SOGgy Daze Ahead For Mr. Krip!


I took the oldest of the two Power Skunks out of the tent to check her trichs. They've been known to finish early and she's starting to get a lot of yellowing, so she's almost ready. But, trichs were all still cloudy, and there's so little of her, I'm reluctant to even take a sample. I'll most likely give her the full 70 days, which is just under two weeks from now, unless I start seeing a lot of amber real soon.

But, I did take a couple of pics while she was out of the tent:



Also, while I was in the flower tent, I couldn't help but admire the one Lucy in there. She still has a month left, but has the fattest cola already of ANY of the plants in flower and her flowers look absolutely beautiful! :love:

So, I couldn't resist taking her out for a few shots, too:


Her cola is over 1 1/2" wide! :morenutes:



Her flowers remind me of a cactus!


Happy Harvests!

Wow. Thats a nice phat bud stick. Guess the powerskunk is doing well for you. Is that a clone from that sick lil seedling way back?

EXACTLY!!! :high-five:

We did manage to rescue the seedling that started with pythium and she's now one of the Bonsai mom's. Here's the previously "sick" seedling as of a few days ago:

Hiya Mr. Krip -

That looks a lot like the same Lucy pheno I had in the pics. Mine had somewhat of a cactus look to the way her trichomes stuck straight out like that. Mine also had dark green leaves with pistils that stayed almost white when they turned. Honestly almost a peach or light pinkish/peach color. Looks like theres a couple like that in your pics, but it was hard to tell. You already know how I feel about Lucy so far! :) :)

Great pics - some fantastic looking bud you've got going! :thumb:
Spectacular job Krip !!!

You are rocking the 2L Hempy SOG

Ive always felt that this style works great with small cabinets / tents.

My flower area is just 4x4x5 and that is the space I do the White Poison hempy sog flower cycles in.

The defoliation on day 21 / 45 works out great in 2l hempys, once those fans are removed all the lower budsites swell up and it does not slow down or hurt the plant like ive heard others try to say.

I have a suggestion on your clones. I think you would have more success with your cuts if they were a bit larger. If you allow your moms to veg a few more days before you take those cuts I think they will have a better ability to deal with the heat in your cloner.

One of the reason I use a bubble cloner instead of an areo cloner is because its easier to keep temp low in a bubble cloner, because the pump is outside the water. But with an areo cloner the pump is inside the water and it heats it up. That leads to fungus growing on the stem.

So try out putting a little bigger clones in the cloner and they might be able to transpire the heat away better. I see your larger clones seem to do better so try this out first.

If you still have problems its easy to turn an aero cloner into a bubble cloner with a couple air stones and an air pump, you just fill it with more water till the stems are submerged. Then I use an aquarium thermostat to regulate the water temp @ 72 degree
21/45 cut dates? I'll try that next sog grow. I was trimming about every 4 to 5 days to keep the growth down but I don't know how much that might slow root growth. Looks like I have another sog test to do after my current one. It's not hempy but I have been following the same strip plant routine in a aeroflo. Thank you.

My first diy cloner was a bubbler. Only 2 things I didn't like was roots tend to tangle with adjacent plants if water height was set too high and it added another week to get a good root growth compared to my aero cloner.

I have always took clipping between 3 and 4 inches so I have no other input on size of clones.

I would love to see your work Xare. I gotta try that Lucy one day.
Hiya Mr. Krip -

That looks a lot like the same Lucy pheno I had in the pics. Mine had somewhat of a cactus look to the way her trichomes stuck straight out like that. Mine also had dark green leaves with pistils that stayed almost white when they turned. Honestly almost a peach or light pinkish/peach color. Looks like theres a couple like that in your pics, but it was hard to tell. You already know how I feel about Lucy so far! :) :)

Great pics - some fantastic looking bud you've got going! :thumb:

Thank you, my friend! :thanks:

You are correct! Lucy does have some peachy/pink pistils working and the way you described your experience with her, I won't be disappointed if I have the same pheno! :)
Spectacular job Krip !!!

You are rocking the 2L Hempy SOG

Ive always felt that this style works great with small cabinets / tents.

My flower area is just 4x4x5 and that is the space I do the White Poison hempy sog flower cycles in.

The defoliation on day 21 / 45 works out great in 2l hempys, once those fans are removed all the lower budsites swell up and it does not slow down or hurt the plant like ive heard others try to say.

I have a suggestion on your clones. I think you would have more success with your cuts if they were a bit larger. If you allow your moms to veg a few more days before you take those cuts I think they will have a better ability to deal with the heat in your cloner.

