Please Help Me Help My Daughter - Autos In Coco - LED

Lol comes with it's own challenges .
Hey Derby!

I just read through your whole journal today, ignored all the other 420 notifications coming in XD

It was a dense read, a lot of good info in here! I'm really proud of you gaining the confidence to up production for your daughters meds. It seems you really have a knack for the whole diy homegrown thing-maybe your new job can be this ;P

Really appreciate what your doing, I can see how hard you work and how much you love your family and it really warms my heart. Your a sweet guy and your family is lucky to have you . your a great dad <3

Moving on I'm really enjoying what's happening in here so I'm going to keep following closely and root for you on the sidelines, your game is strong,keep it up . . .

Wishing you and your fam jam all the best,

Bignstrange :blunt:.
Hey Derby!

I just read through your whole journal today, ignored all the other 420 notifications coming in XD

It was a dense read, a lot of good info in here! I'm really proud of you gaining the confidence to up production for your daughters meds. It seems you really have a knack for the whole diy homegrown thing-maybe your new job can be this ;P

Really appreciate what your doing, I can see how hard you work and how much you love your family and it really warms my heart. Your a sweet guy and your family is lucky to have you . your a great dad <3

Moving on I'm really enjoying what's happening in here so I'm going to keep following closely and root for you on the sidelines, your game is strong,keep it up . . .

Wishing you and your fam jam all the best,

Bignstrange :blunt:.
Thanks big. Spent the day with my wife and daughter and a few of her friends yesterday. Had a great time with them. It's easy to do the things I do as I am blessed with such a loving family. We went to the biggest horse show in the world in Columbus Ohio. It's called Quarter Horse Congress. It last the whole month of October and this was the last weekend so there were deals to be made and the best horses to make it this far were running. My wife the great partner she is bought me a new saddle and we're going trail riding later today with friends. Been working on a big batch of chili this morning for after the ride. Things are as good as they can be right now all things considering and hope it continues better for my daughter. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Aw Derby your living the dream man. I freaking love horses :3 I can't wait to have some land and some beautiful beasts to live alongside.

I'm green with envy here . super sweet of your wife to set you up with some great kit!

And glad to hear all is well with your gal n that you had some fun yesterday! .

Enjoy that delicious chilli and your back country ride ! Can't imagine a better Sunday myself :3

Cheers Derby! .
I was raised with quarter horses and Black Angus cattle, and up until recently it had been years since I was last on a horse. I had the opportunity to ride and figured why the hell not. Once I was in the saddle all hell broke loose and the horse was running faster and faster and it was all I could do to hang on. My wife was yelling at me to jump off and I tried but my foot got caught in the stirrup and my life was flashing by before my eyes as my leg was wrenched almost out of the socket. Thankfully the store manager unplugged the horse, but he banned me from ever riding it again.
I was raised with quarter horses and Black Angus cattle, and up until recently it had been years since I was last on a horse. I had the opportunity to ride and figured why the hell not. Once I was in the saddle all hell broke loose and the horse was running faster and faster and it was all I could do to hang on. My wife was yelling at me to jump off and I tried but my foot got caught in the stirrup and my life was flashing by before my eyes as my legs was wrenched almost out of the socket. Thankfully the store manager unplugged the horse, but he banned me from ever riding it again.
LMFAO! Those mechanical bulls are a fun. I remember riding one in Mexico with this super hot chick. Hmmmm I'll never forget that trip
XD Rider
Any luck with it Derby?

The discussions you and Furcifer and PW have go way over my head but I figure if I soak up even a little, in time I'll learn. :laugh:

*I'm with you DW...waaaay over my head, but as soon as I saw the light was hung, I felt okay

Light is up and running


*Congratulations DB, that was a very rewarding picture to see.

