Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show


Ase-Day 27
Swagg-Day 20
Horti's n Shorti's-I'll start days when the root!
GTH-went in the garbage, nobody got time for those dead things. .First mistake was letting them get too cold which is what made them bunk I'm sure. Also accidentally used premixed nute water to soak the paper towel in before placing them in and I should have used plain distilled water. I will play around with these seeds in the summer...maybe outdoors.


So my mix this week is a bit different. I used the calmax at full strength. AN part A I used only 1/4 strength to adjust for the nitrogen in the cal-max. I used AN part B at full strength. This time I watered in a circle around the edges of the pot to let the roots explore, thank boys!
So the one leave on Ase is all burnt up because of some nutes slopped on at transplant, I think. Should I cut it off or let it die on its own? All other leaves look good and they are finally praying again.

PPM was 480 and PH 5.8.

Temp stays around 78-80F

RH 40-70% the struggle is real! Any ideas to keep thinks moist? Damp towel in there? I have a humidifier in there thanks to Swagg but I'll need a plan B as it's causing my back door to freeze up and he hubs is complaining about moisture in that room.

The clones will get a good inspection tomorrow;) I did give them a good soak yesterday with water and root grower mixed in. They are all alive so far.

Off for my long ass day of work! Stay warm all

I love this part, SCIENCE!!!! I use basically what you are but was advised to medicate the roots to help avoid root rot and I use the bud candy to help feed the bacteria. I keep the room cold only the lights provide heat my reservior temps hover 55/65f. So far my humility has remained constant I circulate outside air and there is no heater to dry out the air.
Love the update Newty! your WW's are looking sweet and lush :cheer:
Hope you're set for an awesome day despite work, stay warm ;)
Nice looking tent. Girls look fantastic. Minus the brown leaf. I'd just leave it for now but that could be cuz I'm lazy. Little ones all look alive and well. I'm so happy. Just got into some edibles and gonna put on the idiot box and hopefully it lullabys me to an afternoon nap. I have to make a few notes for tomorrow to ensure success. These things always make me nervous as if I'm going to write an exam or something lol. Catch yah later ✌
Awesome oil lady! Love your updates.

...every time I come here, I get the munchies! I kid you not.
Haha! Here's the supper I prepared for the hubs before leaving this morning and letting the slow cooker do her magic

Newty's special BBQ sauce and chops! More where that came from! Have a good one gramps.
Looking good newty !!! Hope your clones are all good !!!
Thanks RD! I hope at least a few make it

I love this part, SCIENCE!!!! I use basically what you are but was advised to medicate the roots to help avoid root rot and I use the bud candy to help feed the bacteria. I keep the room cold only the lights provide heat my reservior temps hover 55/65f. So far my humility has remained constant I circulate outside air and there is no heater to dry out the air.
Thanks for the tips man! What humidity do you have? I'm trying to keep it about 60% but our winters are dry and cold.
I Will keep that in mind for Sure! Coming harvest is about oil to .
FHO!! Fresh Harvest Oil...So exciting! I did it with my harvest last time and it was amazing
Love the update Newty! your WW's are looking sweet and lush :cheer:
Hope you're set for an awesome day despite work, stay warm ;)
Thanks for stopping by my day went by pretty fast thank the lord .. I hope you had a nice relaxing evening Horti!
I'll be by your spot soon. .
Nice looking tent. Girls look fantastic. Minus the brown leaf. I'd just leave it for now but that could be cuz I'm lazy. Little ones all look alive and well. I'm so happy. Just got into some edibles and gonna put on the idiot box and hopefully it lullabys me to an afternoon nap. I have to make a few notes for tomorrow to ensure success. These things always make me nervous as if I'm going to write an exam or something lol. Catch yah later .
Thanks neighbour .
It's my clumsiness that caused it poor leaf.I'll leave it for now, at least until my first defoil;)

I hope you were able to relax today. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, good luck but really it will be all good✌️ I'm up for a visit when your done so text me if you want to share a fatty or two...grab your oil as well.
The girls say haaaaaaaay.
Thanks neighbour .
It's my clumsiness that caused it poor leaf.I'll leave it for now, at least until my first defoil;)

I hope you were able to relax today. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, good luck but really it will be all good✌️ I'm up for a visit when your done so text me if you want to share a fatty or two...grab your oil as well.
The girls say haaaaaaaay.

Sounds like a plan. That meal looks yummy. Where the finished product?
Appt is at 230 so depending on when I get done I may or may not pop by after. I'll let u know either way. Time to count some sheep.
Just catching up :3

Looking great in the pantry, what a party ;)

Love from the coast, well catch you soon Newty!
Haha the finished product is in my belly!

Thanks for checking in boys!

Quick morning update since Im working from home Today.

