Sad night


Active Member
Well, I was flipping to flower tomorrow and pulling the lady's down and I fucked it up. Split off probably the strongest branch on the plant. I'm hoping I can get some console here and have ya'll tell me she is going to keep her appendage. But if she is, it is what it is.




so then veg longer and then flower......a little time will help it recover. Thats the beauty of growing control what the plant does....
Well, I was flipping to flower tomorrow and pulling the lady's down and I fucked it up. Split off probably the strongest branch on the plant. I'm hoping I can get some console here and have ya'll tell me she is going to keep her appendage. But if she is, it is what it is.




I had this problem a while back plant hermied in the end
If it’s not dead already, it will probably be fine.
I broke this section off my hexline at a really fragile time. I glued it back on (and wired/taped it), you can see where the repair was made
and look at her now-
I agree with the others that as long as you tie the 2 split bits together it should all heal fine, I use wire and electrical tape but those zip ties look the way to go. Someone posted recently how some growers they knew would deliberately split the plant down the middle and let the 2 sides flop sideways to grow out, so I think your split is minor and it'll be fine!
I agree with the others that as long as you tie the 2 split bits together it should all heal fine, I use wire and electrical tape but those zip ties look the way to go. Someone posted recently how some growers they knew would deliberately split the plant down the middle and let the 2 sides flop sideways to grow out, so I think your split is minor and it'll be fine!
Well I feel alot better after talking to you all. I was pretty upset since it's taken me 3 months to get to this point it can be heart breaking.
I would take that branch and pull it all the way off, and chop it up into a bunch of cuttings and make a bunch of clones. No biggie bro, I like to think everything happens for a reason.... even that. Maybe the plant will do better actually not having that branch to suck up the majority of its energy.
I have probably had a split occur just about every grow (except my current one). I have used a combination of electrical tape or wire to pull the split back together, altho I feel zip ties would do the job even better but it doesn't seem to matter, the plants are very hardy and all of my splits have recovered very well. Here's one from last year, it still gave me nearly 11oz. You can see I was unable to fully bring the 2 sides together, but it still worked but I think zip ties would be even better but so far I don't have any.

They're more resilient than I thought, wow. It almost seems like you have to baby them in some ways and in other ways they're just rough and tumble. Thanks for all the photos!
Here are two pics from Velma, several weeks after I broke her main stem. I put the stem in a homemade cast consisting of paper and scotch tape.
Hey DT, that is astonishing recovery by the plant, well done for the treatment! At first I didn't realise that big triangle of brown was all scar tissue, that really is amazing!
these plants are if anything
the only sure fire way to kill one is with too many nutes
I have seen seeds get smoked in a joint tossed out with the roach
and grow a christmas tree sized plant that nobody knew was there till it
was found mowing the field it was beside
give it some love and cover its ouchie and it will be fine
these plants are if anything
the only sure fire way to kill one is with too many nutes
I have seen seeds get smoked in a joint tossed out with the roach
and grow a christmas tree sized plant that nobody knew was there till it
was found mowing the field it was beside
give it some love and cover its ouchie and it will be fine
Yall are right. Made a full recovery quickly!

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