SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber


I’ll definitely be back that way. I still need to meet Dan. :battingeyelashes:
I really am curious, if she trys it for a few days, how GDP will feel for her

Hope the Candida oil is a good test for her...love that Candida

I’ll definitely be back that way. I still need to meet Dan. :battingeyelashes:
Oh thats right he had some issues. Forgot about that. I kinda wanted to meet him myself... maybe next time
You will find that the growth under the Quantums will be crazy, and the penetration in a deep canopy is crazy also. Expect more dense bigger buds in your future.
I see the most favorable results for a capsule regimen with a 1:2 THC:CBD ratio. For the daughter we grow CBD Critical Cure, and I’m certain it’s partly the terpene profile. We have other chemovars with the same ratio of major cannabinoids that don’t have such positive effects. You need to find the one that works for you.

For vaping she chooses high-THC indicas. For anxiety patients sativa profiles can lead to more anxiety. For the daughter suicidal thoughts rise to the surface after 2-3 days. Indica profiles sooth the savage beast.

She fell in love with Royal Gorilla. :battingeyelashes:

For her sleep meds she prefers Candy Cane, a high-THC indica from Crop King Seeds. That’s the chemovar she considers her “Kush.” Lol! Dinachem has become a preferred vape before bed, directly after she takes her brownie dose.

You see how small-minded our legislators are? For this one regimen we use 3-4 different chemovars, administered as capsules, edibles, and vaped flowers.

Telling someone they have a limited number of plants to grow means you’re telling them they can only have a limited number of options.

Just let us grow without fear. The world will transform into a place a little more user-friendly for us all in record time.
Thanks for your input. Currently growing acdc that @Van Stank turned me onto which will hopefully be the high CBd strain I'm looking for.

I would just be happy with some advances in the legalization process, my state is so red I fear we will be the last to join the party.
Thanks for your input. Currently growing acdc that @Van Stank turned me onto which will hopefully be the high CBd strain I'm looking for.

I would just be happy with some advances in the legalization process, my state is so red I fear we will be the last to join the party.

Eventually cannabis will be taken off the schedule and the rules change dramatically. The regulation and control of cannabis is due to the misrepresentation as a dangerous, addictive substance with no medicinal value. That determination can’t stand the light of day much longer.
MY NAME IS SUE< HOW DO YOU DO ??? LMAO sorry just listened to a J.Cash concert last night ... Love that dude... Up and at em, got a huge storm coming in tomorrow.. Then 90's and HUMIDDDDDDD ... finally summer lol...Green days to ya Sis, and to all

Good morning Hacker. :hug:

I do very well, thank you. :rofl:

I woke to the sound of thunder. My weather forecast is for rain through tomorrow and temps creeping up into the 90s by the weekend. Looks like it was a good thing I had two walks yesterday. :battingeyelashes:

I think I’ll go back to sleep for a bit longer this morning. Later, my friends. :ciao:
If you don't want to have to PH adjust, I've had good success with the AN PH Perfect line. They're a little pricey, but high quality nutes.

Hey Krip!

I've had good results with AN pH Perfect too, but I can't justify the cost. I like running pH in perlite at 5.6-5.8, and AN products usually get me somewhere around 6.0 after all mixing and resting is done. I've run the gamut of nutrients over the years, lots of them, and I think most are way over priced. To each their own on nutritional products, every setup and plant is different and might require different values. Once a person is experienced with the performance and optimal quantities of a particular system, it's nice to stay dialed in and just watch the plants for feedback.

Not my intent to start an nutrients argument about which is best etc, but I will offer that my frugal self has done many spreadsheets logging performance and price per gallon of many of the nutrients on the market. Usually I end up always going back to the GH Flora Trio products by the gallon (plus CaliMag, Silica, KoolBloom and pH Down). I know they are owned by Monsanto (Bayer now I think), but that product line has consistently delivered the quality goods, and the cost per gallon is at the best according to my calculations.

Hi Sue,
You should check your pH even when using AN pH Perfect. They usually don't vary from the set pHtoo much and they do produce a quality product. I have seen so little fluctuation in the pH when using AN, but I'm a proponent of throwing a range of pH nutrients at my plants, not static values. They seem to perform better when things aren't so static and range fluctuations are deliberately varied according to their stage of growth. Loving your new lights! I will take a look at some Timber lights when my current illumination fails, but I did just get some new ones for Christmas. :laugh:

An indication of how all this hasn't gone to my head.... Every single time I start a new journal I wonder if anyone will be joining in the fun. I never assume that you'll all follow me blindly, so I'm incredibly stoked every time someone new checks in. Lol!

