Truly psoriasis is a manifestation of intestinal disorder. When your intestines are at full power and health the psoriasis will recede. Sadly the times when I was psoriasis symptom free it was on a vegetarian diet (I love meat!!!)

I believe in the "leaky gut" origin of psoriasis. Toxins normally kept in the large intestine are able to make their way to the bloodstream due to inefficient barriers in an unhealthy digestive system. This toxicity manifests itself in the skin as we try to eliminate them.

Healthy gut healthy skin. This is one of the reasons why I am taking the caps now. I want to increase my digestive health and skin health. If the salts help the symptoms that's so great. Keep at it and do what you can also for your gut. (Which of course you are ).

Hi Sue I wanted to echo what Shiggs said. Leaky gut is what I got and have been on a diet for the last 2 months for.
I didnt want to chime in about the psoriasis because you are already doing many of the right things, and I dont know sometimes it comes across as preachy and or like a fanatic about the leaky gut diet, Sometime I think i sound crazy I try to keep that in check. my wife has had sever eczema. I will try to get my book review about the diet done, I have family business this week been fun with banks and lawyers.

The diet is for yeast infestation in the gut. candida yeast. mix it with sugar and it grows out of control. Any who I gotta be back in a little while.....Dont wanna hijack the oils......Oh I got a vape pen for pure CBD today...

That reminds me I just replenished my supply of probiotics. :peace:
I'm looking into the same thing. I've been cautious because this isn't the sort of thing I'd want to treat without a therapist on board to make sure we have her correctly evaluated and due to complexity of treating a developing brain. Considering the low doses required and the pain my daughter is experiencing I'm starting to move a little faster on this. Thanks for the links. I'll take those along when I find a decent child therapist that isn't booked through forever.

Believe it or not, I was in a conversation overnight and into this morning with an individual on a YouTube post about this very thing. He was successfully self medicating autism. He lives in the Netherlands. He shared that his regimen was 3 joints a day, between .3 and .5 grams in size of a strain that was 15% indica and 85% sativa with THC values between 12-18%.

I don't know how helpful that is, but you're a creative man KR, with more than average experience with these types of numbers. Somewhere in there might be a key to the way to relief.

You know how the universe guides me when I'm opportunistically roaming the web. I figure there must have been a reason for my meeting him, and then I turn around and find this conversation. I don't often come across anyone willing to be so specific about their treatment choices.
Also, autism reacts very positively to the addition of magnesium. This is relatively new information, and many doctors aren't yet aware of the connection. Magnesium is best used absorbed through the skin or oral mucosa. There are wonderful sprays available for both pathways.
Hi Sue I wanted to echo what Shiggs said. Leaky gut is what I got and have been on a diet for the last 2 months for.
I didnt want to chime in about the psoriasis because you are already doing many of the right things, and I dont know sometimes it comes across as preachy and or like a fanatic about the leaky gut diet, Sometime I think i sound crazy I try to keep that in check. my wife has had sever eczema. I will try to get my book review about the diet done, I have family business this week been fun with banks and lawyers.

The diet is for yeast infestation in the gut. candida yeast. mix it with sugar and it grows out of control. Any who I gotta be back in a little while.....Dont wanna hijack the oils......Oh I got a vape pen for pure CBD today...

That reminds me I just replenished my supply of probiotics. :peace:

Thank you keltic. :hug: Don't be concerned about hijacking this thread. We're more about healing than anything else, don't you think? :cheesygrinsmiley:

I forgot to replenish my probiotics and spent the money on soil supplies. :straightface:

I've been thinking about inflammation for a while now, and considering my chocolate addiction and what that's likely done to my gut flora over the years. What I decided to do is be more selective about my diet, avoid sugar as much as is humanly possible for me, and begin using suppositories daily until things start to clear up from the inside. I'll continue the medicated baths because that's really working to heal the skin in total. I realize that treating the symptoms without attending to the root cause won't benefit me at all in the long run.

Thinking about inflammation I went back and sought out this tidbit:

Cannabidiol (CBD) fighting inflammation & aggressive forms of cancer

Inflammation Triggers the Symptoms of Disease

The presence of inflammation is what makes most disease perceptible to an individual. It can and often does occur for years before it exists at levels sufficient to be apparent or clinically significant. How long it has been smoldering really determines the degree of severity of a disease and often the prognosis assuming the inflammation can be controlled. One could also argue that without inflammation most disease would not even exist. Take a look at this list of diseases and their relationship with inflammation:


Believe it or not, I was in a conversation overnight and into this morning with an individual on a YouTube post about this very thing. He was successfully self medicating autism. He lives in the Netherlands. He shared that his regimen was 3 joints a day, between .3 and .5 grams in size of a strain that was 15% indica and 85% sativa with THC values between 12-18%.

