OldMed Man's Air Pots and a Perpetual Grow

The snow ended up not being good for sledding but great for snowmen..... I swear one looked just like a penis.... there were 3 snowmen...all together.

Calm down there girl! :ganjamon:

Wonder why we don't make Snow Women ?:yahoo:
Update Time Again!

A front shot


Right side Shot


And a Left Shot




Papaya 1


Papaya 2


Violator Kush


Violator Kush Bud


Another Violator Kush Bud


Jack Diesel


Jack Diesel Bud


The Ktrain


Ktrain again




Lucy Bud


Mazar Kush Bud


Mazar Kush




Wappa Again


End Of Update! :ganjamon:
I should have taken a picture!! I was to busy being happy it was in the back yard... others were in the front!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Hubby even said "what does that look like to you"!


So glad it was a fun day....with benefits :yahoo:
those are gorgeous photos....love the one with the pale pink background....the whole darn group is spectacular.....not a cull in the bunch i would think....that jack diesel is sure something else....hard to believe its winter there....all that green...and all that growth....the plants look good up like that....do you all have snakes there?
wouldnt that be like a plague in paradise? snakes? one reason i loved ak...no snakes there....grew up around them, so i still think in terms of where they could hide....anyway, those are gorgeous photos....more more more....yep, im greedy....and all those plants are pure dandies....best of to you...hugs, L:bravo::bravo::yahoo::welldone:
those are gorgeous photos....love the one with the pale pink background....the whole darn group is spectacular.....not a cull in the bunch i would think....that jack diesel is sure something else....hard to believe its winter there....all that green...and all that growth....the plants look good up like that....do you all have snakes there?
wouldnt that be like a plague in paradise? snakes? one reason i loved ak...no snakes there....grew up around them, so i still think in terms of where they could hide....anyway, those are gorgeous photos....more more more....yep, im greedy....and all those plants are pure dandies....best of to you...hugs, L:bravo::bravo::yahoo::welldone:

Blush Blush! Thank you Lav! Coming from you that's quite a compliment, I think your one of the best photographers on 420. Guess the secret is good subjects. My dead of winter is a great spring for you. No snakes! Hawaii tries very hard to stop them from coming in. Still find one now and then, but not many. Still trying to find another two girls to put out, but none are ready. :popcorn::popcorn:
Blush Blush! Thank you Lav! Coming from you that's quite a compliment, I think your one of the best photographers on 420. Guess the secret is good subjects. My dead of winter is a great spring for you. No snakes! Hawaii tries very hard to stop them from coming in. Still find one now and then, but not many. Still trying to find another two girls to put out, but none are ready. :popcorn::popcorn:

thank you, but it is hubby....his hands are steady....well, sometimes i do take pics...not often tho...he gets disgusted and asks if i want him to do it....i got that guileless innocent smile down too...
about the vegan? i answered that on his thread...lol...roflmao....silly me...

plants: are you going by size or alternating limbs? i'm kinda enjoying the smaller ones now....but mature...but i have to keep mine soooo long, how could they be anything else...but mature....lol....as for size, well i should buy stock in bush master....but i have to due to space....later, im off on an important mission....spending money....hugs, L

its not seeds this time....its stuff for the mmj market....seeds would have been cheaper tho, well, sometimes....lol...its dangerous shopping stoned...
nearly the only time my hands are steady is punching in the numbers on a credit card...mine....i got that one wired...L:thanks:
thank you, but it is hubby....his hands are steady....well, sometimes i do take pics...not often tho...he gets disgusted and asks if i want him to do it....i got that guileless innocent smile down too...
about the vegan? i answered that on his thread...lol...roflmao....silly me...

plants: are you going by size or alternating limbs? i'm kinda enjoying the smaller ones now....but mature...but i have to keep mine soooo long, how could they be anything else...but mature....lol....as for size, well i should buy stock in bush master....but i have to due to space....later, im off on an important mission....spending money....hugs, L

its not seeds this time....its stuff for the mmj market....seeds would have been cheaper tho, well, sometimes....lol...its dangerous shopping stoned...
nearly the only time my hands are steady is punching in the numbers on a credit card...mine....i got that one wired...L:thanks:

Hey Lav! :ganjamon:

This has been one fun night on 420! Lots of LMAO too. I know all about that guileless innocent smile business. Met some experts. Works though! :smokin:
Some of the funnest times are laughing at one's self.
Been waiting for alternating limbs. None yet. Some are so beautiful it's hard to wait. I'm trying to travel the opposite road than Bushmaster.

