sorry forgot ask re pain. You state * A dosing strategy: Use a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC with low psychoactivity during the day and an indica for nighttime dosing.

* A good starting point is 10-20 mg of cannabinoids 3x/day.

How can I measure mg of cannabinoids in my two types of oil,
Cannabis as a Treatment for Cancer

Here are a couple of very good videos explaining how and why cannabis works as a cure for cancer:



sorry forgot ask re pain. You state * A dosing strategy: Use a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC with low psychoactivity during the day and an indica for nighttime dosing.

* A good starting point is 10-20 mg of cannabinoids 3x/day.

How can I measure mg of cannabinoids in my two types of oil,

Substitute ml for mg. That answers your question about measurements. Let me look over the others for a minute.........

The freaking out that you describe may be indicitative of a sensitivity to THC. This one feels more potent to you because CBD enhances the effects of THC while modulating the side effects. You feel more high on less THC. Cool how that works, huh? :laughtwo:

I'm working on a pain cream that's reputed to be very effective medication for much more than pain, but one of the things he mentions is arthritis. If it were me, I'd be making a pain cream. It'd work easier than simply rubbing oil on the skin, which can be very messy. I speak from experience here. :battingeyelashes: I'll be posting the recipe and my observations on making the cream in the next few days.

I know of no labs at all, anywhere, really. I'm in a state that just went legal and I'm new to the medical cannabis arena. I know nothing about testing facilities yet.

According to notes I took on a seminar I recently watched, a grain of rice-sized piece of Concentrated Cannabis Oil has 25-75 active cannabinoids in it. Near as I can figure, that grain of rice is equivalent to 1/4 ml, so your tincture has somewhere between 400-1,200 active cannabinoids in it. Hitting in the middle still puts you at 600 mg of cannabinoids in 25 ml of oil. For every ml of the olive oil you made you're getting approx. 2.4 mg THC and 1.2 mg of CBD. Give it a try. It stands a high chance for success. Start with a low dose and increase slowly until you find the sweet spot.
pain creme

In my recent wanderings I found myself at an old thread on pain creme that intrigued me. A pain creme, made with a mere 2 grams of bud capable of healing diabetic ulcers. I had to try. It may be useful for psoriasis. The thread can be found here:

Pain creme. Using only2 grams. Used many times

He makes some serious claims about what he's seen this creme heal. Well worth chasing down and reading.

The recipe's as basic as it gets; make a coconut oil extraction and add it to a simple beeswax creme base. I can do this.

Oil extraction

2 grams of bud, chopped fine, not powdery.


Turn the oven on the lowest setting.


Remove all but one rack. Place that about 3/4 of the way down.


Combine the 2 grams of prepared buds and 8 tablespoons of coconut oil. As you can see, it's hot enough in my apartment that the oil's liquid. If the oil was solid I could use 4 heaping tablespoons instead of the 8. Liquid form's easier to get a measured dose IMHO. Use a glass jar that can be placed in the oven at your lowest setting.


Close it up and shake vigorously.


Place it on a glass baking dish in the middle of the oven rack. Every hour, initially, give it a shake. After a few times you can back off the every hour to whenever it crosses your mind and it's convienient. Leave it in there for 24-36 hours.


Every hour that I'm up I'll give it a shake. I'm going for the 36-hr mark, shooting for potent. Then I'll strain and make the creme.

Pain Cream: Finishing the job.

It cooked on low for a full 36 hours. The last day I think I shook it maybe six times through the course of the day. I strained it through an unbleached coffee filter.


Very gently but firmly, thinking like a Rosen press might :laughtwo: squeeze as much of the oil out as you can. This remaining amount can be run a second, or even a third time. I'll use it as a topical applicator until I can't get any more oil out of it and then I'll throw it into the next batch of brownies. :battingeyelashes:

Be real careful as you do this not to tear the filter.




