The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Weekly Update: Carn1:4 (Day 119, Flip + 33)

She got her second CAT drench today, and a foliar of spinosad to complete the run I'd planned coming into the vacation week. If any mites survived the onslaught they deserve to live, don't you think? :laughtwo:

Before lights out I'll get the Brix foliars done. I've left a gallon of prepared water for the daughter to give her on Tuesday, which will get her through until I return next Friday.


She's already covered with frosty goodness. :cheesygrinsmiley:






I'm feeling confident that I'll get at least two ounces out of her by the time I harvest. You can see the colas getting denser by the day.



She's gonna have to survive without the extra humidity though. No way will the daughter be able to comfortably keep up with all of this.


I feel safe in believing she'll come through my absence with little effort on her part. There's nothing that could happen in this garden while I'm gone that would shake my joyful nature anyway, and the daughter knows that. This girl will be close to her own harvest date when I return. :woohoo:

Weekly Update: Candy Cane (Day 67, Flip + 11) and Emerald/Carn2:1 (Day 107, Flip + 11)

Eleven days into the flip, and I think the Candy Cane is done stretching. She's starting to set some flower buds now. I raised the light to the maximum height and adjusted Emerald under it. They're on their own until I get back. I'll deal with any overgrowth issues then. The daughter will be filling the SWICK reservoir every day during my absence, and that will keep the Candy Cane happy. I'm having her add water only to Emerald every second day. She'll be starving for nutrients when I get back, but she'll still be alive, and as close to death as she's come already she should be an old hand at that dynamic, don't you think?

From on the point when I return I'll pamper her until the end. :battingeyelashes: :love: I'm excited to see what she does over the vacation time. She's my most vulnerable specimen, and I've reassured the daughter that it won't matter if things go south. I'm not expecting anything of the sort, but life has been known to go crazy before.


Emerald (Carn2:1)






Candy Cane I haven't informed Crop King Seeds yet that this turned out to be a photo. I'll do that when I get back and place the next order with them.


Quite an impressive specimen. I recently took a class that explained the new classifications for cannabis strains. What we've been calling indica is actually sativa. That makes this girl a strong sativa. What we've called sativa is actually indica, originating on the Indian continent, a tall and stately profile with an upbeat, energetic, cerebral buzz. Yep, it's now called indica.

Talk about confusion. Ruderalis is now Afghanica. :laughtwo: I may have that spelled improperly. If so, feel free to correct me.

She is a healthy sativa specimen.


Just beginning to set the blossoms.



I remembered to turn the full spectrum back on. Whew! Almost forgot. :laughtwo:


On to the next space.

Weekly Update: CBD Critical Cure (Day 59)

She's just plugging along. I've started pulling her open and tieing her down to limit upward stretch. I'll have to keep her pretty low. There's not much I can do right now, and when I get back she'll be a bit ungainly, but nothing a quick restraining session can't get back under control. I'm pleased with how she's coming along. She's fairly drought resistant, so I haven't given her anything since the 1st, and she appears to be in fine form to get through the next week on that drench.

The daughter doesn't have to come near her. *sigh of relief*





No signs of roots. I'll open them and add fresh air before I take off tomorrow. By the time I return they should both be ready to transplant. I'm not at all concerned with leaving them like this. Watch them explode with root growth while I'm not here to watch for it. :laughtwo:


Alright, one more space to go.
Weekly Update: Bathroom Clones - Thursday, February 9, 2017

They've all been taken as far as they're gonna go. I'm leaving the timer set as is and let them go completely dry while I play in the sand and surf. When I get back they'll be ready to harvest. :slide: What a plan, eh? Run off to paradise for a week, come home and harvest a shitload of Carnival. :laughtwo: Yeah....... I'm liking this plan a lot. :yahoo:

Another space the daughter doesn't have to concern herself with.


The Carn2 clones (Day 107, Flip + 58) I've concluded that they're putting on more weight than I think they are. On Monday I gave them a thorough flushing. I'll let them dry out and plan to harvest next Saturday, unless they give me good reason to do otherwise.



It's amazing how differently the trichomes express in the two different soil types on this shelf. These trichomes are much taller than what's growing on Carn1:3, which is in Doc's kit soil. They have a completely different terpene expression too. Carn1:3 has that buttery flavor I've noted in other Carnivals in the kit soils. Very distinctively Carnival in my memory banks.

These three plants, grown in overloaded LOS but finished with bottled nutes have a much more pronounced berry and fuel aroma. Very interesting differences.



Carn1:3 (Day 122, Flip + 58) She's kinda breathtaking, to be honest. I find myself stopping often to gaze at the bulking up she's been doing. Those are some seriously dense buds she's creating. I've been smoking one of her predecessors the last few nights and the way these buds crumble apart with that burst of sweetness is delightful. It makes the soul smile. :cheesygrinsmiley:


She's busy making lots of oil for me. :blunt: I'm hoping to get enough out of her to try some of Grow Goddess's Naturally Decarbed Sap oil. Ooooo....... goosebumps. :slide:




This is the apical cola. Look at her go!


The inner growth isn't slacking either.


I'm thinking at least two ounces by the harvest date. She still has another 8-9 days left to add more bulk.



This is their swan song. Next weekend they should all be ready to come down.

That's the tour guys. Thank you for stopping and sharing a portion of your day with us. The girls and I hope you found it entertaining. There's so much excitement generated by impending harvests, and I have all the other energy added to that. I'm having a blast. I have a Brix foliar to get out of the way before the lights go out.

