Northern Lights - Building An Army

lol ill let u know how well i do per plant, deadhead just got a update, and when they pop ill let you know aswell , im going to seperate each plant when drying so i know whats wat lol
Meow you listen right here.... I didnt bust my ass to post this for you to run off a nimbely bimbely to some other thread right meow. You need to pack up all your yarn and sit down for a cat nap meow and again so your not such a grumpy puss! :rofl::rofl:
LOL i say meow alot now just on accedent, i work in a office atm and make phone calls and i hear meow slip out of my mouth on the phone some times im like 'oh shit! anyone hear that?' haha i want to do it to a pissed off customer lol it bee some funny shit man!
LOL i say meow alot now just on accedent, i work in a office atm and make phone calls and i hear meow slip out of my mouth on the phone some times im like 'oh shit! anyone hear that?' haha i want to do it to a pissed off customer lol it bee some funny shit man!

Do you have tourettes?, My son has it and we are sooo glad he does!, we have laughed our asses off soo many times together1 He dosen't have the kind that makes you meow, he has the repetitive movement, face grimacing, the girls love that shit too!
no tourettes lol , cant imagine that could be then funnest ailment, but if you can make light of cancer why not right?

My kid got in trouble from teachers for it, they said he was fakin it, I asked them if they would like some practice fakin a black eye, they left him alone after that! You could always find him at school, just look for the girls crowded around....he was in the middle gettin loved on!
lol what does he do or say?

He is a big, good lookin, honest kid......he has no inhibitions, speaks his mind, is funny as hell, will whoop a bullies ass in a second, and mostly he loves GOD! He is with the 82nd airborne right, kinda cowboy like dude......not afraid of anything......gentle. I trained him in the ways of the world, he can shoot, ride anything with legs or wheels....he is actually my stepson, which makes me extra proud cuz he had to overcome some genetic issues...LOL....he is MY son sized!:love:


the clones i took from the seeds are doing great, some are in cups, couple i let sit longer.


When you get plants like this dont fret, this is a common lack of water, (iv been having this happen on and off for past 2 weeks because i cant keep the plant watered enough in the solo cups,

Recommendation, i need to get them all into there 2 gal bags i bought, only reason i am using the 2 gals is i dont have space for them atm in the 5 gals,


also got one of these guys rocking, droped it once seting it up thos X O no one died tho , just a mess haha
Ok, upside down plant........It will work, I couldnt get tomatoes to grow well with those, a plants root system is controlled by gravity, so the roots are gonna grow toward the stem of the plant, and not away from it like they're designed to.......+ reps.......I gotta owe you're all repped up for me...LOL

Actually, Not true, i did a paper on this in highschool (very vague, had to do some big boy research to confirm what i thought) » Plant roots defy gravity in U.S. study

Read this they actually do a zero gravity grow, dosnt efftect the plants root system
Actually, Not true, i did a paper on this in highschool (very vague, had to do some big boy research to confirm what i thought) » Plant roots defy gravity in U.S. study

Read this they actually do a zero gravity grow, dosnt efftect the plants root system

I will bet a hooker that when you bust that n---- open the roots are balled up at the bottom of the pot thingy, I grew a tomatoe in one and as far as tomatoes go...well.... I hoped i wasn't too hungry for em, what sucks is that some came up on the ground..........voluntary style and grew to six the hangin one...they dry out really quickly....I hope it grows soooooo good it wraps a n---- up!:cheer:
Soo MY partner was over yesterday and wanted to do some work so he replanted all the clones in from the cups into 5gal bags with pro mix and the michigan soil mix too. then i watered them up with lil feed and they should be going nuts by monday if all goes well : )


^ got the veg room pretty full now.... just need to get the t5 and an induction in here : )

:woohoo::lot-o-toke: man dude look so dope :)
First Grow Stealth PC Grow Box! Advice Welcome!
Actually, Not true, i did a paper on this in highschool (very vague, had to do some big boy research to confirm what i thought) » Plant roots defy gravity in U.S. study

Read this they actually do a zero gravity grow, dosnt efftect the plants root system

Make sure and read the opening statement carefully silly!, maybe I'm silly, but I never saw roots grow up?, in the prescence of gravity, I HAVE seen plant cells that didn't know which way was up cuz some scientist kept em movin on a vertically mounted wheel thingy deal, like a ferris wheel sorta setup.
I Just threw one in there to see how she does, i read alot of journals , off this site, of people growing with them, i will update you guys on the progression of it for sure, my theroy is that if i Lightly water the plant, and keep the TOP of the hagers dirt moist, the root will go toward to top.

ALSO there are new ones out that uses circle sponges that hold dirt/water from gravity, so i think IF this doesnt work, then i am going to try that out, thinking that will solve any issues that you disscribe but idk if that was just your experiance,

I did find the study you were talking about withthe wheel,

How Do Plants Know Which Way Is Up And Which Way Is Down? : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

But, idk why they sell these things IF they didnt work, my dad has grown tomatoes in them and they were great, i will run it through and see what i get tho, like i said some people have done it so far so good, even if it root balls i should be able to get a oz or two from it if i can.
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