Making the cream

Gather up the ingredients for the cream base. One bar of beeswax is 30 grams. That's close enough to a liquid ounce to work for me (converting 30 gm to 30 ml). This is a topical cream I'm making for my own use. The carefully metered dose isn't really a concern.


One bar of beeswax and 150 ml of grape seed oil melted together over a double boiler set-up. This would have gone faster if I'd shaved or grated the beeswax, but it took almost no time at all once the water was up to a boil.


On the left, the grape seed oil and beeswax mix. On the right, the deliciously fragrant coconut oil extraction. I'm thinking this is a great way to get terpenes and flavinoids into an oil. A long, slow cook.


I combined the cream base with just around three teaspoons of the oil and mixed well. It set up beautifully in less than 20 minutes. I wasn't watching the clock, so I have no way of knowing, other than my surprise at how quickly that happened. It's the perfect consistency. I've already applied some to my feet, on the patches of psoriasis I have there.


Into storage. It's starting to look like a pharmacy in there. :laughtwo:



This used to be where I kept dishes. Directly behind me is a stand that used to be for a microwave that now does duty as amendment storage for the no-tills.


This used to be a kitchen. :laughtwo:

I'll be using this cream on the scattered small patches of psoriasis I have. It's already proven itself effective for pain. As I was making it up I was rubbing all leftover drops and dribbles into my arms and legs. When it was all finished I rubbed some on my feet and my hands and the pain that'd been building in my upper back was completely gone before I was done working it into the backs of my hands.

Pretty amazing stuff, considering how little bud material's in there. I think this will become a staple in my home pharmacy. Let's see what it does for my skin.
interesting topical sue. thanks for that.

like to know how it works for ya.
interesting topical sue. thanks for that.

like to know how it works for ya.

You're welcome unforgiven. This was simplicity itself to make. I don't know what I was so intimidated about.

I'll be doing a report on the psoriasis. I already know it works for pain.
Well done. What strain did you use? Balanced ratio or dominant one way or the other? Given any thought to a schedule and last, but not least, are you treating something specific, hoping to get blasted or just being proactive? Well, you're being proactive by consuming cannabinoids at all, so I'm guessing these are high THC, meant to keep you wonderfully buzzed through the celebration?

I ordered a jig for filling the capsules today. I highly recommend one if you don't have one already. Did you rub the drips into your skin? :laughtwo: The skin on my arms is beginning to look lustrous. Lol!
Hi Sue just a couple of Q's.

1. So Gas stove? me too.

2. Just wondering. The glass jar does it have to have a top? need the top for shaking? cannot stir it instead. Or does the cap keep in the goodies?
Looks good, i like, I will look for a jar with a hat, pretty sure I don't have one, yet.

3. 24-36 hours, that is a long time. I was thinking of trying 3-6 hours for my first go. then off overnight leave it in the oven and re heat in the AM, I read in the link that he did that.

I don't want it to be too strong for me kitty. meow. must give it a test drive first.
Hi Sue just a couple of Q's.

1. So Gas stove? me too.

2. Just wondering. The glass jar does it have to have a top? need the top for shaking? cannot stir it instead. Or does the cap keep in the goodies?
Looks good, i like, I will look for a jar with a hat, pretty sure I don't have one, yet.

3. 24-36 hours, that is a long time. I was thinking of trying 3-6 hours for my first go. then off overnight leave it in the oven and re heat in the AM, I read in the link that he did that.

I don't want it to be too strong for me kitty. meow. must give it a test drive first.

1. Absolutely. I live in the center of the natural gas universe. :laughtwo: Is there any better way to cook?
2. The lid helps to keep the temps up inside that jar, I'm sure, but I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work with just stirring. If you have a pizza stone, let it heat up to temperature as the oven heats and set your jar on that. The pizza stone will regulate the heat better than the glass dish I used. I learned the pizza stone trick in my wanderings today.
3. Go ahead and turn it off overnight. Then kick it back on for the day. You only need a min. 24 hours total baking time. It doesn't have to be in a straight run. You're already sound asleep now, so this is more for reference than anything else.