I don't know how helpful that is, but you're a creative man KR, with more than average experience with these types of numbers. Somewhere in there might be a key to the way to relief.

You know how the universe guides me when I'm opportunistically roaming the web. I figure there must have been a reason for my meeting him, and then I turn around and find this conversation. I don't often come across anyone willing to be so specific about their treatment choices.

You really know how to brighten a guy's day. MATH TIME!!!!!! :slide:

Okay, a train leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh traveling 70 mph. On the train is a guy smoking a 1/3 gram joint. When he gets to Pittsburgh he smokes another 1/3 gram next to the Mighty Monongahela. While there he bumps into SweetSue and they start a stimulating conversation about anti-inflammatory actions of various alternative medicines. From this we deduce that the strain is sativa dominant. Just by being in Sue's presence he absorbs the equivalent of another 1/2 gram joint. How much medicine did he take in a day?

Some quick mental math tells us he smoked 1.2 grams total. At 15% THC that gives us .15 x 1.2 = 180 mg of THC. Physics tells us that half of that went up in smoke via combustion. (Heat generated by burning given amount of weed is roughly enough to vaporize THC in equal amount of weed. I just made that up, but it might be true. It sounds good so just go with it.) 1/2 of 180 mg leaves us 90 mg. Physiology of lungs only allows absorption of 1/3 of that, So he actually took 30 mg of THC, maybe as high as 50 mg, in 3 doses averaging 10-17 mg each.

That sounds reasonable, but that's for a full grown man. An 80 pound child would need half or less due to children's higher metabolism and lack of tolerance. 1/2 of 10-17 mg = 5-8 mg for child's weight, and reducing that by 1/2 again due to metabolism and we get 2-4 mg per dose as reasonable target. To find the smallest effective dose we start at 1 mg and work up slowly. That sounds like a perfectly safe level for a child.
Cheers Sue. I noticed the eczema in your post information. It is what the no sugar, probiotic, anti fungal, detox, don't forget detox, sort of diet is all about.
My wife has done this now Three times. My first time. She reminds me it took years to get my gut this way so it takes time to reverse.

I've never even considered a detox before keltic, but I'm considering one later this month. I'll have to research. It's a whole new language for me.
You really know how to brighten a guy's day. MATH TIME!!!!!! :slide:

Okay, a train leaves Philadelphia for Pittsburgh traveling 70 mph. On the train is a guy smoking a 1/3 gram joint. When he gets to Pittsburgh he smokes another 1/3 gram next to the Mighty Monongahela. While there he bumps into SweetSue and they start a stimulating conversation about anti-inflammatory actions of various alternative medicines. From this we deduce that the strain is sativa dominant. Just by being in Sue's presence he absorbs the equivalent of another 1/2 gram joint. How much medicine did he take in a day?

Some quick mental math tells us he smoked 1.2 grams total. At 15% THC that gives us .15 x 1.2 = 180 mg of THC. Physics tells us that half of that went up in smoke via combustion. (Heat generated by burning given amount of weed is roughly enough to vaporize THC in equal amount of weed. I just made that up, but it might be true. It sounds good so just go with it.) 1/2 of 180 mg leaves us 90 mg. Physiology of lungs only allows absorption of 1/3 of that, So he actually took 30 mg of THC, maybe as high as 50 mg, in 3 doses averaging 10-17 mg each.

That sounds reasonable, but that's for a full grown man. An 80 pound child would need half or less due to children's higher metabolism and lack of tolerance. 1/2 of 10-17 mg = 5-8 mg for child's weight, and reducing that by 1/2 again due to metabolism and we get 2-4 mg per dose as reasonable target. To find the smallest effective dose we start at 1 mg and work up slowly. That sounds like a perfectly safe level for a child.

That was so much fun KR. :laughtwo:

In the clinical world children's metabolisms are so highly active that they often require higher doses than adults. You're smart enough to start low and increase slowly. It's microdosing at its best. :slide: I'll be watching for updates.
I'm basically a very healthy woman. Obesity is under control, the body is well on its way to trophy wife status, and I eat fairly decently, although my skin problems say a story I better start listening to more completely.