I'm tickled pink to have each and every one of you part of the conversations. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

We aren't blind Sue, we just know it when we "meet" a good group of people! You are excellent at facilitating communications and have no ego in the matter of control over our voices. I have NO social media presence other than here ( and one classic car forum, another hobby of mine), No need to worry about folks joining your threads, your group is a solid bunch of mature and classy folks ... OK, then we have Tead ... :laugh: Just ribbin ya Brah!

Hey Krip!

I've had good results with AN pH Perfect too, but I can't justify the cost. I like running pH in perlite at 5.6-5.8, and AN products usually get me somewhere around 6.0 after all mixing and resting is done. I've run the gamut of nutrients over the years, lots of them, and I think most are way over priced. To each their own on nutritional products, every setup and plant is different and might require different values. Once a person is experienced with the performance and optimal quantities of a particular system, it's nice to stay dialed in and just watch the plants for feedback.

Not my intent to start an nutrients argument about which is best etc, but I will offer that my frugal self has done many spreadsheets logging performance and price per gallon of many of the nutrients on the market. Usually I end up always going back to the GH Flora Trio products by the gallon (plus CaliMag, Silica, KoolBloom and pH Down). I know they are owned by Monsanto (Bayer now I think), but that product line has consistently delivered the quality goods, and the cost per gallon is at the best according to my calculations.

Hi Sue,
You should check your pH even when using AN pH Perfect. They usually don't vary from the set pHtoo much and they do produce a quality product. I have seen so little fluctuation in the pH when using AN, but I'm a proponent of throwing a range of pH nutrients at my plants, not static values. They seem to perform better when things aren't so static and range fluctuations are deliberately varied according to their stage of growth. Loving your new lights! I will take a look at some Timber lights when my current illumination fails, but I did just get some new ones for Christmas. :laugh:


There’s another Christmas right around the corner Keith. :rofl:

You know, I gave the pH equipment to TS and never thought of checking it again. I only add CaliMagic on top of the base nutrients. I think Jgrow has the jug of Terpinator I won and never used.

I really am quite a lazy gardener. If they get to harvest and I can make oil from the harvest I’m usually easy to please.

I gave TS my remaining GH Flora series too, and now you have me thinking. Lol! Doob and I are gonna test out this Megacrop line and see if we can be even lazier. :battingeyelashes: I ordered another set of the quart bottles of RX Technologies to buy some time as I sort it all out.

Friday I’ll order the pH pen and accessories and some pH Down and start checking. What Doob and I are hoping is we can get a comparable product with less work. If pH adjusting becomes wearisome that could tip the scales to the expensive but consistently effective RX line.
I woke last night to the sound of thunder.
How far off, I sat and wondered.
Starting hummin a song from 1962.......

Bringin music to my morning without even knowing it. I'll be bumping that one off all day now....

Ain't it funny how the night moves.....

Now it’ll run through my head all day too. Lol!
There’s another Christmas right around the corner Keith. :rofl:

You know, I gave the pH equipment to TS and never thought of checking it again. I only add CaliMagic on top of the base nutrients. I think Jgrow has the jug of Terpinator I won and never used.

I really am quite a lazy gardener. If they get to harvest and I can make oil from the harvest I’m usually easy to please.

I gave TS my remaining GH Flora series too, and now you have me thinking. Lol! Doob and I are gonna test out this MaxiCrop line and see if we can be even lazier. :battingeyelashes: I ordered another set of the quart bottles of RX Technologies to buy some time as I sort it all out.

Friday I’ll order the pH pen and accessories and some pH Down and start checking. What Doob and I are hoping is we can get a comparable product with less work. If pH adjusting becomes wearisome that could tip the scales to the expensive but consistently effective RX line.
I will second with Keith said. Been running an ph perfect myself in coco and I fell into the lazy trap of not checking my ph. After adding cal/mag the ph was sitting around 6.2 with RO water and apparently my sensi skunk did not like that at all.

There is definitely the trap of purchasing "additional products" for the lineup to.
Doob and I are gonna test out this MaxiCrop line and see if we can be even lazier.
It’s actually Megacrop (lol all these names all sound the same), I still haven’t started with it yet. It’s been hard to leave the comfort zone of Rx Green when everything but the price has been great. I just got a new batch of pots (2gal paint buckets) to drill out into hempies so I’ll start to switch two clones over to megacrop in a couple days. I also want to do one on just osmo+ but I think I should’ve done that earlier in their development to get an actual test.

I’ve also got Doc’s kit cooking so there will be five of those sometime soon too.
I also want to do one on just osmo+ but I think I should’ve done that earlier in their development to get an actual test.

3grams/liter is a good safe starting point for all strains I've encountered. My personal starting point is 3.3g/L in 6L pots which works out nicely to 20g. I've juiced some up to 4g/L, but you're in some dangerous territory.
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