Ase-Day 28
No flash


Look at all her new growth!! I'm watching her bush out fast, very different from my last Grow where I did no topping. She's got that dang burnt leave but otherwise she's fine.

Swaggs-Day 21

For being a week behind, this little one is all caught up basically. I'm so proud of this one right now! I can't believe how much they are growing everyday. that top and the transplant stunted them for barely a couple days. #champs I also noticed some signs of light stress so I moved the light back up 5 inches. So now it stands 25" from the tops. I gave them a good drink of the same mix from yesterday and tomorrow I will give them some regular ph'd water. I'll be bumping them up a bit for the next batch.
PPM 550 (I read it wrong yesterday)
PH -6.2
RH-40-60% I'm gonna try putting in a warm milk jug of water in there with the lid open to see if that helps. I also have a slightly damp towel in there which seems to help.

Horti's and Shorti's-Day nothing yet. I babied them a bit this morning, checked out each one and there are 17 confirmed by the way .
Thanks to some good lessons over at Big's, I moved them to the closet for some 24/0 CFL light. Let's see what happens.

And lastly BIG MAMA-Day 28 since harvest

She got evicted to the window with the other oddities I'm collecting. Good luck BB

I'm leaving for Ottawa tomorrow so I've left very detailed water instructions for the hubs .

I hope he doesn't kill them while I'm away! I asked him if he would prefer I get a nanny for them but he declined. . he hates the humidifier so that's out for the weekend (I mean I'll put it back in next week lol) So I'll try some DIY stuff to help while I'm away. Also he will only be opening the door ONCE a day so I'm sure just that will help.
I'm going to the Grey Cup! I was going to cheer on my Saskatchewan Roughriders but alas that dream was cut short last weekend Pfffft. And to prove I'm not bitter, I'll be cheering for the man and the team that beat us in the playoffs! Rick Ray and the TO Argos. I mean there are rules for this type of predicament...when the roughriders are out, there is one main rule! Rule #1-ABC aka anybody but Calgary! ..I was hoping to cheer for the Edmonton Eskimos but........They lost their playoff game on Sunday.

I'll be storming the streets of Ottawa, full of Rider-Pride smoking my legal weed that I get to bring with me on a plane..


Have a great day 420, better get ready for my short commute..
Haha the finished product is in my belly!

Thanks for checking in boys!

Quick morning update since Im working from home Today.

Ase-Day 28
No flash


Look at all her new growth!! I'm watching her bush out fast, very different from my last Grow where I did no topping. She's got that dang burnt leave but otherwise she's fine.

Swaggs-Day 21

For being a week behind, this little one is all caught up basically. I'm so proud of this one right now! I can't believe how much they are growing everyday. that top and the transplant stunted them for barely a couple days. #champs I also noticed some signs of light stress so I moved the light back up 5 inches. So now it stands 25" from the tops. I gave them a good drink of the same mix from yesterday and tomorrow I will give them some regular ph'd water. I'll be bumping them up a bit for the next batch.
PPM 550 (I read it wrong yesterday)
PH -6.2
RH-40-60% I'm gonna try putting in a warm milk jug of water in there with the lid open to see if that helps. I also have a slightly damp towel in there which seems to help.

Horti's and Shorti's-Day nothing yet. I babied them a bit this morning, checked out each one and there are 17 confirmed by the way .
Thanks to some good lessons over at Big's, I moved them to the closet for some 24/0 CFL light. Let's see what happens.

And lastly BIG MAMA-Day 28 since harvest

She got evicted to the window with the other oddities I'm collecting. Good luck BB

I'm leaving for Ottawa tomorrow so I've left very detailed water instructions for the hubs .

I hope he doesn't kill them while I'm away! I asked him if he would prefer I get a nanny for them but he declined. . he hates the humidifier so that's out for the weekend (I mean I'll put it back in next week lol) So I'll try some DIY stuff to help while I'm away. Also he will only be opening the door ONCE a day so I'm sure just that will help.
I'm going to the Grey Cup! I was going to cheer on my Saskatchewan Roughriders but alas that dream was cut short last weekend Pfffft. And to prove I'm not bitter, I'll be cheering for the man and the team that beat us in the playoffs! Rick Ray and the TO Argos. I mean there are rules for this type of predicament...when the roughriders are out, there is one main rule! Rule #1-ABC aka anybody but Calgary! ..I was hoping to cheer for the Edmonton Eskimos but........They lost their playoff game on Sunday.

I'll be storming the streets of Ottawa, full of Rider-Pride smoking my legal weed that I get to bring with me on a plane..


Have a great day 420, better get ready for my short commute..
Have fun out in Ottawa newty !!!
Nice update Newty!

You have this all on lock so I'll just say looking good and have fun on your trip and at the game!