Scheduling suppositories has always been a challenge. They require down time, and in case no one's noticed, I don't often take down time. :laughtwo: It suddenly occurred to me that I could catch up on the site while I reclined and stayed in one place for at least 20-30 minutes. That'll easily chew up all the time necessary. It's easy to lose hours doing those visits. :laughtwo: .
I'm basically a very healthy woman. Obesity is under control, the body is well on its way to trophy wife status, and I eat fairly decently, although my skin problems say a story I better start listening to more completely.

Scheduling suppositories has always been a challenge. They require down time, and in case no one's noticed, I don't often take down time. :laughtwo: It suddenly occurred to me that I could catch up on the site while I reclined and stayed in one place for at least 20-30 minutes. That'll easily chew up all the time necessary. It's easy to lose hours doing those visits. :laughtwo: .

I'm back on them today Sue. The back pain has become too much. I try and lay down for around 15mins after dosing. Any longer gets a bit boring don't ya think? :)
Just to let you all know...

I gave up with the ND Sap. I love the idea of it but it's too much faffing around for me. I've since decarbed the oil in the oven. Bio bombs are ready :amen:
Just to let you all know...

I gave up with the ND Sap. I love the idea of it but it's too much faffing around for me. I've since decarbed the oil in the oven. Bio bombs are ready :amen:

Thank you Chew. Take a deep breath and move on. It still shows promise, if CCO is what you're after, but it'd be nice if someone else got good results. I think medmanmike had success, but he's not fond of the bite it had. KR is still decarbing his, I believe.

I may try it in the future, when I have enough plant material not spoken for, but my current focus is on drying low and slow and fresh harvest infused oil.

Thank you for trying. I know how frustrating it was. :hug: :love:

Hey Buddy!!! Here as a start. I recent article from USA Today about what they are doing in Israel. Marijuana may be a miracle treatment for children with autism. Also here is something. 420autism, Managing Autism with Cannabis.

Hope this is a start for you. :circle-of-love::peace:

Stay on the lookout for what's coming out of Israel in reference to cannabis, testing, etc.
They truly are leading the way currently. I hope that changes soon as more countries come on line with cannabis as a 1st line defense.
I'm back on them today Sue. The back pain has become too much. I try and lay down for around 15mins after dosing. Any longer gets a bit boring don't ya think? :)

I have an iPad Chew, and fast typing fingers. :laughtwo: I spent an hour there before I realized how much time was gone. Lol!

I'm determined to do at least one a day until this is resolved. Sometimes I think it's more about compulsion than anything, but I know the gut's not in peak condition. I managed to avoid chocolate today. Maybe there's hope for me yet. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just to let you all know...

I gave up with the ND Sap. I love the idea of it but it's too much faffing around for me. I've since decarbed the oil in the oven. Bio bombs are ready :amen:

Thank you Chew. Take a deep breath and move on. It still shows promise, if CCO is what you're after, but it'd be nice if someone else got good results. I think medmanmike had success, but he's not fond of the bite it had. KR is still decarbing his, I believe.

I may try it in the future, when I have enough plant material not spoken for, but my current focus is on drying low and slow and fresh harvest infused oil.

Thank you for trying. I know how frustrating it was. :hug: :love:

I've still got my original ND Sap batch decarbing, but agree with Chew that it may not be worth the extra time. I'm using the partially decarbed capsules as daytime meds. The effects of partially decarbed oil are worth trying. They are still slowly increasing in potency but it's taking a lot longer than Gigi said. I have a few other CCO batches that I'm letting decarb naturally mainly because they are surplus at this point and I can afford to wait, plus it saves me a step for now at least. I can always decarb later.

Also wondering how decarbed Gigi's batches were and if she actually had some tested to confirm profile.

As much trouble as I had with my first batch of Fresh Harvest oil I think that's going to be a better option for preserving terps both for Rec and Med use (except for highest doses for cancer that still need CCO).

Speaking of which, this is the finished oil, the darkest I've ever made and that's saying something. I spent so long recovering this batch with all my missteps that I got some waxes and a lot of chlorophyll. Also think I over chopped the herb. Glad I remembered I had all these test tubes (from syringes of oil I bought before I started making my own). It made sucking oil off top of water so much easier.
Even though it spent 2 hours in pressure cooker this half of batch isn't fully decarbed, close but not quite. The other half of batch is now fully decarbed so I can do comparison. I just love research. :)
I've still got my original ND Sap batch decarbing, but agree with Chew that it may not be worth the extra time. I'm using the partially decarbed capsules as daytime meds. The effects of partially decarbed oil are worth trying. They are still slowly increasing in potency but it's taking a lot longer than Gigi said. I have a few other CCO batches that I'm letting decarb naturally mainly because they are surplus at this point and I can afford to wait, plus it saves me a step for now at least. I can always decarb later.

