SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

In the Mil world, I would often send young soldiers off looking for a roll of "flight line" when they became too bothersome... or a weapon repair tool called a "pair of T-R double E's.... this barrel just won't come off without it."
:laugh: That brought back memories. I was a helicopter crew chief and we would always send the newbs off to find rotor wash whenever it was time to wash the helicopters. Usually send them over to the Air Force hanger and ask them for it. That or a bolt stretcher when installing rotor blades...Ah fun times.
I forgot about the bolt stretcher one.... I've used that.

Thanks btw.... I was a frequent passenger in an era where the Vietnam pilots where still in the inventory. I had some hellish rides that bumped those bad boys hard and never experienced any real issues.
I can't tell you how many times a shithook ride would worry me.... hydraulic fluid seemed to be everywhere all the time! Fortunately, they were generally reserved for heavy loads.... not a squad of cannon fodder.

Yup... thanks! I'd buy ya a round if there were a bartender around.
I forgot about the bolt stretcher.... I've used that.

Thanks btw.... I was a frequent passenger in an era where the Vietnam pilots where still in the inventory. I had some hellish rides that bumped those bad boys hard and never experienced any real issues.
I can't tell you how many times a shithook ride would worry me.... hydraulic fluid seemed to be everywhere all the time! Fortunately, they were generally reserved for heavy loads.... not a squad of cannon fodder.

Yup... thanks! I'd buy ya a round if there were a bartender around.
Yeah those pilots are the best. I crewed a Blackhawk in the 1st Bush war. Those pilots loved it over there. They took most of the restrictions off them and boy did they take advantage of that. There are still a few of those rides that stand out vividly.

No bartender so here hit this.....:passitleft:
When Tead was wearing mosquito wings on his collar, he was assigned as an air messenger during a 2 week exercise. The pilot was a super-fun CWO4 from the previous engagements. The first few rides almost killed me... but after that I totally got into flying around Florida (I think) with those crazy bastards. Such a young man exposed to these old salts that might use an OH to scratch their ass in the mornings.... it was like skin to them... they'd strap on that little OH and dance. We had so much fun. Those dudes just didn't care about any of the rules really and just had fun. They were truly hogs in slop.

I have to stop for a moment and give a nod. The previous era of warriors did me so right over the years. I stopped a guy wearing a Vietnam hat the other day and, in fact, bought him a drink. I've done such things many times over the years. Without their guiding words and lessons, we would see much higher casualty numbers.

Passing a joint while speaking of the mil seems a bit.... well... odd..... so I stayed with the more traditional liquor option. Funny... I'd be happy to pass a joint to a vet any day, but tradition would require me to offer alcohol first. Call me old school.

Wait... is this Sue's grow thread?
Oh... look... it is.
Ehhh..... I bet she'll forgive us.
In the Mil world, I would often send young soldiers off looking for a roll of "flight line" when they became too bothersome... or a weapon repair tool called a "pair of T-R double E's.... this barrel just won't come off without it."

:laugh: That brought back memories. I was a helicopter crew chief and we would always send the newbs off to find rotor wash whenever it was time to wash the helicopters. Usually send them over to the Air Force hanger and ask them for it. That or a bolt stretcher when installing rotor blades...Ah fun times.

:rofl: Bolt stretcher.........
Rotor wash, good one, for me it was 'prop wash'. 'windows are dirty, get me some prop wash, we can use it to wash the windows too.'
Had an ol' air force crew chief call the 'rotor birds' 'peripatetic palm trees'. I could and did learn more from the ol' b-29 mechanic in 5 min than just about any other person. Mostly how to keep you arse safe around complex and dangerous machines, his advice prolly saved my neck. He had an unusual outlook on life.

