe or that my heart is about to stop.... when I ingest strong edibles. I ate 3 brownies one night and was convinced i was about to die, and I have been doing this since I was a little girl... no lack of experience here.

I would save back some of this strong stuff for some other time when you want a real kick, and try to find someone selling a different variety... search for a good relaxing indica. See if you can tolerate that a little bit better. Experiment with different strains until you find that one that you identify with the best. We are all different and react in different ways, and Mother Gangja has flavors and highs available for each of our special needs.
I was thinking the grower may have used something to kill pests & it got on the buds as a possibility.
Could be really strong weed though that takes a few minutes to hit you so you smoke too much waiting for it to get you high. Then wham ... All at once ... And it's a little too intense.
Your mood and expectations play a role as well. If you think you are going to have a bad trip before even smoking then you are going to notice the tittle details , your heart beating a little faster your mind going slow etc and you are going to trip more. Just next time try to relax before smoking and have about 3 puffs of your cigarette and let it done . I agree with @Billpopy79 that you can build from your high. Take it as far as you like, smoking more weed that you need is just a waste.
Every time i dont have confident on my self and i have anxiety and depression and smoke more than i need this is how it gets me.
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