Spimps 2013 1st Grow - Ghetto Micro

Good weedend my friends! Im thinking about entering the nug of the month contest. I dont think I have a chance to win, but gotta start somewhere, right?? Heres the two im debating:



They are both tasty, but the MK is scary. Literally. I still have this nug cause the last time I smoked it I almost freaked out! :bitingnails: The most baked Ive been in 10 yrs... My supplier wanted to buy it back its so good! LOL But I gotta admit, the GF has an awesome flavor and the colors are pretty. :) Now you see why I havnt had to sample yet ;)
Which one should I enter? Im leaning GF...
Just entered BUDdy! :) Im not soliciting so If you see a nicer one please vote for what you like best! Gotta get back to the garden, got some photos to take for my update later!!















Getting frostier! They are only like 10 days apart but the oldest is trowing down the trics! Even the popcorn budlets down below. The Younger is just starting to frost ever so lightly. But she is producing buds like crazy! They both have started to swell nicely. Im VERY pleased at the bud growth. Seeing it first hand its impressive given the circumstances.

:high-five: :rollit: :slide:

Guess we are gonna be back to nutes+molasses+love!!
ME TOO!! But waiting for them to come down is not gonna be as hard as waiting for them to dry/cure. When waiting on pistols, i was pretty anxious. I am now as well. Its been a fantastic ride, but Im ready to get em hanging! :) Aiming for 3 more weeks on the oldest. Im actually excited because I cant wait to get to trimming! Having never done it, I cant wait for the experience. There are things I did this grow that I wont do again, but doing them and seeing the results are Fasinating. When I finish this grow, Im gonna post on my lessons learned. what worked and what didnt. The support here has been awesome!

:420: :thanks:
Man this site is the place to be for help and support. Its second to none imo way better than the other forums.
I love trimming. A little tip. When u trim keep scraping ur scissors into a little heap. All the reasin that sticks to them makes a nice joint :)
^ on it sir. Ive noticed these in some of the nicer harvest pics. :nomo:

So last night I gave a feeding of ff tb and molasses. I also put some ice in the box last night to try to induce some more trics. :) This morning I got a few amber trics on the oldest. Still <1% id say, but I believe its straight water for her til harvest. Which may end up being sooner than I thought. When I get to about 30% -50% its choppy choppy time. :) I think the other will get another week or so of nutes. She is a heavy drinker!! Probably taking double the water of the oldest and buds are swelling and filling in nicely. The extra lights have been a blessing! I can tell by the vigorus growth rate on the youngest. I feel like I also stunted the oldest with the PH/ nute OD. But all that will be in the recap... lessons learned.
I got those Fiskars with the straight tip and a second pair of the Hydrofarms with the curved tip, I like the hydrofarms, just a little easier to get down to the stems and what not with that extra curve and slim tip. Glad those extra lights are doing ya well bud, keep up the good work :)
Need some help guys... I have looked through close to every article I can find on here and I cant find a pictoral of harvest. Ive read all the how to threads, used the search forums function, you name it-Ive tried it. I know its somewhat self explanatory but the last thing I want to do is F this up at harvest. A nice couple of pics showing what to trim would be awesome...

:helpsmilie: :bitingnails:
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