Noobie from the East Coast

Most of my friends are Nuffie as I worked in the patch for the last 20 years. Now they all went home because of the oil crash. Can't wait to go see all those great people
:welcome: to :420: CannaMiss. It's a unique oasis where everyone is of respected regardless of their growing experience and every member has value. You won't find that anywere else, at least from my research. :)

Look foward to seeing you around the forums.
Every time you search engine a query about growing cannabis or problems with growing every time you inevitably end up here reading posts by veteran growers and newbies alike. It's a fantastic place to start if you want to learn the basics or something more advanced. It's all here are :420: happy growing
Hey KidGrow420! I'm all the way over in DC! Some of my family is from Ireland! Thanks for the welcome :)

Welcome to :420: CM44. OG said it above, some of the best growers are right here. After you dig out from the blizzard come on by The Roost (link in my signature) and find a chair by the stove. I've got a few messages I'd like you to deliver to the hill. :rofl:
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