Testing 1-2-3-4, Testing

Just ...wow. Picture perfect. Those are some indoor TREES! The symmetry of your setup is *Borat voice* VERY NICE! :thumb:
Thanks ! Took me a bunch of times moving things around before I finally found a set up I liked that was easily workable. I'll be changing my grow room in the shed this weekend. Going to go buy conduit today to make poles for hanging lights so I can hang 5 lights. I'll have that done tomorrow. Thanks again, I appreciate the comment.
I got the Shed lights done. Here's a re-cap.
4x8 Before:
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4x8 After:
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And the changes to the shed.
Shed Before:
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Shed After:
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I guess we can call this a partial update. The 2 Purple Self Watering Buckets are part of the comparison grow. Not much to compare really. The MC Only Plant is blowing away the SoHum. Hell, it's blowing away all my other plants.
I get stuck in the shed for an hour every time I look at her.... lol.
I'll finish this update tomorrow after I get pics of the other plants.
I'll take off on this update where I left off yesterday. I'll start with the biggest & bestest plant of them all. Yes, the MC Only in a self watering bucket. This thing is absolutely amazing. I laugh at the comparison between this one & the SoHum. Nothing to compare really. This girl is drinking a gal. everyday. The SoHum drinks about a quart.
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The SoHum plant.... well, I don't know what's going on with her. I wont be using SoHum Soil again. It's the smallest plant in both Self Watering & Fabric Pots.
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She's still light green. Been giving 5 gr. Re-Charge every feeding. Been through at least 5-6 gallons & it doesn't seem to be doing enough. Either I needed to use more of the SoHum soil than 1/3rd in the bottom of the pot or you still have to use nutes. I'm going to ride it out till the end to see what happens & how the weed turns out.
Here are the Comparison girls in Fabric Pots. The MC Only & MC Calculations are neck in neck as far as size goes. The SoHum is the smallest & has nutrient issues from what I can see. It's been really hard not to give her nutes & make her better. But if I did that it wouldn't really be part of the comparisons anymore. So I'll force myself to just feeding that one Re-Charge & see how things turn out.
Here's the MC CALCULATIONS girl.
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The SoHum girl looks very hungry to me. Her bottom leaves show a severe Nitrogen Deficiency. By time she's done all her leaves will have fallen off. She may end up a sacrificial lamb.
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For a quick minute I thought the Re-Charge was going to do the trick. She started to green up some, but stopped & is back to going yellow.
Buds hope your wife's continued recovery is going well.
Your garden looks amazing!

Not really sure what the heck is going on with your Sohum girl?

Wonder if it is possible that Sohum has been cutting corners with their blends, since ingredient cost have gone through the roof? If that is the case it doesn't seem like an effective way to retain long term customers.

I just picked up a couple bags, so I'll try not to make any amendments before planting.
I agree... the Sohum has lost its juice. Instead of assuming it was an actual supersoil, I probably shouldn't have advised to just use 1/3 of a container of it... if you had followed THEIR directions, this might not be happening. This is on me.

For now, I would start adding terpinator or some other K supplement to the water so as to finish out this grow.
I agree... the Sohum has lost its juice. Instead of assuming it was an actual supersoil, I probably shouldn't have advised to just use 1/3 of a container of it... if you had followed THEIR directions, this might not be happening. This is on me.

For now, I would start adding terpinator or some other K supplement to the water so as to finish out this grow.
Dammit ! I gave the 2 gallons of Terpinator to a friend as it didn't work real well with MC. What else would you suggest using ? Anything in Molasses that might help or is there something I can buy a quart of at the Hydro store today ? Or would you suggest to start using MC to save the plant ? I think it's "N" deficient. The yellowing started at the bottom & worked it's way to the top. There's no rust spots or brownish ends on the leaves. It's just light green at the top & yellow at the bottom. Like she's hungry & needs "N". I do have bottles of Nitrogen 5-0-0 if you think I should add it. I also have a bag of worm castings on hand if that would do any good. LMK your thoughts. Thanks !
Posting this to all 3 journals. Easier to just copy & paste.