Thanks big. Spent the day with my wife and daughter and a few of her friends yesterday. Had a great time with them. It's easy to do the things I do as I am blessed with such a loving family. We went to the biggest horse show in the world in Columbus Ohio. It's called Quarter Horse Congress. It last the whole month of October and this was the last weekend so there were deals to be made and the best horses to make it this far were running. My wife the great partner she is bought me a new saddle and we're going trail riding later today with friends. Been working on a big batch of chili this morning for after the ride. Things are as good as they can be right now all things considering and hope it continues better for my daughter. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

*I went to the races as a kid, I was taught how to clock horses so we could bet on the fastest practicing horse. So very exciting. And now I have horses to visit at a ranch, so I looooove horses. I share that love with you!

I was raised with quarter horses and Black Angus cattle, and up until recently it had been years since I was last on a horse. I had the opportunity to ride and figured why the hell not. Once I was in the saddle all hell broke loose and the horse was running faster and faster and it was all I could do to hang on. My wife was yelling at me to jump off and I tried but my foot got caught in the stirrup and my life was flashing by before my eyes as my legs was wrenched almost out of the socket. Thankfully the store manager unplugged the horse, but he banned me from ever riding it again.

*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa :rofl: I actually went through a very similar story when I was younger so I fell for it right away. Looove your humour alive that was funny.


So you probably know what I'm gonna ask but I'll write it out anyways...have you tried oil yet for your daughter?

I am so touched by your mission, and if I may be of any help, I would be here in a second. :Namaste:
*I'm with you DW...waaaay over my head, but as soon as I saw the light was hung, I felt okay

*Congratulations DB, that was a very rewarding picture to see.

*I went to the races as a kid, I was taught how to clock horses so we could bet on the fastest practicing horse. So very exciting. And now I have horses to visit at a ranch, so I looooove horses. I share that love with you!

*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa :rofl: I actually went through a very similar story when I was younger so I fell for it right away. Looove your humour alive that was funny.


So you probably know what I'm gonna ask but I'll write it out anyways...have you tried oil yet for your daughter?

I am so touched by your mission, and if I may be of any help, I would be here in a second. :Namaste:
Thanks so much G2HM but I haven't tried the oil making yet. Once my harvest comes in then I'll be using my MB2 machine and your recipe for sure. I just wish I knew what stains I'm working with to know what helps her the most.
Got done with our ride late yesterday and my wife hurt her shoulder. Couldn't sleep and in some nasty pain. Went to the doctor today and has a MRI scheduled for Wednesday. Looks like a tare. She tried some of the stash my friend brought over for our daughter and said it was like a light show when she closed her eyes and that didn't help her with getting any sleep. Told her to try again only earlier in the evening like when she got in from the horses and just watch some tv or something to relax before going to bed. We'll see. She did say pain is way down from yesterday
Damn now more for me to do.
Oh and after sending my Meanwell driver back to them they are giving me a refund. Great people to talk and work with. Top notch.
Thanks so much G2HM but I haven't tried the oil making yet. Once my harvest comes in then I'll be using my MB2 machine and your recipe for sure. I just wish I knew what stains I'm working with to know what helps her the most.
Got done with our ride late yesterday and my wife hurt her shoulder. Couldn't sleep and in some nasty pain. Went to the doctor today and has a MRI scheduled for Wednesday. Looks like a tare. She tried some of the stash my friend brought over for our daughter and said it was like a light show when she closed her eyes and that didn't help her with getting any sleep. Told her to try again only earlier in the evening like when she got in from the horses and just watch some tv or something to relax before going to bed. We'll see. She did say pain is way down from yesterday
Damn now more for me to do.

