The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Daily Update: Carnival #2, Day 100

I've been helping to move a family member, so I only have time for the Carnival update. I'll catch up tomorrow. Getting ready for a class at Green Flower Media on becoming a more effective cannabis activist. Later. :ciao:








She had a TransWater drench today. That made it ten days in between drenches. Not what one expects.

Yeah...... She's unhappy about something. I'm open to suggestions.

No one wants to offer any ideas on what I can do with her? On what's going on?


Doc's contention was that she'd outgrow it. This doesn't look like she's going to outgrow it. :straightface:
Just doing a drive by. Thanks for the PM. I've done abit of looking around on that subject. Alot of info out there. If ya look too much. But I will check out abit mote of your threads. I see you got a problem with your girl,,,, watering is ok? And sounds like it's been going on for afew. think into your fertilizer. Could be a slight overdose of nitrogen?????? I'm not up to what your growing with over here. Your thread get atad to busy... JK I mostly skim the pics most of the time. But if you ruled out the basics, watering, it could be nitrogen.
GL and I'll do alittle catch up reading. Keepem Green
Just doing a drive by. Thanks for the PM. I've done abit of looking around on that subject. Alot of info out there. If ya look too much. But I will check out abit mote of your threads. I see you got a problem with your girl,,,, watering is ok? And sounds like it's been going on for afew. think into your fertilizer. Could be a slight overdose of nitrogen?????? I'm not up to what your growing with over here. Your thread get atad to busy... JK I mostly skim the pics most of the time. But if you ruled out the basics, watering, it could be nitrogen.
GL and I'll do alittle catch up reading. Keepem Green

Thanks Woodie. I think you're close. It does look like classic overwatering, doesn't it? I'm going to refine my watering technique and go with top watering. It's possible I'm suffocating her with bottom drenching. The easiest way to fix that is with top watering. There shouldn't be a problem with nitrogen in this soil, though I'll admit, it looks very much like that too.

It's only too much information if you try to do it alone. That's what we're in the study hall for. Stop by and make use of us. :hug:
Goodnight moon. :love:
Glad he found his way here :hug:
and yes slightly too much of something.. water leftover in the bottom? roots don't dry out?

Good night you Sweetone :hug:
Miss Sue how about you Post Some Details on her for the last few weeks as in how often you water at all and so on I'm not a pro but we can all brainstorm at it as assumed I think the following:
*root problems (bound/rot;overwatered/too cold??
She is still budding nicely but not to full potential as we like it

sent from the cave from my ismoke
Looking at that pot not rootbound haha

sent from the cave from my ismoke
Miss Sue how about you Post Some Details on her for the last few weeks as in how often you water at all and so on I'm not a pro but we can all brainstorm at it as assumed I think the following:
*root problems (bound/rot;overwatered/too cold??
She is still budding nicely but not to full potential as we like it

sent from the cave from my ismoke

When I get back from my walk I'll write it up.

Thanks guys. :hug::hug::hug:
Yes as has already been suggested and as green house seeds suggests is at week 3 to flush the plant (i wiuldnt add water in your case) then let it completely dry out till it's super light in your case I would wait for some drooping and then give her a nice balanced feed.
So nomore water for her at all for a while till she droops or till you can pick her up very easily. . .

sent from the cave from my ismoke
So, I suggested it might be N toxicity because I had a baby girl with the same leaf curl. At the time, that's all I could come up with for mine, she pulled through and now has slight N deficiency.
This leads me to believe its not strain related.
I also let this girl dry out really well after first noticing her, doubtful mine or SS's is a wet root, or rootbound problem.

Yes as has already been suggested and as green house seeds suggests is at week 3 to flush the plant (i wiuldnt add water in your case) then let it completely dry out till it's super light in your case I would wait for some drooping and then give her a nice balanced feed.
So nomore water for her at all for a while till she droops or till you can pick her up very easily. . .

sent from the cave from my ismoke

Good afternoon Ketama. :hug:

Agreed. I'll let her get to a slight droop and top water only from here on out. I'm kinda known for my anal hand-watering technique, one ounce at a time. I've gotten sloppy about that and need to stop. I also don't have a drip pan for this 10-gallon pot, something I'll need to rectify before the next watering.

Thank you for the concern and for taking the time to offer assistance. There were a number of you who responded and I've taken all of that advice into account as I formulate a plan for moving forward. More on that later. For now, let's check in on Carnival #2.

Daily Update: Carnival #2, Day 101 (Flip + 21)

She and I have made peace. My job is to try to keep her going and stay loving. She's doing her best to stack blossoms.


That spike in temperature was yesterday, when the tent was empty, but closed up with the light turned up. its been much more manageable than that number suggests.



A slightly different perspective.


She's at 21 days past flip. I think I'm beginning to see signs that I'm getting close to time for the CATS. I'll keep a close eye on these two. I'm watching for the moment when the buds are set and just beginning to swell, correct?


Those curled leaves are gonna drive all of us to distraction, aren't they? :laughtwo: I see lots of future frosty goodness developing down there.




