SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

3grams/liter is a good safe starting point for all strains I've encountered. My personal starting point is 3.3g/L in 6L pots which works out nicely to 20g. I've juiced some up to 4g/L, but you're in some dangerous territory.
I’m now going to be going from 32oz to 1gal then eventually to 2gal pots. You don’t transplant your osmo girls do you? Should I just start it in a juiced up 1 or 2gal pot instead of the 32oz?
I’m now going to be going from 32oz to 1gal then eventually to 2gal pots. You don’t transplant your osmo girls do you? Should I just start it in a juiced up 1 or 2gal pot instead of the 32oz?

Dunno which is better really. Never tried up-sizing them. I just stuff the clones into the perl and let 'em cook.
So lazy.
... and it was Nivek.... how did I not remember that?!?! Shame on me. Too much herb.

How did I forget that? Lol!

Doob, you have lots of energy going in many directions. Been there. To be honest, I love the fast-moving energy. Lol!
Good gosh, I’m blissfully high, about to go wandering through Big Lots. Hmmm.... wonder if something pulled me here? This isn’t the direction I typically take, but I was dropping off some mail and it’s a block away.

The pull was irresistible.
Doob, you have lots of energy going in many directions. Been there. To be honest, I love the fast-moving energy. Lol!

At one point in my life, I was working with young artists. I was 35+, and was one of the more aged humans in the offices.
I just used to sit back and grin when they got into any sort of cooperative creative project. Seeing them all contribute and create... it was beautiful to watch especially since I was in a support roll rather than being directly in the stew and could set back and see it all roll together reaching into the stew on occasion to help.
Those days changed. While I miss them, they were incredibly crazy and hectic.

is it wrong? that I see CBD but read CDB and wonder what the Charlie Daniels band has to do with it?

i must still be dreaming:cool:

We have an area of town called the Central Business District and we almost always truncate it to 'CBD'. You can imagine....
Friday I’ll order the pH pen and accessories and some pH Down and start checking. What Doob and I are hoping is we can get a comparable product with less work. If pH adjusting becomes wearisome that could tip the scales to the expensive but consistently effective RX line.

Good Morning Folks!

Adjusting pH is a quick and easy process once performed a few dozen times. You will get to know the pH of your water and nutrient mix and be able to just spot check every week or so to make sure things haven't varied too much from your tap. I've only been mixing nutrients here at my new place, pHing the results for a couple of months, and I can already just count the drops of pH Down required for each gallon. Pipettes are your friend! :laugh: I checked pH daily for a couple of weeks, then 2x a week, and now just once a week. I feed and water twice weekly, and mix up 3 to 5 gallons of water with nutrients then and pH correct them all in less than 5 minutes. Including the initial H2O2 treatment, I spend less than 15 minutes a week with my water treatment, nutrient additions and pH adjustments. I vary the pH throughout the three stages of growth, but it still is easily done from memory after one cycle provided the water source and nutrients used are the unvaried. I spend more time SLOWLY drizzling the solution across the entire top of the perlite than I do prepping hydration and nutrition. I'm as lazy as you are with growing, after doing it this long, it's more of a "raise the crops" thing than a big time hobby.

Just wanted you to know that treating water with H2O2, mixing nutrients and pHing the results need not be labor intensive and time consuming. Since we grow in Perlite for the very reason of "easy and quick", you can make the wet and feed part of it very simple and quick.

We have an area of town called the Central Business District and we almost always truncate it to 'CBD'. You can imagine....


My first thought when I read CBD about a decade ago :laugh: What's the "CBD" have to do with cannibinoids?

Acronym soup ... in my major career I had two full distinct sets of acronyms to deal with, both the job itself, and then employer had their own large set, and the two often overlapped with different meanings. I realized after a few years that many of my coworkers didn't know what the acronyms even stood for, and would use them indiscriminately in a sentence that was one long list of acronyms with a verb and subject thrown in for "clarity". :laugh:


My first thought when I read CBD about a decade ago :laugh: What's the "CBD" have to do with cannibinoids?

Acronym soup ... in my major career I had two full distinct sets of acronyms to deal with, both the job itself, and then employer had their own large set, and the two often overlapped with different meanings. I realized after a few years that many of my coworkers didn't know what the acronyms even stood for, and would use them indiscriminately in a sentence that was one long list of acronyms with a verb and subject thrown in for "clarity". :laugh:


Me too.... Mil, and IT, often mixing the two.

My perennial favorite... tho perhaps unknown to the newbies....
People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms.
PCMCIA, Card Bus, PCCard ... all the same thing.

Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

A "standard" for a Memory and Card interface, utilized mostly on Laptops. 4 flavors over the years if I remember correctly.
Most IT certification tests since the late 90s involved memorizing useless acronyms, profit driven I guess.

Want to guess my former major career? :laugh:

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