New Grow Journal Using A Clone From A Flowering Plant

Looks like long stipules to me.

And even if those were pistils it just means the plant is telling you it's female, not flowering.
Yh ino thinking shes about 6 7 wk veg then
Thanks guys still a lil new to this pulled a aamazing 10oz of my last one like
Repotted this today definitely rooted guys




Definitely loves the ts1000 going to be flipping this weekend I think

I recommend that you transplant, wait two weeks, then flip!
Ok do you think she's going to be big and u think a 20 gallon one ? I have a few these but dunno how big they ate but 25l would sit inside it with space

If your current rootbound plant is in a 25L pot then you already know that's too small if this plant is going to end up the same size.
Like what the hells this plants doing I dunno never nown roots to grow out side of pot Like expecially in veg .... ffs



Not in fabric, which is what makes it better than plastic. The roots come through, hit the air, die, and that tells the plant to send out new ones. More roots, bigger fruits!
So them popping out is fine
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