THC Biomed Clones - Opium & Atomical Haze

I 've always run a tiny capful of H202 per gallon in soiless, but will up it on these just in case.. How many tablespoons per gallon did you use,@ 3% ? 1-3?
I 've always run a tiny capful of H202 per gallon in soiless, but will up it on these just in case.. How many tablespoons per gallon did you use,@ 3% ? 1-3?

I poured in 1:1 equal parts 3% and water I wanted everything with an exoskeleton in there murdered.

I let it do its thing and dry out and next day fed with humic acids (prehistoric peat bog) and a root booster
Bug phobia now lol, jk I'm hit these things every 2nd day for four applications. Now I'll extend it to once a week until flower. I can see a little bit of damage from the treatments but the bad one looks better already. So we will see, after these ones finish I'll move on to the ggc.

LMAO I know.. right.. all I know.. is my problem was underground... my roots weren't growing micro hairs and they weren't white and happy and neither were my plants. Thinking about ordering some super soil for my next fresh run..
Lots of good news this morning..

All the yellow is green
Roots still growing.
The beans I popped are looking green and healthy
Finally some progress

Even the plant that had it's soil removed entirely and is sitting roots roots in water is looking happier, this is the only one I'm concerned about not making it, pics tonight
pics of progress

and my crazy experimental rootball extraction

looking better today

happy seedlings

up close of the roots I pulled out of the soil

roots growing nicely in the nutrient water

replanted in fresh soil
Opium is showing great signs of a full recovery, its up to a foot tall now and has no indication of deformity!

The atomical haze that I did a complete transplant on.. didn't like that very much.. it lost a bunch of leaves but it IS still showing signs of new growth..

I also found two more of those bugs in my soil. both of these two look like a googled pic of root aphids in the winged stage. I caught one, but hes in a shotglass of soil, and its hard to take a pic of him.

The seedings that are still around are looking quite happy

OH... I also got my thc biomed order of dried stuff in... wow I cant believe the packaging they used.. I thought it was mandatory to be discrete.. hah.. see the front.. and then when I turn it over... and this is the actual packaging it was shipped in..


Here is closeup scopes of the trichromes on
which came in at 13.8%thc
Is it just me.. or do these look like 90% of the trichs have no heads?


and Sweet purple
which came in at 11.5%thc
So what's it taste/smoke like ??, I missed my package friday and am waiting til tomorrow to pick it up...Not at all impressed at the packaging as previous orders were very discrete...So again I haven't even got my package and I already have valid After my experience with their clones and customer service I was not expecting much as far as properly grown weed...After all they are (or at least claim to be) expert horticulturalists...
So what's it taste/smoke like ??, I missed my package friday and am waiting til tomorrow to pick it up...Not at all impressed at the packaging as previous orders were very discrete...So again I haven't even got my package and I already have valid After my experience with their clones and customer service I was not expecting much as far as properly grown weed...After all they are (or at least claim to be) expert horticulturalists...

Here is, imo, a fair and impartial review:

Buds are very well trimmed and dried.
Buds have a pleasent and sweet smell.
Buds bust up nicely and have proper humidity level for an even burn that did not extingush.
Ash is slightly on the black side.
The draw is quite smooth and tasty!
Smoke has a slight tinge of harshness.
The exhale has a VERY slight hay/grassy/chlorophyll aftertaste (probably 1-2 more weeks in a cure and it would be gone)

Nebula was my preferred strain from the 3 I tried.
Will probably order it again, and hopefully it only gets better on their next harvest as I feel most of the trichromes are lacking heads and are over developed or just mishandled during processing.

Sweet purple:
Buds are not as well manicured as nebula, but still decent.
Smell is hard to put a name to.. earthy, spicy, musty perhaps..
Smoke is smooth, ash is grey-black, no chlorophyll taste.
Wont order again.

Indica Landrace:
Buds also not as well manicured as nebula, but not covered in sugar leaf or extra leaves.
Smoking it right now..!
Grey-black ash
tends to go out easily
smooth in and out, good effects, and as they claim, it does not have severe indica impairing effects
but still will only order if more sativa options are lacking.

The packaging is ridiculous, anyone who handles it can make an easy informed guess on to whats inside..
just read the regs...Shipping

93 (1) A licensed producer who ships fresh or dried marihuana or cannabis oil to a person referred to in subsection 22(2) or (4), or who ships a substance referred to in paragraph 22(3)(b) to a person referred to in subsection 22(2), must

(a) ship the substance in only one shipment per order;
(b) prepare the package in a manner that ensures the security of its contents, such that
(i) it will not open or permit the escape of its contents during handling and transportation,
(ii) it is sealed so that it cannot be opened without the seal being broken,
(iii) it prevents the escape of cannabis odour, and
(iv) it prevents its contents from being identified without it being opened;
just read the regs...Shipping

93 (1) A licensed producer who ships fresh or dried marihuana or cannabis oil to a person referred to in subsection 22(2) or (4), or who ships a substance referred to in paragraph 22(3)(b) to a person referred to in subsection 22(2), must

(a) ship the substance in only one shipment per order;
(b) prepare the package in a manner that ensures the security of its contents, such that
(i) it will not open or permit the escape of its contents during handling and transportation,
(ii) it is sealed so that it cannot be opened without the seal being broken,
(iii) it prevents the escape of cannabis odour, and
(iv) it prevents its contents from being identified without it being opened;

I KNEW there was something about that.
FFS. What is going on with licensed facilities breaking regulations..