Hi Sue :ciao:
As the cannon fodder in the configuration, our lessons occurred in the bush.
I'll share a fun one.
After a short ride from your buddies, a mentor of mine and myself wandered into a clearing in the bush. My mentor... paused in the middle of the clearing, had me hold... reached down to the ground and ever so gently brushed back the twigs and dirt. I was holding and horrified by what I was seeing. In my mind, he had started clearing a mine! I was almost instantly frantic. My eyes were huge. That was one of the earlier moments in my life where I thought the end could be near. While my bowels didn't empty, I seem to recall some 'pucker'.

After a moment with my eyes really big, that son-of-a-mother-fucking SFC (busted many times!) Vietnam vet removed a bottle of Jim Beam from what appeared to be a nothing clearing in the middle of un-marked nowheresville.

We swigged and moved on.
Later in life, I did that same move whenever the opportunity presented itself.
SO SUE, I am using, or shall I say testing your coffee and One puff method right now.. Seems flawed cause I had to take another puff... Well and then another... LOL... Hey I have noticed the highlighted Names with the @ sign, is that how you call to some one to join a conversation..?? They get a notifications ??? How do you do the highlighted part ??? Not that it really matters I know alot of folks on here that dont get their notifications or alerts at all anyway..
.... Good Green days and week end Sis... Looks nice up in your place... I will get back with you later, seems you are entertaining a lot of looky lou's at this time... Plus all the sudden an Old Lady is a night owl... Wonder how long that will last... As I remember last time was around the holidays, for a month or so.. Kinda a holiday now with all the new lights. LOL..

This old lady is known for occasionally pulling an all-nighter simply because the buzz and conversation were too good to stop. Lol!

Hacker, It’s never so busy around here that I won’t stop and take time for you. :hug:

Wait... is this Sue's grow thread?
Oh... look... it is.
Ehhh..... I bet she'll forgive us.

Nothing makes me happier than to stop in my own room and find it filled with conversation. :hug::love:

As the cannon fodder in the configuration, our lessons occurred in the bush.
I'll share a fun one.
After a short ride from your buddies, a mentor of mine and myself wandered into a clearing in the bush. My mentor... paused in the middle of the clearing, had me hold... reached down to the ground and ever so gently brushed back the twigs and dirt. I was holding and horrified by what I was seeing. In my mind, he had started clearing a mine! I was almost instantly frantic. My eyes were huge. That was one of the earlier moments in my life where I thought the end could be near. While my bowels didn't empty, I seem to recall some 'pucker'.

After a moment with my eyes really big, that son-of-a-mother-fucking SFC (busted many times!) Vietnam vet removed a bottle of Jim Beam from what appeared to be a nothing clearing in the middle of un-marked nowheresville.

We swigged and moved on.
Later in life, I did that same move whenever the opportunity presented itself.

:rofl: Brilliant! :rofl:

Hi keltic. :ciao:

Finishing up my dinner with the girls. :battingeyelashes:

Earlier they got a spinosad shower, the third in the process.

I think I’ll do one more application in 4 days and let them go after that. It’s a pain to do foliars for the entire garden. They’re a mess to clean up. I’ll be glad to have this behind me.

Think four sprayings over a two-week period will be enough? :hmmmm:

I have four more plants to spray, so I’d best get back to it. The update will be up in a bit.

Stay on that joyful path you chose this morning. I’ll catch up later. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
Sue should have named her new thread "Old War Stories" :laugh:

RAM Splitter
BIOS Refractor
IRQ Laser

We had dozens of IT misdirects for poor noobs, kinda cruel but fun. Coders had a pile of their own too. I was an IT noob once and also took the ribbings and misdirects.

Believe me, many a joint has been smoked on our Carrier deckplates, it was stopped around 1982. But after 'Nam and before 1982, Bud, Hash and Thai Stick was as easy to find as liquor on Carriers, among enlisted and rank. I won't eat up anymore of Sue's Timber journal with Mil banter. Sorry Sue :hug:

I should pay more attention ... whats up with the @ and notifications? I blissfully ignored the whole website upgrade issues ... I just read forums and journals, and a little posting.

Tead has a certain philosophy about Sue's threads...
If she's not there to fill them up, I feel a certain responsibility.