Keep me posted. He may sleep at first.
Hi Sue,

How would you suggest I make pain cream using simpson oil? I made some other cream that didn't seem to work on pain.

Hello Whitebeach. If you wanted to follow this rudimentary recipe I'd simply heat the 5 oz of carrier oil (I used grape seed oil, you could use coconut instead) and melt the CCO/RSO into it, making sure it's well blended. It wouldn't take much CCO, I recall Cajun telling me once that the pain cream he makes with CCO for chemotherapeutic burns is a 1/50 mix, one part CCO to 50 parts carrier oil. That's a good ratio to start with. That ratio heals serious chemical skin burns.

Melt the beeswax into this carrier oil mix and you're good to go. This stuff is solid enough when cool that I scrape it out with my thumbnail. If I took an immersion blender to it it could be fluffed up. For my own use that's not necessary. I'm just lazy by nature and it works like this, so I'm not concerned with improving.

Cannafan has a blog section on topicals you might want to look through. Topicals were her main area of interest at the beginning of this year, so she loaded her wellness sanctuary with recipes and notes on production including this recipe.

420 Magazine ® - Making Topical Meds, cremes and tinctures - Blogs

I hope this helps. If not, hit me with more questions. :battingeyelashes:
Hello Whitebeach. If you wanted to follow this rudimentary recipe I'd simply heat the 5 oz of carrier oil (I used grape seed oil, you could use coconut instead) and melt the CCO/RSO into it, making sure it's well blended. It wouldn't take much CCO, I recall Cajun telling me once that the pain cream he makes with CCO for chemotherapeutic burns is a 1/50 mix, one part CCO to 50 parts carrier oil. That's a good ratio to start with. That ratio heals serious chemical skin burns.

Melt the beeswax into this carrier oil mix and you're good to go. This stuff is solid enough when cool that I scrape it out with my thumbnail. If I took an immersion blender to it it could be fluffed up. For my own use that's not necessary. I'm just lazy by nature and it works like this, so I'm not concerned with improving.

Cannafan has a blog section on topicals you might want to look through. Topicals were her main area of interest at the beginning of this year, so she loaded her wellness sanctuary with recipes and notes on production including this recipe.

420 Magazine ® - Making Topical Meds, cremes and tinctures - Blogs

I hope this helps. If not, hit me with more questions. :battingeyelashes:

Thanks Sue! 50:1 doesn't sound very potent. Could I do the ratio by weight? And is the beeswax necessary?

Thanks Sue! 50:1 doesn't sound very potent. Could I do the ratio by weight? And is the beeswax necessary?

You're using concentrated cannabis oil, so 1:50 is more potent than it sounds. This recipe uses a mere 2 grams of plant material. You get around 4-6 grams of oil out of an ounce of plant material. That ratio is probably close to what I have going here.

You can make it as powerful as you want. At the 1:50 ratio Cajun adds aloe to his. That may have been because those chemotherapeutic burns are nasty shit. I wish I had his recipe, but alas, I don't.

The beeswax is what turns it into a balm. It's entirely possible to use the oil extract directly on the skin. I've done that for about the last week before I decided to finally get off my butt and make this cream/balm. I can tell you from experience that this balm applies to the skin more effectively than just oil alone. It's a night and day difference.
Well done. What strain did you use? Balanced ratio or dominant one way or the other? Given any thought to a schedule and last, but not least, are you treating something specific, hoping to get blasted or just being proactive? Well, you're being proactive by consuming cannabinoids at all, so I'm guessing these are high THC, meant to keep you wonderfully buzzed through the celebration?

