RDWC Lemon Skunk Seeds From DNA

I had a seedling that did the same thing. It sprouted and grew it's first true leaves then nothing. After a week, she still wasn't putting out, so I dropped her. Lol

But you never know, her roots look good. She might sprout some new growth. Everything looking good otherwise
There's absolutely nothing going on up there. So strange. This plant was first to do everything. The roots are growing really quick, and prolific. So disappointing. After all the bullshit from the other two. I've been saying that I'm not growing just two plants. A 12 site 50 gallon system with 1100 watts of light what a waste. This grow I wanted to try my LEC for the first time. Fuck fuck fuck haha


Thanks for your help. And happy thanksgiving
Have no fear we have the Thanksgiving ritual here as well but we get it over with in October.

Those roots are too strong to kill the plant just yet imho. Give it time & it might surprise you.

Have no fear we have the Thanksgiving ritual here as well but we get it over with in October.

Those roots are too strong to kill the plant just yet imho. Give it time & it might surprise you.

I know the plant won't die, but there is absolutely no growth where the next set of leaves would come from. Given the size of the existing leaves there should be at least another set growing and another getting started. I've never even heard of that. It's just kind wierd
Crazy little plant!! Those roots though. So healthy. I'm actually really curious what comes of it lol. Other then that, the growth is looking good on the normal ones ... Happy thanksgiving and happy growing!
Yeah. I'm curious to see what will happen too
So the plant i have been calling "West" due to its location has had a pretty hard life so far. Both primary leaves had damaged tips for some reason. It had a couple outbreaks of rust, to which I cut the afflicted leaves off. Now it's got the usual calmg issue. I mixed half a gallon of semi strong calmg, RO and top watered all three plants. But Ms. West is really jammin. It has new growth shooting out any place possible. The second root to show had fishbones. I attribute this root growth and the roots on the other plants to Rapid Start. Its comparable to House and Garden's root sauce (name?) The Silver bottle. Anyway. Rapid Start is far cheaper than H and G and absolutely kicks ass when used first thing. As with most of the General Hydro suppliments it says to use it throughout the season, but I usually shut it down around mid veg and hit the Silica.

I think I've said before that I will be using Aptus' Facilitor. This is a Silica additive that claims to have better bioavailability due to the method of processing. There is also trace amounts of Molybdenum, Copper, and a few other things to help sweeten the pot. I have no idea if this crap even works, I certainly hope so. It was recommended by my hydro guy... Seems like the only one I really trust in our hobby. I will say that the shit is expensive. Stay tuned, and we will see the results together.

So back to the plant West. I added the calmag, and didn't lower my Ph. It was at 6.3. This will allow better availability of the CalMg to the plant. Calmg doesnt really get going till the Ph is over 6.2 or so. The plant South is doing equally well. There is no noticeable calmg issue with this plant. Its just kinda gnarly. Roots are more pronounce than West. The third plant, North, has crazy roots for a plant that is only 2 weeks old. Everytime I check the roots they are noticeably larger. The down side with this one is the lack of new leaves. Its not just the lack of. Its the inability to grow new leaves. The top crotch is completely smooth. No sign at all of tiny leaf sets, not even a fuzzy bump. Fuckin plants

Small change... I loped off those big beautiful leaves on the North plant. I took a sterile razor to 'em. I cut them kind of high. Leaving all of the leaf stem, and a little witness of leaves.


I figure it will live or die... I guess we'll see.
I've always been interested in how other folks have there room set up... here's mine.


I originally planned for this closet to be for soil. I wanted a completely discrete system that I could grow anyway i wanted, light cycle different all that. I have a Platinum P4 light that fits perfectly in the closet. Last season I grew a single plant Ayahuasca Purple from Barneys farm that had a yield of 9 oz. I'm not too sure how smart it was to turn this into a closet... but, i do have it filled.
I've always been interested in how other folks have there room set up... here's mine.


I originally planned for this closet to be for soil. I wanted a completely discrete system that I could grow anyway i wanted, light cycle different all that. I have a Platinum P4 light that fits perfectly in the closet. Last season I grew a single plant Ayahuasca Purple from Barneys farm that had a yield of 9 oz. I'm not too sure how smart it was to turn this into a closet... but, i do have it filled.

I have a little work area. Its on the same wall as the closet. The bench is as deep as the closet. This is a bit like a baby yard sale but everything is worthless unless you grow hydroponically. When it's harvest time I use the yellow cords to start the drying... mostly for the first round of buds. I may not take the whole plant in one day. You can see to the right where I put smaller containers of additives.


I got lazy and decided not to wire the room with conduit, and boxes. What I did was get 2 50 foot extension cords... but these are special. They are 13 gauge wire. They each have 6 plugs along their length. The plugs have water resistant covers, but a power cord with a wallwart, or oversize plug won't fit, so I've cut most of them off. Using this method I haven't had any issues with power being just out of reach, this is completely scalable. And i bought two colors. The white one is for the 20amp circuit. The black one is 15. I would never bother with hardwired power since I found these.




