PW's Perpetual Playhouse

That’s pretty much the sweet zone

Hey penny i was wondering since i change my res once a week if one of my plants uses up most of what i got in the res but still has like 2 r 3 days to go till i normally change the res shud i jus fill up the res with normal ro water or shud i dump it out n jus do a fresh res change early?
You’ll get a feel for it, I’ll usually change weekly myself. If it gets low I add water then change at the designated day.

Awesome thanx man thts what i did lol i jus didnt know if it wud mess the ph up since u add nute amounts based on how much water u have an if u add in more water with out more nutes would it have messed it up but i guess not since u did it and ur plants looked gorgeous but yea thanx dude
I’m not sure the plant uses up all the nutes in a weeks time. Some people go well over 1 week before they change their buckets.

I was wondering tht same thing cuz wen i dump out my res to do a res change sumtimes the water is still dark so i wondered if plant was using up all the nutes. An since im using advanced nutes ph perfect they say the ph balance only stays good for a week so i didnt think i cud wait longer then a week or am i wrong
Only one way to find out, vary your times for Rez change.

Lol right i jus hope i dnt lose one of my girls trying it out maybe ill try it on one of my photo plants so if sumthn does go worng then i wont lose any on yield since autos r so tricky when it comes to stress.
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