One of the reason I use a bubble cloner instead of an areo cloner is because its easier to keep temp low in a bubble cloner, because the pump is outside the water. But with an areo cloner the pump is inside the water and it heats it up. That leads to fungus growing on the stem.

So try out putting a little bigger clones in the cloner and they might be able to transpire the heat away better. I see your larger clones seem to do better so try this out first.

If you still have problems its easy to turn an aero cloner into a bubble cloner with a couple air stones and an air pump, you just fill it with more water till the stems are submerged. Then I use an aquarium thermostat to regulate the water temp @ 72 degree

Xare, thank you for stopping by and :welcome:!

You're a BIG reason why I've gone to this SOG grow and I've admired your work from afar for quite some time, now! :adore:

I agree 420% that the SOG is ideal for smaller spaces AND even more ideal if you're using LED's like I am since, as the saying goes, "Don't grow trees with LED's!" :)

That being said, I do love the LED's and was doing a little calculation...

If/when I start my clones a little bigger, I should be able to get my plants to finish in the 18"-24" range, like you guys. If I can pull 14 g average, that would be 12 oz. from the 24 plants I plan on having in a "full" tent (although, I can get some more in the space).

And, in flower, I have two LED's including one 500w and one 180w. I haven't measured the actual draw, but I believe it's somewhere around 400w combined (I think it's right around 300w just on the 500w light, so maybe a little more total).

12 oz = 336 g
336g/400w = .84 gpw

So, I'm thinking I can get pretty close to the 1 gpw number using LED's once I get this SOG style of growing really dialed in! :thumb:

You definately "hit the nail on the head" regarding clone size and res temps. I've realized this and have been trying to take larger clones (and the most recent ones have been) but, I've been cloning from Bonsai mom's that are still new and only about 5" tall, or so. Unfortunately, my mom's weren't really ready when I started the SOG, so I've been in "catch-up" mode ever since. But, I now have more moms and should be caught up soon.

The res temps have definately been high on the TurboKlone, and it's probably worse with me since I'm in a hot climate (all year round) so room temps almost never drop below 72* and I have the smallest TK they make at only 24 sites and the two gallon res heats up real quick with the pump in it.

I greatly appreciate the advice! :thanks:
I haven't been on your journal in awhile and I'm regretting it now. everything has gotten so fat and frosty. Always impressing me for real.

+Rep for everything and all the help you have given me since I started. :adore:

Thanks, TOG! :thanks:

The +REPS are greatly appreciated and I'm happy for any help I may have provided, but you've really done a fantastic job on your own grow and should be very proud of those nug's you've grown! :welldone:

It's been real busy this week, so I've been a little short on the updates (at least, for me!) and wanted to get a quick one in...

First, I put the three of the four Power Skunks that rooted in the TK in their own hempys, since all were showing signs of needing some Nitrogen. They're just starting to get some color back, but still very yellow. Nice roots on all, though, so I'm pretty sure they'll all be fine:


I do need to start another PS mom, but I'm planning on putting all three of those into flower in a couple of weeks.

The PS Bonsai mom looks great. It will be a couple/few weeks before I take any more clones from her, but I'll get to the cloning situation in a minute :):


Here's the Pineapple Express Bonsai mom:


And, as for the Lucy Bonsai, she's given up a bunch of clones and will all her topping, just has TONS of new tops forming - and I mean dozens! TOO MANY! I will definately need to trim some, but I want to let her grow out a little more. Some of her leaf tips are brown from the hot nutes a couple of weeks ago, but all her new growth is healthy


And, here's one of her recent clones (the only one of the last 5 that rooted in the TK) that will become a second Bonsai mom:


So, right now, in the TK I only have the one Power Skunk that still hasn't rooted, and I don't think she will; and a fairly recent Lucy clone:


After taking a hard look at my cloning situation, as of late, I've decided to TEMPORARILY retire the TK once these last two cuttings either root or get tossed. As a big fan of hydro, I'd rather be able to effectively use it, but, at least until the moms grow out some more, my focus needs to be on gettig the tent full and not messing with cloning problems. The Bonsais are just too small to take clones big enough for the TK, at this time. But, once the tent is full and my moms are all ready, I will definately be using it again!

So, I broke out the "trusty" rockwool cubes and took another six Lucy clones and four Pineeapple Express clones from the Bonsai mom's above, and, in fact, the above pics were all taken after the clones were clipped. And, all of these clones would have been too small for the TK!:


I'l post a detailed update on the flower side sometime this weekend, but all the plants there are doing great and this weekend I start the flush on the first seven.

Here's a "sneak preview" of flower:






Happy Harvests!

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