New to this site - Jake from Michigan

Personal/commerical grower. Ready to dive down yet another rabbit hole to obtain more knowledge about this beautiful plant
Hey Jake :ciao: hope you are well my friend.
Welcome to 420Magazine. :welcome:
Hope you enjoy your time here.

Stay safe :cool:
Good morning Jake and welcome to 450.🧐

Looking forward to hearing about some of that savvy of yours.
-30 :rofl:
Hope your well Amigo :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hi Jake :welcome: from Her Majesty's Republic of England, Scotland, Wales (Great Britain) and Northern Ireland [we nicked that by starving the Irish, nice], collectively otherwise known as the United Kingdom [but it isn't actually united :hmmmm: ]
The sharp-eyed amongst you may have noticed that my name is Roy, but as @HashGirl pointed out, Bob is fine
Show us some pics of what you're doing matey boy :cool:



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