No problems just a second opinion needed


Active Member
I had a friend start these 2 White Widow X Big Bud (got off herbies headshop) seeds roughly 3-4 months ago, the smaller one only had the 2 beginning leafs (the ones that are on the seedling when it first comes out) the bigger one was basically dieing yellow leafs near the bottom and was small with an old looking stem though. They literally showed no signs of growth for almost 2 weeks (I leave my light on 24-7). Now for the past 2 weeks the bigger one has been growing exceptionally well and FAST, the smaller one is also growing but slower (it was in a cup, recently transplanted it).

My question is, do you think this big one is too small or is it doing just fine? I noticed some white hairs (signs of female? I thought it was preflower) on it and was scared it was flowering early but it's been about a week and a half since I noticed them and they appear to be dormant. It's growing nice and bushy and it seems like it completes a new top every week. I'm just worried I'll have problems with it when I switch the light to flower. I've recently started giving it tiger bloom mixed with grow big just because I saw the early signs of flowering.

I really want to make the best of these, should I move the light a bit farther away from it so it can grow taller? Or will it just do it's own thing, I know eventually I'll have to but I mean should I start moving the light farther away right now? I've also kept a fan blowing on them. It's growing nice and bushy and I love that but I feel like it could make even more progress if I move the light away I just want an opinion from someone more experienced. The light has a veg flip and a flower switch. Any info would be greatly appreciated, I've got big bud nutes and tiger bloom nutes and grow big nutes.


Keep in mind them 2 plants are the same age (the 2 white widows are about 3-4 months.) Heres a pic of this northern lights I started about 2 weeks ago

Wow. That top picture is one of the coolest plant pictures i've seen in a while. Rainbow plant. :thumb:

I agree. The soil looks heavy. If you repoted within the last couple days, you might be ok just re-transplanting into an airier soil. If it's been a couple weeks since transplant, then I would just not water it that often (only when your sure it's ready) and let the plant fill out the pot so that way it won't be a big deal that the soil doesn't have perlite. Make sure you have good airflow too, that will help.
Yeah I know about overwatering, thats probably what he did. I received the plants when they were already almost 3 months old and it wasnt even half the size it is now basically it was like a seedling at 3 months old so I just am curious what the outcome could be and if I should move the plant farther away from the light before it touches it. I also read a bit more and people claim that them preflower signs that I mentioned could possibly be from me leaving the light on 24-7 as it has been growing at an insane rate.
What is your soil mix and how big are the pots?
They do seem stunted but need to know more.
I'd lose that 24/7 approach. You'll save some electricity and make happier plants.
Hi Reapah23,

While I agree with others assessment of the soil, I'm not sure I'm seeing that your questions have been addressed. No way to sugar coat this, but please know the response is meant to be constructive; Yes, your plants are flippen tiny for being 3-4 months old. :thedoubletake::yikes:

I would hesitate to offer any suggestion re: the hight of your light as we know nothing from your post about your light. It appears to be an LED, but that's about all I can gather from the one photo.

There is little debate on the benefit of providing plants a "rest" cycle for 4-8 hours each day, in which they are in total or near total darkness. 24 hr's of light with no break has been indicated anecdotally to cause stress in the plants that can actually reduce growth rate.

If you would care to provide more info, we might be able to provide more suggestions specific to your environment and equipment.

Be well and happy growing!
Not all plants grow to be 6`ft. Some, grow small, but, can yield a decent amt. That being mentioned,it seems you`re using dirt not soil, and thats a huge difference. i bet the moment you change to a potting soil with perlite, start using NUTES the right way, and maybe stick these gals outside for a few hours a day, you`ll see a tremendous difference in no time... Why do ppl think growing MMJ is so easy, and believe it takes no work? It does, and you need the proper tools to insure your plant grows and yields..
Hi Reapah23,

While I agree with others assessment of the soil, I'm not sure I'm seeing that your questions have been addressed. No way to sugar coat this, but please know the response is meant to be constructive; Yes, your plants are flippen tiny for being 3-4 months old. :thedoubletake::yikes:

I would hesitate to offer any suggestion re: the hight of your light as we know nothing from your post about your light. It appears to be an LED, but that's about all I can gather from the one photo.

There is little debate on the benefit of providing plants a "rest" cycle for 4-8 hours each day, in which they are in total or near total darkness. 24 hr's of light with no break has been indicated anecdotally to cause stress in the plants that can actually reduce growth rate.

If you would care to provide more info, we might be able to provide more suggestions specific to your environment and equipment.

Be well and happy growing!

Your right the soil is complete garbage, he brought me the plants in the same containers they are in besides the northern lights that I started. The soil I can't even remember what it was it was just some basic organic soil bought from a farm store, sadly I don't have the bag anymore so I couldn't tell you the stats on it but it did have everything I needed as I did research it before we purchased and it grew the last plants to be monsters in 2 months with the same light, it's reused soil so I could only imagine it's not good for it.

The problem is the plant basically was dead when he brought here and was a seedling at 3 months old still, it did nothing when I got it for about a week or two and since that period its been another 3 weeks and has gotten this bushy, it just seems like it doesn't really seem to be growing tall maybe I'm just expecting it to be like my last plants I know some photos show the white widows bushy like this and semi short. I'm thinking it's a bit shorter then it could be because of how close it is to the light.

The light is a 100x6w LED, and I just noticed it suggested 8-10 hours for best results during veg state. Would it still be alright to just buy new soil and transplant them all to the new soil? The plant is already starting to stink the room up even at it's small size and I couldn't smell it yesterday or day before so it might be flowering IDK. If you look in the pic the stalk/stem on the big one is massive for its size almost a brownish green and then up a bit further its purple like its a whole new stalk/stem. Heres what my last ones looked like after about 1 and a half months, sadly I ended up going out of town to work the entire growth after I started them so I only got a few pictures, this one was a autobio diesel I believe and mobydick.


Edit: The soil photo is actually in my photo album it was potting soil, it's the same soil.
Completely understood the condition of the plants was less than optimal when you recieved them. So now that we know at least a little about the components of your light, I feel comfortable suggesting you do consider moving the light further away.

If I'm guaging the picture correctly, the light appears to be about 6 or 8 inches above the tallest plant. Sorry if you use metric 15 -20 cm? I would suggest the light be moved to at least 14-16 inches (35-40 cm). Plants will "reach" or grow toward a light source unless they are being bombarded with more light than they really need. Most of us use something similar to an 16-8 light/dark schedule during the vegetative period and then switch to something like 12/12 light/dark when we desire the plant to flower/bud.

As for transplanting to better soil. Probably wouldn't hurt but know that the plants will likely be stunted a little by the transplant. You've got a lot of time (thankfully not all yours) already in them. Might as well try to save them and maximize their potential.
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