Pass it left!

I can't wait to grow my own. Is from the girl in the pics? Does drying it that way change the way it'll smoke in contrast air drying or in the cardboard box etc etc?
I can't wait to grow my own. Is from the girl in the pics? Does drying it that way change the way it'll smoke in contrast air drying or in the cardboard box etc etc?
Yes it was off the one I have going.
It was a harsh smoke, when dried properly it takes the harshness away. 10 days and this girl should be ready. Bang on 10 weeks. :passitleft:
:passitleft: Not smoking anything right but later on after school I'll be smoking on some headband!!!! My neighbor picked some up and is afraid of smoking it alone because the dealer gave him a fair warning to take it slowly.
Currently smoking on some HSO sour diesel auto. Cured about 6 weeks. Gassy lemon flavor. Menthol, liquorice, and fuel taste. When vaped.. the menthol will make your nose drip. :) :passitleft:
I made a really nice bong, just like that when I was a little younger, as I couldnt buy any glass. Anyway, it was made from a Glass Voss water bottle, the really tall one. I hand carved a wooden round knob off of my dresser as a bowl. Then I would fill it half Ice cubes and half water. Man did that thing churn.
LOL I used one of the mason jars I was going to use for curing my buds! I've made all kinds from all kinds of glass. My all time favorite was a crown royal bottle with the percolated slide bowl. Good times. My dog tipped it over from my table and...... shatter! Glass everywhere. Sad day indeed.
Theres this guy on youtube, he buys obscure glass pieces and converts them to bongs. Ill PM you a link in a minute. He bought a 18mm glass drill bit from Home depot. Then with a $15 dollar downstem its a legit piece. The one that stands out in my mind is made from a Jazz Vodka Bottle. Its shaped like a trumpet. So unique.
Never had oil before. I have to admit, i'm kind of intimidated by it :passitleft:

Oil is nothing to be intimidated about. Its a cleaner and more effective way of medicating, also more low key. I would say a "dab" is equal to a joint. So you could take 20 puffs of smoke, or one solid hit of oil. You vaporize oil, so you are inhaling pure cannabonoids and no unnecessary plant material.
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