I have this wire thing that I used to use as a pot rack (I love to cook). Its been hanging out in the back yard ever since I found a proper stainless version. I originally had this wire mesh level so I could store lights and things above. This picture shows it like this, but there's nothing up there yet.


I made it parallel with the roof to gain height. My lights bleached a plant last grow from 15 inches away, so i needed to gain a little headroom. I like this mesh thing because you can set up your lights any way you like. You can make changes in minutes without a screw gun. It also helps control the wires. Everything is on top. I also have a "handle" connected to the mesh, that way I can reach all the way over my plants to get to the back wall if i gotta.
I've always been interested in how other folks have there room set up... here's mine.


I originally planned for this closet to be for soil. I wanted a completely discrete system that I could grow anyway i wanted, light cycle different all that. I have a Platinum P4 light that fits perfectly in the closet. Last season I grew a single plant Ayahuasca Purple from Barneys farm that had a yield of 9 oz. I'm not too sure how smart it was to turn this into a closet... but, i do have it filled.
Glad you got some of your issues sorted! Let's see things really rolling now
Loving the closet aswell, defo get some plants back in there from that last yield
I got a similar set up now and I love how discreet it is, had friends and fam walk right past and not know any different
Glad you got some of your issues sorted! Let's see things really rolling now
Loving the closet aswell, defo get some plants back in there from that last yield
I got a similar set up now and I love how discreet it is, had friends and fam walk right past and not know any different
See that's the stuff i find so interesting... The stealth aspect. I don't have to worry. My situation is pretty straight forward. I'm in California, i grow in a heavily insulated shed that has enough power, and all the stuff i need. My wife has an issue with more than 6 plants which is fine, i really shouldn't grow more than 6 in my system anyway. I think the smell is funny as hell. It stunk at my front door from the backyard last time. Enough about me.

If you can I'd love to see how you do what you do. Post it here. Add all the pictures you want... I want to learn something
See that's the stuff i find so interesting... The stealth aspect. I don't have to worry. My situation is pretty straight forward. I'm in California, i grow in a heavily insulated shed that has enough power, and all the stuff i need. My wife has an issue with more than 6 plants which is fine, i really shouldn't grow more than 6 in my system anyway. I think the smell is funny as hell. It stunk at my front door from the backyard last time. Enough about me.

If you can I'd love to see how you do what you do. Post it here. Add all the pictures you want... I want to learn something
Wow way to make me jealous! Looks like your living the dream.
Don't want to invade your thread with my pics so check my journal that I just started and you can follow the evolution of my grow space. :)
Manic4Organic's Indoor Perpetual - LED Soil Garden
You have a winning plan. I can't do organic. I'll be growing far more than pot plants if i did. To be fair, i have used some organic based products with success. But I like a clear reservoir.
You have a winning plan. I can't do organic. I'll be growing far more than pot plants if i did. To be fair, i have used some organic based products with success. But I like a clear reservoir.
Each to their own, and this is how we build such a large knowledge base. Different people doing different things.
Have you always done hydro?
When first starting out hydro seemed like to much effort, I know that sounds lazy but I work funny hours and can't always guarantee being around, I started in coco and what I didnt like was how intensive the whole system was, pH, water Temps all of this just seemed abit much. Moving from growing chilli's and such organically it was all new to me.
Is it the speed of growth and extra yield you like in hydro when done properly.
I think I need to learn more about the plants themselves in general before I fully dive into hydro, with having to feed all elements to your plants I'd like to be more confident I spotting deficiencies and tox problems.

Which organic products did you use in your system?

That's why I'm here tho, to learn from people like yourself.
Each to their own, and this is how we build such a large knowledge base. Different people doing different things.
Have you always done hydro?
When first starting out hydro seemed like to much effort, I know that sounds lazy but I work funny hours and can't always guarantee being around, I started in coco and what I didnt like was how intensive the whole system was, pH, water Temps all of this just seemed abit much. Moving from growing chilli's and such organically it was all new to me.
Is it the speed of growth and extra yield you like in hydro when done properly.
I think I need to learn more about the plants themselves in general before I fully dive into hydro, with having to feed all elements to your plants I'd like to be more confident I spotting deficiencies and tox problems.

Which organic products did you use in your system?

That's why I'm here tho, to learn from people like yourself.

I have always run hydro except for the soil in my closet. I like RDWC because it's hard. I found out how hard it can be on my last grow... talking about a learning experience. I had 4 plants in water. 3 Ayahuasca Purple, 1 Pineapple Chunk. At about 3/4 through flower everything stopped. I took pictures and asked everyone I knew who knows more than me, what the fuck. I had dark clawed leaves, and it looked to everyone like Nitrogen toxicity. I flushed, changed nutes, messed with Ph. Nothing changed. Most of it went to make RSO. Here's the interesting part. When I'm done I take the system apart take it outside and clean the shit out of it. I used to use 2 cobble stones that I picked up on vacation to help hold down my air diffusers. One is granite. The other is white. Kinda looked like marble. When i went to clean the white one it was chalky, and not at all like it was when I stole it from the hole in the sidewalk. This stone was subjected to some sort of chemical reaction that changed the physical properties of it. I believe this was the problem.