Also wondering how decarbed Gigi's batches were and if she actually had some tested to confirm profile.

As much trouble as I had with my first batch of Fresh Harvest oil I think that's going to be a better option for preserving terps both for Rec and Med use (except for highest doses for cancer that still need CCO).

Speaking of which, this is the finished oil, the darkest I've ever made and that's saying something. I spent so long recovering this batch with all my missteps that I got some waxes and a lot of chlorophyll. Also think I over chopped the herb. Glad I remembered I had all these test tubes (from syringes of oil I bought before I started making my own). It made sucking oil off top of water so much easier.
Even though it spent 2 hours in pressure cooker this half of batch isn't fully decarbed, close but not quite. The other half of batch is now fully decarbed so I can do comparison. I just love research. :)

Well lab rat deluxe, you're playing around with partially decarbed. :slide: I swear KR, it was like fireworks went off in my head. "Partially decarbed ON PURPOSE!!" Sometimes, the way I miss the obvious surprises even me. :laughtwo: I'm sitting here hopping with excitement. The last batch I made and had to process twice as long to decarb was much nicer, in a completely subjective way, to the previous batches. I haven't tried any to judge potency differences.

tCheck Susan. ASAP woman!

We already know how to process CCO safely and efficiently, and thank you Tim. Cajun started us on the BioBomb adventure of formulas to potentiate that oil with some carrier oil and liquid sunflower lecithin. We're still figuring out how to persuade people to use them as suppositories, but I'm hopeful. :cheesygrinsmiley: I was thinking today we might need a thread where we can speak about it and share what we've learned through personal experience.

The daughter mentioned on her own that she might..........think about it. She's lived quietly with IBS her entire adult life. Unbelievable that she has to think about it. How do you make them sexy????

Once we figure out what we're really getting in these infused oils PsyCro got us all interested in I think we're going to get excited in a whole new way. This is fabulous oil. I can't wait to hear your comparison of the different decarb levels. You're in a position to judge the comparison to CCO, at least in your experience, aren't you?

Time for me to go walking. Green Flower Media has a live class tonight at 5 PST on replacing pharmaceuticals with cannabis.

I'll probably miss it, out with the girls, but I have a membership so I can catch it first thing in the morning. Looks to be interesting.


.....KR, I love your playful nature. All the best ideas come when we're playing, without exception. :hug: :love:
By the way KR, isn't it delightful to find equipment like test tubes lying around the house? :laughtwo:

When you've had time to contrast will you be posting a report on the fresh harvest thread? :battingeyelashes: :love:
Well Sue, Iam very sad to say that after 65 grams of treatment I retested my psa. 37.5 is now 33. I had such high hopes for this. Now I don't know what to do. I am sure the doc is going to push for a biopsy again. I so hoped this would work.......
Well Sue, Iam very sad to say that after 65 grams of treatment I retested my psa. 37.5 is now 33. I had such high hopes for this. Now I don't know what to do. I am sure the doc is going to push for a biopsy again. I so hoped this would work.......

Does that change into a downward direction not count as relevant dmarek? Would not this suggest an internal shift? Forgive my ignorance about the test results, but I'd be more distressed if the numbers had increased.

The choice to biopsy is a sound one dmarek. That's why he'll push for it. It's only a danger if you fear the results and believe that a diagnosis of cancer is something that you have no control over.

The reality is you're standing in a room populated by people who got that dreaded diagnosis and used cannabis to turn the tide back to health and balance, so we know this therapy can be successful. There are no guarantees, but then what guarantee do you have in this life other than you will die someday? Everything else is negotiable.

The choice of what to do if the biopsy brings undesirable news is completely up to you. But consider that having the test done, once and for all identifies what you're dealing with.

The alternative is to stay the course and ask the doctor to give it another term, whatever timeframe you're comfortable with. The choices are yours. Take a breath and consider the options. Find some way to find peace with the situation and remember that within you, as in all of us, lives a healing force with such potential that it would stun you if you could grasp the totality of it. You're already supporting it in ways others know nothing about. You're cutting edge.

Whatever choice you go with, keep cannabis in the protocol. Cannabinoids are evolved to promote healing. Give your body the best chance for success. We'll support you regardless of your choice, you do understand that? :hug: :love:
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