Spending money huh? That reminds me I have to go look at Attitudes newsletter. :cheesygrinsmiley: I read what you and Tmac were talking about. You should be partners. What a team. It sure is dangerous shopping stoned. I have some stuff I haven't even opened yet. I don't even have to look at my cc any more. Know it by heart. Hugs and a handshake. OMM
yeah, really enjoyed last night too...(?)....not sure that sounds right...but...still laughing....

poor social, hes over on his thread denying hes a vegitarian and swearing he likes his ebb and flow....i sure messed this up....lol....

now i'll probably have 5k veggies and peta members after me!!
hey, its ok, vegitarians can like ebb and flows too....that should have cleared it up....

usually they are thin...i may get away...esp. in a wind storm....

if they dont get me, hubby will....tmac is bad for me....not really, she had some great ideas and i acted on them....hubby never cares...he knows me...but the lock on the laptop is getting harder to pick...lol...

still have to order the glycerin and bottles for that....(thank you)...that will be a new adventure...but i think it tastes better than the alcohol tinctures...

will sure be busy this next month....dont think any will be here in time for the market this time....but will have all the other stuff ready....hope.....

cant wait to see the zulu when you put her out in spring....i envision this twenty foot tower of plant....they can get that tall....have to keep mine down to under four ft....but its potent....

i know that waiting for the plant feeling....just get busy on the outside ones ..lots of photos....those last ones were dandies....i still have 5 more to transplant....got the rest of it done....so im nearly to the free time stage again....love that 2 wks off i get in there....can just watch and enjoy....well, later, im off to get more done....no, not here....ive already fouled this up...enough for a while...lol...i mean on the plants ect...later, hugs, L
yeah, really enjoyed last night too...(?)....not sure that sounds right...but...still laughing....

poor social, hes over on his thread denying hes a vegitarian and swearing he likes his ebb and flow....i sure messed this up....lol....

now i'll probably have 5k veggies and peta members after me!!
hey, its ok, vegitarians can like ebb and flows too....that should have cleared it up....

usually they are thin...i may get away...esp. in a wind storm....

if they dont get me, hubby will....tmac is bad for me....not really, she had some great ideas and i acted on them....hubby never cares...he knows me...but the lock on the laptop is getting harder to pick...lol...

still have to order the glycerin and bottles for that....(thank you)...that will be a new adventure...but i think it tastes better than the alcohol tinctures...

will sure be busy this next month....dont think any will be here in time for the market this time....but will have all the other stuff ready....hope.....

cant wait to see the zulu when you put her out in spring....i envision this twenty foot tower of plant....they can get that tall....have to keep mine down to under four ft....but its potent....

i know that waiting for the plant feeling....just get busy on the outside ones ..lots of photos....those last ones were dandies....i still have 5 more to transplant....got the rest of it done....so im nearly to the free time stage again....love that 2 wks off i get in there....can just watch and enjoy....well, later, im off to get more done....no, not here....ive already fouled this up...enough for a while...lol...i mean on the plants ect...later, hugs, L

Hi Lav! :ganjamon:

Yep, was a funny night and am still chucking. I'm sure social understands. I think he was having fun too.

Seems like only us hard core 420 junkies were on over this holiday. Today they are recovering or trying to find their house or getting out of jail.

Pray for windstorm, you're right they wouldn't have a chance.

I must pay Hubby his due....wonderful pictures he takes. He has an advantage, he sees the world differently than us. Locks the laptop too.

