Non Stop Grows


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Nov 16 2019
Day 42, Veg, Week 6, D7
-ph= 6.1 Res temp= 22.7 degrees Celsius
-PPM= 372
-Hygrometers: Internal= 28% RH, 27.3 degrees Celsius. External= 26% RH, 27.7 degrees Celsius
-Tied down BG more
-Tied down main stalks of ST L
-ST R has nice growth from top location. TIed down main stalk a bit more
Day 35, Veg, Week 5, D7
-Topped just after 7th pronged leaves

Nov 17/19
Day 43, Veg, Week 7, D1
-pH= 6.1 res temp = 21.3 degrees Celsius
-PPM= 372
-Hygrometers: Internal= 29% RH, 28.3 degrees Celsius. External= 26% RH, 29.1 degrees Celsius.
-BG still has no new growth from top site
Day 35, Veg, Week 6, D1 CM
-Small green growth from topping site

Nov 18/19
Day 44, Veg, Week 7, D2
-pH= 6.1 res temp= 23.7 degrees
-Hygrometers: Internal= 32% RH, 28 degrees Celsius. External= 27% RH, 30.3 degrees Celsius
-BG still has no new growth from top site
-ST L has a very even canopy. Looking like a it has three main colas
-ST R has new growth from top site
Day 36, Veg, Week 6, D2 CM
-Some new growth from top site!!

Nov 19/19
-Noticed I may have messed up the Day, and D somewhere along the way... but roughly accurate lol
-Beginning 3rd Monkeys Tea Bag! Got base PPMs, added to res, will pH and once stable for 6 hours will add compost/coffee grind mix
Day 45, Veg, Week 7, D3
-pH= 6.2 res temp=23.5 degrees Celsius
-PPM= 375
-Hygrometers: Internal= 33% RH, 28.4 degrees Celsius. External= 28% RH, 30.7 degrees Celsius
-ST L 3 mains looking nice. Starting to get a bit of light green on new leaves
-ST R top location looking good! New growth coming in unlike BG who has none
Day 37, Veg, Week 5, D2 CM
-Topping location has some growth! Very exciting

Nov 20/19
Day 46, Veg, Week 7, D3
-pH=6.0 res temp= 22.7 degrees Celsius
-Hygrometers: Internal= 32% RH, 27.9 degrees Celsius. External= 27% RH, 30.6 degrees Celsius
-Prepared 3Ms Tea bag. Filled Holland Basics Premium Organic Earthworm Casting to the top of a yogurt cup, topping with 3 tablespoons of coffee grinds, and two rocks to hold it down
-pH was 6.0 therefore added the tea bag
-BG top location didn't grow at all. Therefore decided to try topping below at the previous node

Day 38, Veg, Week 6, D3 CM
-Topping site still getting larger!

Nov 21 19
Day 47, Veg, Week 7, D4
-pH= 6.1, res temp= 23.2 degrees Celsius
-PPM= 212
-Hygro: Internal= 32% RH, 28.8 degrees Celsius. External= 27 % RH, 31.1 degrees Celsius

Day 39, Veg, Week 6, D4 CM
-Still holding strong!

Nov 22 2019
Day 48, Veg, Week 7, D5
-pH= 6.2 res temp= 22.8 degrees Celsius
-PPM= 227
-Hygrometers: Internal= 33% RH, 28.3 degrees Celsius. External= 26% RH, 31 degrees Celsius.
-BG getting a bit lighter in color
-ST L leaves getting lighter towards the bottom of the plant
-ST R still staying the same dark color
Day 40, Veg, Week 6, D5 CM
-Lower leaves turning lighter green/ yellowing

Nov 23 2019
Day 49, Veg, Week 7, D6
-Need to work on figuring out bumps with help of 3M- thank you very much!
-Check PPM without adding anything: 284
-Topped up res with plain RO water, and checked PPM a little over an hour later: 265
-Will perform this again tomorrow
-Hygrometers: Internal= 30% RH, 20.1 degrees Celsius. External= 25% RH, 30.7 degrees Celsius
-Tied down many of the growths that I want to develop into main colas. Once bumps are figured out, will perform a defol and flip to flower
Day 41, Veg, Week 6, D6 CM
-Tied down like the other plants

Nov 24 2019
Day 50, Veg, Week 7, D7
Missed a couple days of scribing, think its okay to skip ahead
-Added 1 mL of every nute (besides Rhino Skin... added none), and 2 mL of CalMag. PPM only 230.
-Based upon previous readings, I can bump to 360- thank you 3rd Monkey!
-Today added 4mL of every nute (except Rhino skin again), and 5mL of Cal Mag. PPM 2.5 hours later=
-Hygrometers: Internal= 38 % RH, and 27.7 Degrees Celsius. External= 30% RH, 30.7 Degrees Celsius
-BG showing sings of yellowing at leaf tips
-ST L.. FUCK i snapped her main branch. LST too hard.