But, i like the fact I have to keep an eye on it. Theoretically I could start it up and walk away for a few weeks. I have RO autofill on my res. The only thing I would have to do is automate the Ph. But that's no fun.

Honestly my thing is building stuff. I'm a manufacturing engineer by trade, building stuff is what I do. I like changing things in my room. Get some juicey knowledge and put it to use.

To be fair, I'm not entirely sure how organic these suppliments are, i just know some hydro people will give the fuzzy eyeball if you tell them these items,are in your tank. The first is Gen Hydro Floralicious (spelling?) I dig this stuff. Never had a problem with lillipads or anything. The other is a calmg from Gen Hydro. Its got a blue and orange label. This stuff is thick, stinky, and dark brown. I quit using it because it would cloud my res. But it worked well.

If you want to do hydro. First decide how much work you want to put into it. DWC is popular here, you can buy a premade system from Under Current, or build it yourself. Depending on the size, a UC system can get spendy. A 6 site system is around $1300 if memory serves. The other side is a homemade system can suck if you aren't mechanically inclined, there's quite a bit to it. You may just want to look into bubble buckets. Its basically, a meter, air pump, a couple 5 gallon buckets and nutes. You will still need a basic understanding of Ph, TDSor Ec, and nutrient protocol, what goes in first, how much and when, but all this info is dripping off the walls in this site.

Thanks for giving me the low down on what you do!
I have always run hydro except for the soil in my closet. I like RDWC because it's hard. I found out how hard it can be on my last grow... talking about a learning experience. I had 4 plants in water. 3 Ayahuasca Purple, 1 Pineapple Chunk. At about 3/4 through flower everything stopped. I took pictures and asked everyone I knew who knows more than me, what the fuck. I had dark clawed leaves, and it looked to everyone like Nitrogen toxicity. I flushed, changed nutes, messed with Ph. Nothing changed. Most of it went to make RSO. Here's the interesting part. When I'm done I take the system apart take it outside and clean the shit out of it. I used to use 2 cobble stones that I picked up on vacation to help hold down my air diffusers. One is granite. The other is white. Kinda looked like marble. When i went to clean the white one it was chalky, and not at all like it was when I stole it from the hole in the sidewalk. This stone was subjected to some sort of chemical reaction that changed the physical properties of it. I believe this was the problem.

But, i like the fact I have to keep an eye on it. Theoretically I could start it up and walk away for a few weeks. I have RO autofill on my res. The only thing I would have to do is automate the Ph. But that's no fun.

Honestly my thing is building stuff. I'm a manufacturing engineer by trade, building stuff is what I do. I like changing things in my room. Get some juicey knowledge and put it to use.

To be fair, I'm not entirely sure how organic these suppliments are, i just know some hydro people will give the fuzzy eyeball if you tell them these items,are in your tank. The first is Gen Hydro Floralicious (spelling?) I dig this stuff. Never had a problem with lillipads or anything. The other is a calmg from Gen Hydro. Its got a blue and orange label. This stuff is thick, stinky, and dark brown. I quit using it because it would cloud my res. But it worked well.

If you want to do hydro. First decide how much work you want to put into it. DWC is popular here, you can buy a premade system from Under Current, or build it yourself. Depending on the size, a UC system can get spendy. A 6 site system is around $1300 if memory serves. The other side is a homemade system can suck if you aren't mechanically inclined, there's quite a bit to it. You may just want to look into bubble buckets. Its basically, a meter, air pump, a couple 5 gallon buckets and nutes. You will still need a basic understanding of Ph, TDSor Ec, and nutrient protocol, what goes in first, how much and when, but all this info is dripping off the walls in this site.

Thanks for giving me the low down on what you do!
Oh wow this is strange now, I study manufacturing engineering and work in the aerospace industry so I will be definitely building my own systems. Researching diy led builds currently I think this will be the next thing.

Yes I know of these, they go by the name oxypots over here.

As for the stone issues something like this springs to mind when you say about it undergoing some kind of chemical reaction Travertine - Wikipedia
Experienced this at some natural hot springs in Turkey.

As for the auto ph have you seen any systems for this?
One problem I see is getting an accurate measure of the pH
We run a system on our CNC machines which auto fills the coolant tanks with correct concentration of water and lubricant and a big problem we found is where to read the concentration, if the last batch added hadn't fully mixed in yet It could throw out weird readings, this is something to bear in mind if designing a system but wow would this save you some time and effort I assume

I will save those nutes to my notes for future reference then :)
No issues with clogging your system at all? I read this is what people struggle with when using 'organic' nutes in hydro
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