I ordered a jig for filling the capsules today. I highly recommend one if you don't have one already. Did you rub the drips into your skin? :laughtwo: The skin on my arms is beginning to look lustrous. Lol!
We used Purple Kush which is said to be purely indica. I kind of want to see how it effects me before I come up with a schedule. I took 2 caps last night, 1 hour apart, and I had one heck of a time falling asleep. A little background, yesterday I was diagnosed with c diff in my stool. The limited research I did on it told me it is "One of the worst offenders is a bacterium called Clostridium difficile(C. difficile, or C. diff). As the bacteria overgrow they release toxins that attack the lining of the intestines, causing a condition called Clostridium difficilecolitis." I also found its highly contagious. I don't know why I had to research that, the dr didn't mention it. Fu@king Quacks! I had to ask him if my sickness was related to some antibiotics I had been on. That's when I saw the light go off in his head. He decided to test my stool, and whammo it's c diff. If I had not asked him that question, I would be here, still puking, not keeping food down, and having frequent trips to the toilet for evacuation, not to mention highly contagious while working in a school. Anyway, I didn't know if the antibiotics were keeping me uo, or if it was the capsules. Nis had one capsule and he said he may have been having a difficult time going to bed. He wasn't sure, cuz I was keeping him awake.
We aren't treating anything specific, it's a monkey see, Monkey do scenario. You did it, so I wanted to try it too. Yes Sue, you have that effect on us. We do what you are doing, because it's new to us, but also because you know your stuff!
As for the jig, please pm me the info you have on it, as we may want to get one.
I did spill some oil on my hands. What didn't get licked off, was rubbed into the skin. My hands are very soft today. They usually aren't since the leather work.gloves I wear suck any moisture out of my hands. Soft is a good feel on my hands. Even Nis said they were soft last night.
Thanks for this wonderful recipe Sue! :thanks: :hug:
1. Absolutely. I live in the center of the natural gas universe. :laughtwo: Is there any better way to cook?
2. The lid helps to keep the temps up inside that jar, I'm sure, but I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work with just stirring. If you have a pizza stone, let it heat up to temperature as the oven heats and set your jar on that. The pizza stone will regulate the heat better than the glass dish I used. I learned the pizza stone trick in my wanderings today.
3. Go ahead and turn it off overnight. Then kick it back on for the day. You only need a min. 24 hours total baking time. It doesn't have to be in a straight run. You're already sound asleep now, so this is more for reference than anything else.

Keep me posted. He may sleep at first.
What if the lid was there to keep in moisture? Do the benefits of the meds evaporate into the air? Just a Q I thought of after reading your post.
actually I think if you heat then cool then reheat again, you would end up with water added to the mixture from condensation on the inside of the lid. its the same way people poison themselves with food all the time by putting hot food away in the fridge with a cover on it.

not the same result, lol. obviously. it was just an example.

my question is, would that extra "water" cause issue with the end product at all?
Wow, what a great thread!! So much information its a bit overwhelming. We're very new to all of this and are complete amitures at best. My wife is recovering from a tumor removal surgery, tumor was inside of a nerve. Sue this is going to be our go to thread, just started our little grow ( week old) so it will be a few months until harvest time but, just like to say Thank You for this information, our new guardian angel! :)
Wow, what a great thread!! So much information its a bit overwhelming. We're very new to all of this and are complete amitures at best. My wife is recovering from a tumor removal surgery, tumor was inside of a nerve. Sue this is going to be our go to thread, just started our little grow ( week old) so it will be a few months until harvest time but, just like to say Thank You for this information, our new guardian angel! :)

Well, hello Arctic Bowl. I'm so glad you found us. You have plenty of time to be prepared before harvest. Will you be doing a grow journal? I can tell you, there's no better way to guarantee a successful harvest and to get to know the community than to have a band of friendly neighbors watching from over your shoulder as you grow. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Make yourself at home and feel free to ask anything. I keep rediculous hours on site, so I'm usually around, and I have a friendly band of comrades who are quick with helpful information. We're here for you. :hug:

Welcome to the branch of your family you didn't know existed until right now. :circle-of-love:
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