Newbie Fighting His Way Through His 2000 Watt Grow

Drying and cure makes the smoke man your only 4 weeks in though right?
still got some time just curious how often are you watering/ feeding seems i read somewhere in here your next feed is in a couple weeks? Im not sure what your girls like but ive had good luck with feeding every other water which ends up being once a week i water every 3-4 days with nutes in every other although I still use molasses in every water
Thanks for the reps!!
I drenched them once a week and if the weather is warm Ns the room temps are a little higher they need a little shot (about a quart/litre) of plain old water. I think the scotts soil is still holding onto too much water even though I added a ton of perlite.
Excuse my french but thats a big ass grow man. Your doing great with it as well. Reps!!!

Thanks for the reps Wiz!! Yeah, its a little more than I was expecting. I guess I should consider myself lucky they didn't stretch much. They only grew a foot after the flip! Crazy right?!?!
Too right on that one Wiz. I'll never use that shit again. Im trying to make the best of it and thanks for saying so. Ya know, I'm not being too modest or at least I'm not trying to. In reality, I'm walking softly, not wanting to get too excited when its too far from the finish line. I don't want to eat my words.
Just stopping in. Not sure why I wasnt subbed earlier. The grow looks to be going great bro.

I have 2kw bloom room but it is staggered so I harvest once every 30 days. I am going to pull up a chair
and keep watching. +reps buddy.
Shottafire, I'm glad you stopped in! Ill also be happy to hear any suggestions or comments you'd like to chip in. Thanks for the reps!!!

Can someone tell me if this much yellowing is excessive? I'm a little concerned.
So this is good? It must have something to do with the strain cause I've never seen it like this. Its only day 34... Will the buds be able to grow even thought the leaves are yellow?
Woah, it is a good comparison! Well, I was told that my girls are blue cheese. But you know how that goes. When I got them I was in the middle of an interesting situation with a young couple that was trying to get me and my lady some sour diesel. Well, we waited and waited, we were reluctant to call them (kind of an un-written rule amongst growers. If you bother them too much things get rigid) but eventually you have to. So they hadn't heard from "the guy" and we had to make a choice. I called up another guy and he had these things to our house that evening. Sounds convenient right? It was but that convenience come at a price. They were tore back man and I mean rams horn, they were bent up from the ride over and they were SOAKED like they were dunked in water. I was other real happy but we needed to get this room fired up after all the expenses we put into it making it was it is. So he said they were blue cheese and I had no reason not to believe him. But he could have told me they were ferns and I would have believed him, as tore back as they were you could barely tell they were weed. So to answer your question honestly, I have no F***ing clue what these are but just say they're very resilient!
:rofl::rofl::rofl: When ya gotta grow, ya gotta grow.
I kid you not man! When he showed up, in my head I was like, I wanted weed clones man. Are these snow peas or some shit? The I saw a leaf that kinda resembled a mj leaf and I was like, awwww ffffuck.
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