Tmac and you just whipped through allot very quickly...I was fascinated by it. Ideas just popping up. Think your right about the tinctures w/o alcohol .
You are sure gonna be busy. Hope you get a chance to decorate your booth.
Great about the G. daughter...she is coming back to life. Just great.
I think she is realizing what a teacher of life you are.

I was lucky enough to have a friend that gave me a sample of Zulu, your right very potent. Still thinking of a 10 gallon airpot for her, which would be like a 20 gallon regular pot. My own big tree.

May have to put out another plant or two before I want too. Running out of veg space. Problem is...which ones.

Are you kidding.....the 2 weeks will be full of getting ready for the meeting.
L you never stop.
Hope they fix the heat soon. :peace:
Aloha Bro!!
Before you leave, check out some of the last pics of the Sour D, just showing off my one fav girl from the batch, but they are in their last few days. Pics will be up in just a few. That journal is ending on this batch so its the last hurrah of the solid SD!! and its ending in a sparkly kabang!! ;)
Jack Diesel


Jack Diesel Bud


Got my eye on this girl still, she is pretty as heck, got the diesel and the Jack in her, so she's special in my book!! Plus it looks like your are doing a great job with everything!
Hey, if Bass is coming out then we all got to get together I'm thinkin'. Eh?
Aloha OMM
been working on market stuff all day....think i'll do a frame out of pvc pipe, and cover the back, hanging, like a drape, and part of each side, mostly for privacy, but can hang stuff on the tops and sides....easy to put up, no weight, and pull down....think a couple of females could do it....
yes, tmac is very talented...alot of ideas....got mouse pad blanks, round and square and nearly bought some heart shaped to, valentine day comming up...and some tee shirts, all sizes, the transfer stuff, almost got mugs, but not this time...also decal stuff, temporary tattoo transfers....and a few other things to put pics on....thanks to hubby, we have a zillion photos....want to do some temp. tattoos on my forehead of pretty buds, like a headband....and maybe sell a few...also posters ect...except for the tattoos ive done all this before, so wont get it done for this trip, but next one? also ordered a gal. of veg. glycerin....to make the tincture out of...i bought a couple of bottles from another vender last time, and i really liked it...want to give a few freebies out of decals, only 2-3 inch tho....i think im going to take the zulu out for her debute this time....nice to hear your opinion on her also....yeah, shes a keeper for sure...but the hawaiian snow is maybe stronger....but alot more tempermental....unless a person has the patience of job, shes not for everyone....nor is the zulu...she is a runner...needs a firm hand....second gen. really grows good...
have you tried the durban poison....got that seed...really want to try it...
a friend of ours here got some c.j. clones so i'll get to watch them grow, and maybe learn a thing or two....
oh, and some bottles for the tincture...have the receipes all collected and read and am rereading them....should be a fun adventure....talk to ya soon, hugs, L
oh, pick the largest ones to go out....if i get in a bind, i just pick the biggest and healthiest looking....L.....had to do the same, its all good...they mature, but just not as well as full grown....but then sometimes theyll fool ya and be hugh and healthy as a horse....i think i'ld pick some indicas if you have them, or a hybred....
Aloha Bro!!
Before you leave, check out some of the last pics of the Sour D, just showing off my one fav girl from the batch, but they are in their last few days. Pics will be up in just a few. That journal is ending on this batch so its the last hurrah of the solid SD!! and its ending in a sparkly kabang!! ;)

Hi Van :ganjamon:

Just took a look......I want some! :yahoo:
Jack Diesel


Jack Diesel Bud


Got my eye on this girl still, she is pretty as heck, got the diesel and the Jack in her, so she's special in my book!! Plus it looks like your are doing a great job with everything!
Hey, if Bass is coming out then we all got to get together I'm thinkin'. Eh?
Aloha OMM

Hey Bro She has disappeared!!! :hmmmm::hmmmm::yikes::yikes::yikes:
I haven't seen or heard from her in a long time. Email doesn't work either!

Hehe! That JackD is stinky too! :yahoo:
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