Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Dog

Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

So it was a nice day to check The Sunny Spot. Well not so sunny for now but you'll see just wait :cheesygrinsmiley: I cleaned the shit, mostly blackberry roots and stems, and sprinkled some powdered egg shells. There's a space for 13-14 plants there, and I've been growing in this patch for three years always with great results. I always cut the branches when I harvest and I leave the stem with roots to compost in soil and to keep the microlife going. Then I remove everything in the spring few weeks before I plant. All this organic matter I toss aside I later use as mulch when the summer heatwaves come. It's also very practical, cause after harvest cannabis roots are very hard to remove, and in the spring they pop out without any effort.


I didn't take any photos afterwards cause my battery went flat, but you get the idea :smokin:
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

I thought I'd drop you another one and explain you what I'm waiting for now. Well I'm waiting for Waxing Moon which usually helps seeds germinate as the shell absorbs water better, and tap root gets to have faster growth. And they do much better in later life, actually they very rarely fail if your seed was good quality. They're more immune to diseases and parasites. Around 11 the time is perfect to start popping for this season, but I'm gonna start in the next two days, and I'll show you a bit how I do it :tokin:


Keep it up, guys! And here's one for you!


Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Hey buddy! I hope life is treating you well!!
In regards to germination on a waxing moon does this apply to indoor grows as well or does the artificial light cycle over ride any benefit from the moon?
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Hey man thx I'm all right. Just chilling out you know.

Well as far as the moon thing goes it doesn't have anything to do with light wavelength. It's about gravitational pull and maybe something we still don't quite understand. They'll grow better when you pop them that way and at least it's not harmful so why not try it? I've been doing it for quite a while achieving as high as 100% germination in a batch. Hmm tomorrow I'm starting actually so I'm gonna let you all know how it goes :passitleft:
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

So I started to soak the seeds today, I also prepared pots with soil, and added Crazy Pineapple Shit to this mix, but these are old seeds so I'm not sure how they're gonna do.


Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Welcome man!
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Thanks buddy
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

So I've dropped 6 beans in the ground so far, 3 OG Kushes and 3 Ghost Train Hazes. Ultra Dogs are coming up, big hard indica shell there so tap root needs more time. And Crazy Pineapple Shit had to be scuffed, cause they do not want to open up that easily. I also dropped 10 more UD seeds into the water from different mother just in case.


Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Looking like its gonna be a good season Conrad! I'm subbed, missed last years grow...but I got court side seats for this one! Keep it green bro :joint:
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Oh definitely it should be. I have some great seeds and know how to push everything just another notch. You're very welcome man.
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

I've put 8 UDs in the pots, these seeds germinate slowly but all of them pop eventually, so I'm quite satisfied :thumb: These are F2 so it will be an exciting thing to see how this strain shows new phenos. However I'm not very positive about CPS, I think these seeds ran out of steam, so they're unlikely to pop. Worse is that my these few seeds of Colombian Dog, which is a test cross between Ultra Dog and Colombian Punto Rojo, don't want to pop either, and I scuffed them. One of the problems might be that they were picked a week or two too early last year. Another that outer shell layer is very hard so it doesn't absorb water very well. Hmm I also found a one feminized seed of Super Lemon Haze, which I started soaking.

Ok, that's it folks :hookah:
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

I get the feeling this is going to be an awesome grow.
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

It should be, every year is better for me, and since I discovered the science of Brix I don't get loopsided. Anyway, I've just tossed Crazy Pineapple Shit to the bin, nothing was popping in this bunch. I didn't have any luck with these last year so most likely it's not gonna change. Feel shitty about Colombian Dogs though, cause it's my fault, dropped the rest of these seeds in the water, and lookin' forward to at least one sprout. We're gonna see. Ultra Dogs on the other hand are popping like a dream.
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Just got caught up Conradino. I'm just in time. I had no idea you could start planting that early in the year. Here in the PNW, you'd best wait till the 10th of may for going outdoors. Then, you better have a PM resistant early finisher or all your work will be ruined.

Sorry about the dead beans! :Namaste:
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Thanks for following, MJ! Have fun!

Just got caught up Conradino. I'm just in time. I had no idea you could start planting that early in the year. Here in the PNW, you'd best wait till the 10th of may for going outdoors. Then, you better have a PM resistant early finisher or all your work will be ruined.

Sorry about the dead beans! :Namaste:

Yeah well, northern Italy is more like NorCal or maybe Florida or maybe something in between. I usually pop in February, but I could pop in January with artificial lights, which I don't do as you know cause I prefer to cook them in the sun straight away. Speaking of we have two plants breaking the ground right now, an OG Kush and an Ultra Dog :cheesygrinsmiley::surf:


Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Those lucky little seeds don't even know how great of a life they are going to have.

Looks like a beautiful place to live. Just like a postcard sans the power poles lol.
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Doc stole my line! Was also going to say that is postcard beautiful.
Re: Ramble In The Jungle Feat - OG Kush - Ultra Dog - Ghost Train Haze & Colombian Do

Those lucky little seeds don't even know how great of a life they are going to have.

Looks like a beautiful place to live. Just like a postcard sans the power poles lol.

Oh they're looking forward to their life under the sun :smokin: My zone is a quiet one really, it's a proper Italian countryside that has its upsides and downsides. Upside being that I can grow as much pot as I want and downside being that there's nothing to do except growing pot :laughtwo: ;)

Doc stole my line! Was also going to say that is postcard beautiful.

I don't complain if you know what I mean :cheesygrinsmiley:
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