SOGgy Daze Ahead For Mr. Krip!

Thanks, OMM! :thanks:

Sorry Jo didn't like the jokes, and if she didn't like those, she'll HATE this one:

An old man was laying in bed in the nursing home. Suddenly one of the elderly female patients comes into the room, jumps up on the bed, pulls up her dress, and says, "It's Super Pussy!"

The old man looks up at her, thinks for a second, and says, "I'll take the soup!"

(on second thought...maybe you shouldn't tell Jo that one, at all! :) )
That reminded me of a story about taking a cross-county trip with my family about 20 years ago. We were at a restaurant and the waitress asked my younger daughter (5 at the time) if she wanted the "soup or salad", her eyes got huge and she said all excited "I want the super salad!" We still tease her about that till this day when we go out.
Very nice looking ladies MR Krip....they smell delicious from here!! lol









Detialed updates coming this weekend.

Happy Harvests!

Hey Mr.K,

Very nice looking girls you got there...for your first time, you have definately rocked this sog :adore:

sorry you're having trouble with the cloner...I'm using root riot cubes, they seem to work everytime.

Loved the Dana Carvey vid...I'm not quite 50 yet and I'm not a man, but I feel the back thing everyday, and was LMAO watching it... so include me too. :rofl::rofl::yahoo::rofl::rofl:
Mr Krip, ......your thumb is green, your lights are purple.:peace:

I stand cprrect, you must have been posting as i was writing with this dang ps3 controller.....

look like you sprinkled sugar on them.



Yummy. :cheer:

damn mr K. those plants are lookin like u threw diamond powder all over them the way they shine in the light

great grow u got goin

Thanks, Bro's! Much appreciated! :thanks:
Hey Mr.K,

Very nice looking girls you got there...for your first time, you have definately rocked this sog :adore:

sorry you're having trouble with the cloner...I'm using root riot cubes, they seem to work everytime.

Loved the Dana Carvey vid...I'm not quite 50 yet and I'm not a man, but I feel the back thing everyday, and was LMAO watching it... so include me too. :rofl::rofl::yahoo::rofl::rofl:

Thanks, Sqwheels! :thanks:

I'm definately not unhappy with the way the plants are coming out, I just wish I had more of them in there and the moms were a little bigger at this point, but I'll catch up!

I've heard good things about the root riot and the rapid rooter starters, which I may switch to. In my next update, you'll see only one of the last five Lucy clones has rooted in the TK, BUT, right now I have three of four PS clones that have rooted, so I'm wondering if it's just Lucy that doesn't like the TK.

I did have low success with the PE's, but all of those clones were too short, so I don't want to abondon the TK just yet.

Glad you like the vid! I'm not 50 yet either, but we can all relate to not being able to do the things we used to as easily as we used to! :)

Happy weekend, everyone!

I've been nursing the last PE bud from the last harvest for a couple of days now. I didn't even break into the "Primo Buds" jar until they cured for a full five weeks. I'm definately getting better with drying/curing and the flavor and effect are just superb! :yummy:

But, since I'm close to out and still another two weeks from harvesting (I could probably harvest the Power Skunk next weeked, if I wanted - she's close!), I'll definately need to pick up some "hold-me-over" stash to get me through.

To help, I made some more edibles this morning and the "Edible Du Jour" is:


Nothing too fancy here, since I just used a couple of packages of mix I had laying around (but, I do have a great cornbread recipe!).

I made a double recipe, which called for 4 Tbsp. of butter, so I just used about 1/4 cup of cannabutter instead I made from some AVB ("already vaped bud") I had saved. I also added about a cup of some really good shredded aged cheddar cheese.

So, as I'm typing this, I'm eating some absolutely delicious warm "cheesey canna cornbread". It's so good, I really want another piece but need to wait an hour or two to see what happens, first.

I'll update later! :)

Happy Harvests!

K I couldn't resist just a little more of that cornbread and had another 1/2 piece basically right after my last post. It was the perfect amount (for me!) and I have been pleasantly buzzed all day!

damn wish i was at ur house tryin that shit out

Yeah, it's definately delicious, and, it definately did the trick, but I made some for breakfast, then had more for dinner, and boy did I have a good night's sleep!

I wish I could share some with you! :high-five:

Sorry, no pics in this update but will post some ASAP.

I took the three Lucy clones that hadn't rooted in over two weeks out of the TK a few days ago, and, rather than throwing them out, which was my first instinct, I stuck them in some of those leftover STG starter cubes I had, covered them with a humidity dome, and they're sitting in my bathroom, just in case they surprise me, but I'm not planning on it. I did take one more Lucy clone and put it in the TK a day or two before I moved the other three. So, for whatever reason, my success rate with cloning Lucy in the TK is not good.

But, at the same time, three of the last four Power Skunk clones are showing good roots now in the TK! So, the Power Skunk does well, and the Pineapple Express clones did well for rooting, I just had taken the clones too small.

So, I took another four Lucy clones this morning and stuck them in rockwool and put them in a tray in the veg cab.

Right now, I'd rather play it "safe" and make sure I can get the tent filled ASAP. And, the one Lucy that did root in the TK is doing fine and will be a 2nd Lucy mom, soon.

All the moms look good, although, the Lucy bonsai is a little sparse from giving up the 10 clones in the last few weeks. And, all the plants in flower are doing great with the first seven due for harvest in two weeks.

Happy Harvests!

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