One thing I did not mention in my first post about the bud, is that the first bud I looked at from nebula was EXTREMELY flat on one side, almost like it had been pushed into a screen.. I wouldnt be suprised if the trichomes missing is because they were removed purposefully, but it could easily be from handling.. as all the outside surfaces are missing heads, and the insides of the buds still show them.
So just got back from grabbing my package from puralotor to discover there is nothing inside. Not Impressed, & my privacy has been thrown out the door... They state that it was to be sent out bagged yet it was not...& I get another day or more waiting... THCBIOMED has some serious issues to work out, wtf....
Hoping this all gets sorted out here soon as I've had some interesting experiences so far today...
Walked into the police station & told the guy I was a medical marijuana patient & he quickly snapped, "I can tell"
It came up in conversation that this wasn't my first order from them, as I already told him thcbiomed was new and this was one of their first shipments. He then asked how this was my second order even though I had just said they are new...Ended having to explain to the 2 cops that I was also a legal grower and had ordered some plants They were actual very cool about the whole thing...
Are you serious... It was empty? Was there a seal on it.. ??
I wonder if purolator workers grabbed some free dank or if they didn't pack it.. That's why there's supposed to be a safety seal.. just WOW... I'm opening all my packages under video camera from now on

Did it have the quality checklist signed in it?
Sealed? No, Not really there are 2 pieces of packing tape visible. My box was (looked) just like yours and the paperwork was inside but, all containers,& whatever else is missing... I'm not gonna comment much more til I hear back from thcbiomed... Thankfully there is someone there I have been able to PROPERLY communicate with & I'm hoping they work it out here soon...
Now getting back to our girls... have ya'll tried diatomaceous earth for them bugs?
It's like a baby powder for plants & kills many lil things...It's harmless and really good for preventative & reactive measures. You'll want pure food grade, usually locally available for pets as a diet supplement.. @ 95% DE and the rest water.. Avoid the pesticide versions that have a unknown attractant added....

Also Diluted cold Pressed Neem oil is also another option for vegging plants but it's alot harder to obtain in canada.
My sensi star twisted leaves appear to be straightening out atm but it hasn't been drinking enough for anymore H202.
Now getting back to our girls... have ya'll tried diatomaceous earth for them bugs?
It's like a baby powder for plants & kills many lil things...It's harmless and really good for preventative & reactive measures. You'll want pure food grade, usually locally available for pets as a diet supplement.. @ 95% DE and the rest water.. Avoid the pesticide versions that have a unknown attractant added....

Also Diluted cold Pressed Neem oil is also another option for vegging plants but it's alot harder to obtain in canada.
My sensi star twisted leaves appear to be straightening out atm but it hasn't been drinking enough for anymore H202.

Ive read about diatomaceous earth, but I thought once it gets wet it looses its punch.. doesnt it cut them open at a molecular level?
yes they eat it and die. The best is ground like icing sugar. Best dry applied & After it gets wet it will work it way everywhere they are....I use dollar store craft paint brushes, and paint it on liberally like flour...Leave sit all white for half a day indirect light...Rinse with misted water, let dry and return to light..if you do it good it'll take a few rinses to get it all off...Larger plants can be done in garbage bags on their sides or lightly shaken upside down. Upside down is best...
Seedlings are doing good..
The younger two are green crack
tbh i'm not sure if the older one is gc or super silver haze
I lost one of them and didn't relabel when i moved it, I should be able to tell when the leaves get bigger.. If its also a gc seedling.

Opium is also looking pretty good

Actually I havent, my last grow was in promix potting soil, it had synthetic slow release nutrients in it, I didn't realize they were not desirable always messing with ppm. This is only my second attempt at growing, one thing I noticed was that it has quite a bit of bark, which I have read cannabis roots don't really love, the drainage is good tho, doesn't seem to get too densely packed, I didn't add any vermiculite or perlite just pure promix organix HV mix for these two.

I take this back. This soil is absolutely not suitable for cannabis as is.drainage is not good enough, soil gets to compacted and not enough oxygen to the roots, added perlite, vermiculite, dolemite, and more spag and the mix is much much better now, also had to dig out a bunch of bark
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