While I never ran into the actual phrase "RAM splitter"... it's a concept we employ when we manually allot memory to a process. Tead sat on the servers.... preferred to avoid coding as the years progressed. But I think I missed the point of the phrase.....

Whatcha fightin with Spinosad Sue? Got the moths? I seem to recall some thrips words. I just did a ton of research on mites... kickin my ass.
I won't eat up anymore of Sue's Timber journal with Mil banter. Sorry Sue :hug:

I should pay more attention ... whats up with the @ and notifications? I blissfully ignored the whole website upgrade issues ... I just read forums and journals, and a little posting.


You eat up as much of my pages sharing stories as you like. You’ll get no complaints from me. :hug:

I don’t know if there’s any problem with the @ notification. I neglected to separate one from the preceding periods yesterday and it wouldn’t leave the link, but that was my inattentiveness. :battingeyelashes:

Whatcha fightin with Spinosad Sue? Got the moths? I seem to recall some thrips words. I just did a ton of research on mites... kickin my ass.

I inherited thrips when I rescued plants from J. Lol! Then I resisted spraying them until it got out of control. *groan* I’ve mended my ways and I’m now spraying everyone except the tiny closet residents every four days.

It took isolation and naked gardening to get the notes under control. After I cooked all of the harvested plants into fresh harvest oil there weren’t any eggs to hatch. :yahoo:

I was terrified that there’d be one egg that would hatch if I didn’t immediately reduce the plants to oil. I wasn’t taking any chances.

For weeks leading up to harvest I handled the infested plants last and then went straight to the shower and scrubbed myself down. Having small tents that allowed for isolation saved me.

I feel your frustration. :hug: You don’t have the option I had to leave clothing out of the formula. I’m sure that’s a major part of the cross-contamination that keeps the horde established. All it takes is one egg. :straightface:

Even Doc, with his environmentally-controlled paradise, fought with the Borg. It can happen to anyone.
Dale used to regale me with stories of how he once accompanied an officer up the Amazon to secure a shipment of cannabis that they welded into a hidey-hole on the ship, then removed when they docked back home.

He claimed it was Columbian Gold, and the best cannabis he ever smoked.

He used to smoke down by the ship’s incinerator, sitting next to an exhaust fan. There was a lock on the door that gave him warning, and when someone came he’d simply release the joint and it’d be sucked out through the ventilation system. Lol!

Dale was good for making friends that made his life easier. Like the gent that gave him that work assignment next to the incinerator. :battingeyelashes:
Evening Amy. :hug:

You’re just in time. Dark Devil? :passitleft:

It’s such a quandary to find a stray in the buds. What to do with it? It’s onviously an unknown cross in a garden with an overloaded seed bank. What are the chances I’ll ever grow it?

What if I have a bag of SweetSue’s bud seeds? :rofl:
Then I resisted spraying them until it got out of control. *groan*

It can be hard and confusing to follow the lazy mantra.... every now and then, you just gotta do some work.

You don’t have the option I had to leave clothing out of the formula.

I don't see that door as closed as you seemed to indicate....

He used to smoke down by the ship’s incinerator, sitting next to an exhaust fan. There was a lock on the door that gave him warning, and when someone came he’d simply release the joint and it’d be sucked out through the ventilation system. Lol!

Enron (remember them???) had a completely empty and enormous server facility downtown. Our servers were the only machines in this cavernous and very professionally done facility. The whole empty setup told you that something odd was afoot. It had enormous air scrubbing/cooling equipment. Most real server rooms have this equipment.
Enron (remember them???) had a completely empty and enormous server facility downtown. Our servers were the only machines in this cavernous and very professionally done facility. The whole empty setup told you that something odd was afoot. It had enormous air scrubbing/cooling equipment. Most real server rooms have this equipment.

Haha! Well....that makes you stop and consider, eh? Lol!
Suddenly I had an overwhelming desire to listen to Dark Side of the Moon while I finished this buzz and did the update.

One of the best pieces of music to listen to under the influence of good cannabis. :bong:
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