Spimps 2013 1st Grow - Ghetto Micro

good morning and a fine weed Spimp:)
good morning and a fine weed Spimp:)

And good weed to you too sir. Todays the day he is going in the lights out box. Im pretty excited. This extra time I know is gonna be benificial. :adore: Im gonna post some pre-dark pics a little later. Im stoked to check out them trics today!

Update to first harvest smoke report: Been curing for 5 days. So so smooth of a smoke. The smell in the jar is kinda weird. Its like a mix of weed and tea. :hmmmm: But once you start breaking it up, its straight dank smell. The draw is super smooth. It takes a massive hit to get ya coughing. Even the release is smooth. No more Chlor taste at all. And the best part is, she has a very 'happy' high. Some of that may be because Im so proud ;)
Pic time:






More ambers today. 5% on buds at lest. Some spots more like 10-15% but overall, 5%ish. Im putting her ina box for 48hrs starting tonight. Ill try to get some pics Friday when I get to cutting on her. :)
6 weeks-ish.But from everything Ive seen, they ae gonna do some swelling for ya sir. Molasess. Or treacle. ;) Plats suck up ready to use carbs and dont have to produce food. They can focus on buds. You should take a pic a day of one bud in the same spot, and see how it does. It would be very interesting. I just read a crazy article about preharvest flushing... basically saying dont do it. And in a weird way it makes sense... But Ill let you be the judge: PREHARVEST FLUSH

Read the summary at least if is too long for ya. BBBUUUUTTTT draw your own conclusions. Im happy with how smooth my first batch is, and I think the flush helped that fo sure.
The one Im boxing up tonight will be interesting. She got the same flush about 3 weeks ago, then she got sick. As you can see. The yellowing was not a huge issue but I had some serious micro defincies. I went back to water+molasses+ff TB for lst week. Still yellowing, but no spotty leaves anymore. :hmmmm: Guess im gonna hafta do some more reading... :nomo:
Well that certainly has me leaning away from a pre harvest flush.
Man I dunno what I make of that. Guna reed it start to finish I only read the summary and a couple select sections

Thanks for the link

And what a good idea of singling out a bud or two to record growth :)
So shes in the box. gave her a dose of molasess+water and off to bed. Ill be seeing her friday night! :party:

Check this out:

This is what 80% of the leaves that have crispy ends look like when I pull them off. Which doesnt take much btw. Looks to me like shes sucking up the N. Hopefully I can use Fish Cakes trimming method on her to get her right. ;) Close eyes, picture tree, open eyes, make tree. :adore:

Also I reconfigured the box for my sprout. Put her in the sun today for about an hour. She is reactive to light for sure! But still yellow. I have 4 -26w 6500k cfls and 2-26w 2700k on her. Probably would have gone all 6500k but I only had 4. :):)
Dinner time, I hear a rumbly in my tumbly. Im thinking Mexican...
Looks like I made a good descion to go the extra 2 weeks. :) This girl is smelling lovely. No pics, afterall she still in the box til tomorrow. My little one has flourished since going under the 6 CFL's. She still a little yellow, but if she makes it til the next watering Ill take care of her.
OK, changed my mine. Checked the new girl and thought id show a 48hr update:

FF Grow Big micro dose, moved from 2 cfl's to 6 26w CFl's and 48hrs later, progress:

I may post a pic of her progress on here til I close this one in a week or so then Ill make a new journal. Hope ya'll dont mind ;)
Happy Friedday to you Spimp:)
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