Wife is doing good (I think). At least it sounds that way from what she told me the doctors said. They took the suction thing off yesterday that drains the fluid from her lungs. They have been spraying some kind of stuff in her somehow that is suppose to stop the leakage. She had 3 treatments of that. If her C-Scan is good today she will get out today or tomorrow. Hopefully, all is good.
Dammit ! I gave the 2 gallons of Terpinator to a friend as it didn't work real well with MC. What else would you suggest using ? Anything in Molasses that might help or is there something I can buy a quart of at the Hydro store today ? Or would you suggest to start using MC to save the plant ? I think it's "N" deficient. The yellowing started at the bottom & worked it's way to the top. There's no rust spots or brownish ends on the leaves. It's just light green at the top & yellow at the bottom. Like she's hungry & needs "N". I do have bottles of Nitrogen 5-0-0 if you think I should add it. I also have a bag of worm castings on hand if that would do any good. LMK your thoughts. Thanks !
Plants at this stage don't need a lot of N. K deficiency also can yellow a plant like this, from the bottom to the top. Get any PK booster into her and stick with the organic grow, or give up and go to MC for the duration. Either will work.
Well, well, from what I'm seeing the SoHum & Re-Charge isn't doing the trick very well. It could be a couple of things. First off I think I needed to use at least 2/3rds SoHum to 1/3rd FFOF. 2nd I'm thinking the TAP Water might be part of the problem. Now the SoHum got it the worst, but the other MC Plants have it too. First time this has happened to me.
Anyways, decided to throw in the towel & surrender to MC on the SoHum Plant. Kind of screws up my comparison journal; but now I know what not to do....lol. So now she's getting 5.5 gr. MC, 2 ml. Cal-Mag & 5 ml. per gal. of Humboldt County's Own: Crystal Burst 0-15-15. Same thing the other 3 plants in the tent get fed that aren't in this journal.
She got her first feeding of it today. Let's see if it helps & she greens up.
Anyways, I will try Super Soil again. I'll do Subcool's version. I bought a Vivosun 43 gal. composter this morning so all my soil from the grows I have going now will be my base soil that I amend. I'll just let it cook out in the AZ. Sun all summer & use it in the fall. Time to go put the composter together as I should be harvesting some plants next week. Also have to get the new tent up today, so I'll update ASAP. 3 clones are potted (Solo Cup) & the other 3 have 1/4" roots so they get potted tomorrow.
I'm kind of bummed out on this journal because things didn't go as well as I had hoped. I can't really say there's a whole lot to compare. All 5 plants ended up needing a PK booster to help stop the yellowing. Seems to be working so far. The SoHum Plants ended up being MC Plants also because they were starving. The Calculations plant I guess doesn't really have a Calculation adding Crystal Burst PK Booster. So I said the hell with it & started feeding them all the same. So far they all look just a little better. So what I'm feeding now is: 5.5 gr. MC, 2 ml. Cal-Mag & 5 ml. Crystal Boost per gal. I really have no idea how this is going to turn out as I usually don't use a PK Booster.
Anyway, the only thing left to compare is Cloth Grow Bags vs. 5 gal. Self Watering Pots. Even that's kind of messed up because one of them was a SoHum Plant also & didn't really do much growth wise because she was starving. The only fair comparison left is the Cloth Grow Bag & the 5 Gal. Self watering Pot that both got fed the same MC the whole time.
It's already obvious the Self Watering Pot won that comparison. She's a Monster (for me at least). I'm going to do 3 plants this way next time to see if it was luck or the S.W. Pots.
Let's post some pics. I took these pics on the 20th, but I must have taken about 150 pics. Took a while to WEED through them & pic some to post.
"5-Gal. S.W. Pots" Not much to compare. But the SoHum is greening up some.
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I'll try to finish this update now. I was having trouble getting pics to load earlier. Hopefully, it works OK now.
This is the plant in a Cloth Pot that was fed the same as the MC Plant in the 5 gal. bucket. It's good sized, but nowhere near the size of the Bucket plant.
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Here is the Mother Plant of all these girls. Pics were taken 5 days ago. She's closing in on the end of life. Sunday will be 9 weeks in Flower; so she only has 1-2 weeks to go.
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Harvesting my OG Kush this weekend. Have to buy a new 6" Inline Fan for my big tent as it went out a few days ago. Buying 2 of them as my Grow Shed could use one too. RH is getting in the 50% range without it & that's too high for me.
Well, time to feed & tie some low hanging branches up. Talk at ya later.
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