*You know you can start your daughter on evoo oil or coconut oil for up to 20ml a day, which is one teaspoon. They use this to treat ALZ patients but it's a preventative measure for those suffering from similar symptoms but without ALZ diagnosis. I thirst for my oil now. (not sure what other stuff your daughter is taking)

*I have a suggestion for your wife. Us women looove baths especially for aching muscles. Your wife is tense from pain, it's going to be hard for the THC & CBD to battle, when there is a relaxing option. So under your supervision, she should take a calming bath and when she can find a comfortable position for her shoulder to be in, let her have some of your stash. I don't want her to sleep in the bath, but when people don't use Cannabis for healing usually there is a tension of trying it. So she'll relax in the bath, water is holding her shoulder comfortably, then give her another try. Plan to have maybe bubbles or essential oils for her. Candles? Keep her in a relaxed state.

Then once she's done her bath and ready for bed, give her one little dose for sleep. Less than what you give her in the bath. Just even one controlled puff may do the trick.

I live with chronic body pain, back injuries and sports injuries as you already know. This is my common practice in dealing with my soccer wounds. I hope it helps because it hurts to tear the shoulder and it puts her totally out of commission.

Best wishes always...:thanks:
*You know you can start your daughter on evoo oil or coconut oil for up to 20ml a day, which is one teaspoon. They use this to treat ALZ patients but it's a preventative measure for those suffering from similar symptoms but without ALZ diagnosis. I thirst for my oil now. (not sure what other stuff your daughter is taking)

*I have a suggestion for your wife. Us women looove baths especially for aching muscles. Your wife is tense from pain, it's going to be hard for the THC & CBD to battle, when there is a relaxing option. So under your supervision, she should take a calming bath and when she can find a comfortable position for her shoulder to be in, let her have some of your stash. I don't want her to sleep in the bath, but when people don't use Cannabis for healing usually there is a tension of trying it. So she'll relax in the bath, water is holding her shoulder comfortably, then give her another try. Plan to have maybe bubbles or essential oils for her. Candles? Keep her in a relaxed state.

Then once she's done her bath and ready for bed, give her one little dose for sleep. Less than what you give her in the bath. Just even one controlled puff may do the trick.

I live with chronic body pain, back injuries and sports injuries as you already know. This is my common practice in dealing with my soccer wounds. I hope it helps because it hurts to tear the shoulder and it puts her totally out of commission.

Best wishes always...:thanks:
Couple of problems with that G2HM

First I work second shift so we don't get to see each other but on the weekend that is why we were enjoying me taking a half day off on the last 2 Fridays as we got more time with each other.

Second if I did the candles and flower stuff that would make her more tense as she would want to know what I was up to. Just not me and would make her nervous.

Daughter is using meds I got from my friend. One CDB and I believe a Purple Kush and white widow. She has a PAX3 my mom got her and starts with the cdb and about half hour later with the others. She says she can do it anytime of day and still keep up with her school work. I'm glad to here that .
Sounds great, I loooove PK, that is how I got started growing. It helped me so much.

Okay, so I'm here whenever you want to make oil. ;)

Thank you for letting me apply my new knowledge without overstepping privacy boundaries. It's good to practice. ;)
If I have problems with my oil I know where to find ya. Thanks for your help
Oh and after sending my Meanwell driver back to them they are giving me a refund. Great people to talk and work with. Top notch.

That is awesome to hear, DB! Something had to be awry with that driver because they're so well protected that they're almost bullet-proof.
Hey Derby, just wanted to send you my best wishes and all available energy to help out, really sorry to hear about the misses. I remember when i seperated my shoulder riding my bike into a telephone pole at 50 k, not awesome :/

Wish I could do more to help from here, but you and your family are in my thoughts, hope things turn up for you shortly.

Sending lots of love n support

Hey Derby, just wanted to send you my best wishes and all available energy to help out, really sorry to hear about the misses. I remember when i seperated my shoulder riding my bike into a telephone pole at 50 k, not awesome :/

Wish I could do more to help from here, but you and your family are in my thoughts, hope things turn up for you shortly.

Sending lots of love n support

Just got home about 1/2 hour ago and wife is sleeping sound. She has the TV and router all messed up so something else for me to troubleshoot tomorrow. But just knowing she is hopefully getting a good night's rest will be worth it.
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