Tried tapping her up. But I think this band-aid will not be enough

Day 42, Veg, Week 6, D7 CM
-Still looking strong! Mostly dark in color.. but some lightening of leaves

Nov 26/19
Day 52, Veg, Week 8, D2
-Added 1mL of every nute except rhino Skin, and 2mL of Calmag
-PPM= only 230. Noticed over the past couple days, they were eating about 20 PPM worth of nutes per day. After speaking with 3M who suggested at 200 to bump up to 300% of nutrients being absorbed which would be 20 PPM x 3= Giving me 60. The 60 would then be added to the initial PPM which was 300 PPM, which would allow me to safely bump my res to 360.
-Will let res settle and check tomorrow. If the PPM stay relatively low, I will bump with more nutrients tomorrow.

Nov 27/10
Day 53, Veg, Week 8, D3
-PPM= 230 which means I have more than enough room to add more nutes. Added 4mL of every nute, except I still added no rhino skin for the time being.
-PPM post feed was nearly 296, which isn't exactly where I want to be, but it is a little closer so I will leave it as is for now
-Hygrometers: I= 38% RH, and 27.7 degrees Celsius. E=30% RH, and 30.7 Degrees Celsius
-BG getting some lighter coloration towards the tips of upper leaves, and new growth light in color
-Tried tying down ST L a bit more.... Was too aggressive and snapped her main stem. Tried taping together with medical paper tape... DIdn't work, she shriveled up shortly after. FUCK
Day 44, Veg, Week 7, D3 CM
-Getting a bight ligther in color. Furthering LST

Nov 28/19
Day 54, Veg, Week 8, D4
-Added another 2mL of each nute besides rhino skin which is still 0 mL
Day 45, Veg, Week 7, D4 CM
-Still holding with lightening

Dec 1/19
Day 56, Veg, Week 8, D7
-PPM= 260
-Hygrometers: Internal= 43% RH, and 25.9 Degrees Celsius. External= 30% RH, and 28.5 Degrees Celsius
-pH= 6.5 debated adding pH, but will wait and see what happens. Just for reference
-BG= 8" Tall, and about 9" Wide
-ST L= 7" Tall, and 8" Wide
-ST R= 6' abd 8.5' wide
Day 48, Veg, Week 7, D7
-CM= 7" Tall, and about 8" Wide

**Also switched light, and time cycle. Time to flower!**
Alright guys, sorry things got all messed up.

My plants had a problem with oxygen due to my air pump not working. I battled the flowering stage, got them to survive and produce a grand total of 3.5 oz. Not at all what I was envisioning. But I learned a great deal.
It is now time to start my Peyote Gorilla, and Black Sugar grow. I hope to be on the ball on this one.
Monday Feb 10/20: Day 1

Hey Everyone,
Sorry I am joining the party late. But with my previous grow now drying, it's time to begin my Seedsman journey!
I have popped 2 Peyote Gorilla beans, and 2 Black Sugar beans. Both have been placed in shot glasses filled with water from the fridge, and put in a cabinet. Let Feb 10th be the official start date

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-12 at 5.27.20 PM.jpeg

Wednesday Feb 12/20: Day 3

48 Hours since dropping the beans in the fridge water, and sitting in darkness, and we have got taproots!

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-12 at 5.27.21 PM (1).jpeg

Thursday Nov 13/20: Day 4

Soaked rockwool in pH 5.9 fridge water, for 2 hours.

Placed beans into their temp home (just until I see some roots pop out the bottom).

For the time being they will be going back in the dark :)

Nov 14/20: Day 5

Added a bit of fridge water to each of the rockwool cubes.

Still no sign of any growth or seedlings!

Nov 15/20: Day 6

Added some more fridge water to each of the rockwool cubes! Drying up quickly.

1x PG, and 1x BS have started to sprout

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-13 at 2.01.47 PM (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-13 at 2.01.47 PM.jpeg

Feb 16/20 Day 7- Rockwool dry again, therefore watered with fridge water (all 4 rockwool cubes).

2x Peyote Gorilla seeds have sprouted slightly. Placed by the window sill, I want to see if these will differ from the other seeds that I will leave in the dark.

Feb 17/20 Day 8- All 4 seeds have now sprouted out of the rockwool!

Will leave the BS in the dark for another day to get a bit larger, hoping to put them in the grow box tomorrow.

Placing the Peyote Gorilla in the grow box under 18/6 light schedule.

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-17 at 5.44.35 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-17 at 5.44.35 PM (1).jpeg

Feb 19/20 Day 10- Both BS have stretched a significant amount. 1 is a little too long to support it self still, so I have included 3 toothpicks to help her stand for the time being.

-Moved both Black Sugar beans to my grow box and under the 18/6 lighting

-I have created a dry set up of my airstones

-Cut off 1" of 2x larger rockwool. I want to experiment with Hydroton, so at the bottom of the plastic holder, below the rockwool I will add the Hydroton. See how this will help/hinder my rooting system

-Soaked Hydroton in pH water for about 12 hours.

-Added all 4x seeds into larger rockwool!

-Watered with pH 5 water
WhatsApp Image 2020-02-20 at 5.50.05 AM.jpeg
In here with swim gear!
Feb 21/20 Day 12

-Not much change at all

-Black sugar not shedding helmet

-Both Peyote Gorillas at 4 leaves

Feb 22/20 Day 13

-Sprayed all 4x girls on the bottom with fridge water. Trying to promote root growth

-Black sugar still unable to lose its helmet

-Peyote showing signs of new growth!
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