Hmmmmm........ I'm thinking do that last thing in the morning at around 5. That way the spinosad gets the rest of the night to be ingested by any active mites. :hmmmm: OK, no Brix tonight. I'll hit both plants between 4:30 and 5 AM. We know I won't sleep much tonight anyway. :laughtwo:

Tomorrow night I'll be climbing into my bed in Jamaica. :slide: :ganjamon:

Joy people. Spread yours as far and wide as you can muster. This living in happy mode, with the absolute refusal to stay on any other lower emotional tone, has begun to pay off dividends one might not expect. I'm thinking I may start a new thread dedicated to the experiment. I have a hard time keeping something this powerful to myself. If I don't get it done tonight I'll get it up next week after paradise.

Hehe...... Jamaica........ :woohoo: I keep laughing at everything I do. Lol! Maybe Callanetics will diffuse some of the energy. :laughtwo: I'll probably be floating around all night, since sleep is a pipe dream before a major trip, so I'll be running into many of you. Until then......

:Namaste: :love:

Hey I don't mean to bargain in but I hear you are the person to talk to. Do you mind helping me a little with decarbing before cooking. I have some fresh harvested in the oven in a sealed foil bag. Not air tight folded several times. Anyhow I'm at 300 degrees for 15 -20 mins is that correct.

300 degrees is hot enough to burn off your THC. Don't leave it in there any longer than that. I'm not well-versed at fresh decarb, but I never take my own fresh up beyond 245 F.

If anyone in the gallery knows better, please speak up before it's too late.

Looking back I see it's already too late.

"Never mind." :battingeyelashes:

And hey buckaroo, you're supposed to consult on these things before you toss it in the oven. You're acting like me, and you don't have my guardian angel at your elbow. :battingeyelashes: :love:
300 degrees is hot enough to burn off your THC. Don't leave it in there any longer than that. I'm not well-versed at fresh decarb, but I never take my own fresh up beyond 245 F.

If anyone in the gallery knows better, please speak up before it's too late.

And hey buckaroo, you're supposed to consult on these things before you toss it in the oven. You're acting like me, and you don't have my guardian angel at your elbow. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I let them cool and there was a bunch of water from the buds did I let it set to long??
That looks very nice Sue!!

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Thanks rik. They amaze me. I get to this point in a grow and it feels so satisfying to see them all happy, in their own ways. Even the struggling ones continue to bloom. You watch the oil containment start to expand and swell, and the flowers bulking up, and you can't help but get caught up in it. :battingeyelashes: :love:

It's such a strange time to leave them. I was expecting the bathroom clones to be down by now, hanging to dry while I played in the sand. They've been running under only 10 hours of lights a day now for well over a month. They had other plans, and who am I to argue with Mother Nature? Lol!
I let them cool and there was a bunch of water from the buds did I let it set to long??

What are you planning to do with it? Had I caught you earlier I'd have been able to share that I toss the bag into the freezer immediately. This freezes the moisture you're now seeing in the buds.

Decarbing like this is most effective if you're planning to turn it into an infused oil. I take it all straight from the freezer after about 15 minutes and toss it into the carrier oil. Use coconut oil and it's tasty for anything you want to cook, as well as useful for medicinal capsules or med edibles.
Thanks rik. They amaze me. I get to this point in a grow and it feels so satisfying to see them all happy, in their own ways. Even the struggling ones continue to bloom. You watch the oil containment start to expand and swell, and the flowers bulking up, and you can't help but get caught up in it. :battingeyelashes: :love:

It's such a strange time to leave them. I was expecting the bathroom clones to be down by now, hanging to dry while I played in the sand. They've been running under only 10 hours of lights a day now for well over a month. They had other plans, and who am I to argue with Mother Nature? Lol!
Well I had the same with my 3 little plants Sue. Leaving for 6 days and not being able to do anything about them is pretty scary... Now i'm at this point where I look at them closely for a few minutes and then water them and feed them and then just go back watching Puss in Boots!

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As an additional note, when you're going to use fresh harvest for concentrated oils (CCO) you need to dry the material out as much as possible. If you're pressed, this can be done slowly in an oven at 100 F, something most new ovens may not do. Mine won't go any lower than 170 F, so I don't use this method at all.

With CCO water is very much not your friend.
Tasty buds Sue. Very nice.


Oooo..... You should smell them Ditch. The combination of both soil expressions is somewhat heady. Lol!

Have a great trip Sue!

Thanks 36. :hug: :love: I'm gonna do my best to have lots and lots of time under the stars. Geez, how I've missed the stars. And sand. And the way the ocean moves you around. Yeah..... Getting really excited now. Tomorrow I'll be in the ocean. :yahoo:
I think I need more coffee. And maybe something to eat. Hmmmm...... Sounds like a plan. I'm having a difficult time with food today, as in no appetite at all. One can't live on brownies and coffee, although I appear to be trying to prove otherwise. :laughtwo:

Coffee woman!
I think I need more coffee. And maybe something to eat. Hmmmm...... Sounds like a plan. I'm having a difficult time with food today, as in no appetite at all. One can't live on brownies and coffee, although I appear to be trying to prove otherwise. :laughtwo:

Coffee woman!
I actually lived on coffee with milk and sugar, chocolate milk and chocolate bars for 1 month

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