Travel safe, love and poofs going your way lady! Take care <3 Lol and good luck to the hubby . .
Nice update. I'm sure he's gonna have them in tip top shape. Nothing to worry about. I was wondering what those papers were on the table. Now I know
Should be proud ur cheering for the Argos. TO in the house. Goooooo Argos.
Safe trip and have lots of fun. ✌

Also I would ph down a tar more. 6.2 is on the higher side I think for coco. Mine is usually 5.5-5.8
6.2 might be fine or on the border but just something to keep in mind that's all.
Sorry ... trigger happy .. the plants look great BTW !! Those are some simple instructions... they should be all happy and grown up little when you get back !!
Thanks man! I'm sure I'll have no problem having fun! Haha I can't wait to see them when I get back!
Nice update Newty!

You have this all on lock so I'll just say looking good and have fun on your trip and at the game!

Travel safe, love and poofs going your way lady! Take care <3 Lol and good luck to the hubby . .
Thanks pal! I'll be staying in touch I'm sure so I don't get too far behind;) lol

Have a good one and right back atcha Big
Nice update. I'm sure he's gonna have them in tip top shape. Nothing to worry about. I was wondering what those papers were on the table. Now I know
Should be proud ur cheering for the Argos. TO in the house. Goooooo Argos.
Safe trip and have lots of fun. .

Also I would ph down a tar more. 6.2 is on the higher side I think for coco. Mine is usually 5.5-5.8
6.2 might be fine or on the border but just something to keep in mind that's all.

Ya ya Aaaaaaaargoooooooooos I've been practicing in my most base like voice lol!

I was thinking that about the PH so thanks for bringing that up. I'll add some ph down to the new batch;) AN for Coco perfect ph does say it will bring it in between 5.5-6.5 but I was thinking it's a tad high and got the ph down.

Haha my notes! Very clear and direct! Lol

Chat later neighbour .
Great update Newty, I love the notes you left hahaha xD

AN Ph Perfect uses chelated nutes so PH is irrelevant aside from Cal/Mag uptake so being on the higher side for coco won't hurt because the chelates bypass rhizosphere uptake criteria.

Hope you're having an amazing night and great time in Ottawa :circle-of-love:
Those Horti's and Shorti's are gonna wow you ;)
Thanks man! I'm sure I'll have no problem having fun! Haha I can't wait to see them when I get back!

Thanks pal! I'll be staying in touch I'm sure so I don't get too far behind;) lol

Have a good one and right back atcha Big

Ya ya Aaaaaaaargoooooooooos I've been practicing in my most base like voice lol!

I was thinking that about the PH so thanks for bringing that up. I'll add some ph down to the new batch;) AN for Coco perfect ph does say it will bring it in between 5.5-6.5 but I was thinking it's a tad high and got the ph down.

Haha my notes! Very clear and direct! Lol

Chat later neighbour .

I was asked about my humidity control and dry cold weather which I have as well I plan to use open containers of water first if thats not enough I will use a humidifier. It stays right around 50% for now. I was told by the manufacturer of my nutes to add my hydroguard and ms90 first to my water and let it mix well, I wait a day, then add my nutes which will start to bring down the ph, let that sit a day, then make my ph adjustment. I get it right at 6.0 a couple days later shes runnin around 5.8 at around 1200 ppm average room temp 65f res temps run a few degrees cooler humidity averages bout 50% for now.
Quick late night update. So I arrived in Ottawa tonight after a full day of traveling but my bag decided to stay in Montreal. No biggie right! Wrong, all my god dam meds are in there; all my ulcer and stomach meds, my weed and oil and edibles and various other meds! Oh my it's been a rough night. It's 1am here and I can't sleep, my bag should arrive in the middle of the night so hopefully it will all be in tact. I might need to use a dispensary if they exist here? I know they do on the west coast but do they have some in the capital? Hopefully my bag arrives by morning and I won't need to worry.
So before I left this morning I prepped the girls with a motivational speech followed by some high fives and a few songs sung to them that they like. I let them know I'd be back soon. They were both praying when I came in. .They like the extra distance from the light.

Ase-Day 30

Swaggs-Day 23

So I inspected the top/fim job I did on Swaggs and the new growth was coming in all weird so I popped the real top off with my finger. . No more #fimjob

I can really see the quadline now. I can't wait to train them, just a bit more growing!

They were flushed with plain water and mixed a new batch of food for the week. Cal Max at full strength/AN Grow part A and B at half strength.

Ppm 700
Ph 5.8 after I ph'd down
RH 60%
Temp 70-80F

I didn't want to cleanse but I guess it's as good a time as any. I can't WAIT to get my meds hopefully tomorrow until then...
Looking great Newty! Your girls love the little extra distance :) when I fimmed my girls they were a little crazy to but then they just "fixed" themself as they grew. Maybe you got the three tops from fimming Anyway ;)

Have a great danksgiving(Its a awesome pic xD)
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