I went back over the records and reconstructed her timeline. All drenches were at the rate of 7ml drench + 0.7ml Tea, excepting the TransWater drenches, which are just 1.2ml Transplant.

Starting at transplanting, she got ....... It should have been TransWater, but my records say Transplant. That notation may refer to the act of transplanting with the assumption that I know that happens with TransWater. We can't discount the possibility that I gave her a full Transplant drench at that time. I'm nothing if not human and prone to mistakes like everyone else. :battingeyelashes: :love:

- next day she got Brix
- 14 days later Brix
- + 4 days TransWater drench (this made 19 days between transplant and the first drench)
- next day DeStress
- + 4 days DeStress at 1/2 strength
- + 2 days TransWater drench (7 days between drenches)
- next day Brix
- + 2 days DeStress at 1/2 strength
- next day repeat DeStress at 1/2 strength (I was supercropping, this was precautionary)
- + 3 days Growth Energy drench (7 days between drenches)
- + 3 days, Flipped
- + 3 days TransWater drench (6 days between)
- + 3 days Brix + Way Ahead
- + 4 days TransWater/Tea drench (7 days between)
- + 10 days TransWater drench

That brings us up to yesterday. Drenches for the 10-gallon pot are about 2.5 gallons. She takes it all with very little runoff.

I'm open to any and all insights. At this point, it's more about figuring out if it's something I did or something wrong in the soil. I'm assuming the problem is in the soil. It's a matter of solving the mystery and formulating a rescue plan.

The Carn 1 clones are showing the same expression, in both LOS


and HB kit soil.


Quite a mystery. Could it all be due to wet roots?
So, I suggested it might be N toxicity because I had a baby girl with the same leaf curl. At the time, that's all I could come up with for mine, she pulled through and now has slight N deficiency.
This leads me to believe its not strain related.
I also let this girl dry out really well after first noticing her, doubtful mine or SS's is a wet root, or rootbound problem.


Thank you so much for sharing this. This gives me great hope that it can be worked out with minimal fuss.
If it is N you have some used coffee grounds to spread around soil?

Otherwise maybe something with the roots ( like I suggested before ,wet roots)
Quite a mystery. Could it all be due to wet roots?

I'd just grow it as planned. If there's something wrong that can't be identified it might be just as difficult to fix. It could be anything. Soil is what you think it is - Check. Environment within reason - Check. You know how to lift a pot or can stick your finger in it - Check. Have some faith in the process.


Thanks Jim. Sometimes that's just what a gardener needs to hear. :hug:

This part of my list of mysteries is solved. The discoloration of the leaves in LOS is a potassium deficiency.


From Royal Queen Seeds:


Another issue similar to Nitrogen and Phosphorous deficiencies, Potassium deficiency has similar symptoms and include, curling of leaf ends as they die and stretching of the plant. This can be cured by adding a organic fertilizer containing Potassium. Another fix would be to flush the plant with water and half the normal amount of a balanced NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) nutrient solution


That certainly appears to be what I'm dealing with.


I'll take a look at what I have on hand to amend the soil.

One down. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Clone adventures: Making the choices

I'll be keeping one of each batch of clones to grow in preparation for the big tent. I was considering vegging one of the larger clones to jump in with Carnival #2 in about 2-3 weeks, right around the time she'll be getting to her finish line, but looking them over I believe I'll stick to my plan to pick one of each and flip the rest when they're ready. Any that need a little extra veg time can be slipped into either the tiny closet or the auto tent.

I have one Carnival already in flower, I'll have a more mature clone ready to go when she's done and one from Carn2 to follow that one.

That'll be three Carnivals in a row, not counting the rest of the clones and Emerald. I'll be swimming in Carnival. I'll have oodles of Carnival CCO. And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the purpose behind all of this - to get a supply of Carnival CCO.

But it first I need to identify the clones that go on from the ones that get flipped.

These two in LOS are already compromised. I'm not certain they're worth trying to salvage for the big tent, but I'm certain I'll be able to get something out of them if I run them through with the group. They'll get flipped.


In researching potassium deficiency, or more likely lock-out, I've discovered that wet soils can be problamatic. That watering concern rears its ugly head once again. :straightface:

Emerald is exempt from the competition, she has her own journey to survive. Of these three from Carnival #2 I'm liking # 3, here in front of me. These are all at Day 10.


She'd be the youngest of the three, third in line for the tent. In all likelihood she may end up a mother to the clone that eventually makes it in. I'm not sure I could veg her that long. She's small, so she has plenty of time to grow at her leisure.


The HB group:

#4 (Day 22) I'd already determined that I liked the looks of this one as a finalist. Good size for the time involved and good structure.

#1 (Day 28) She's huge and has a mass of potential cola sites. My gut reaction is that she's too big to hold back for very long, but then it'd only be another month at the most, and she'd have a massive root ball by then. Hmmmm.......

Then again, flip her, and reap the harvest of all those sites quickly.

#2 (Day 28) She has the most leaves expressing that curl we're trying to identify. IMO that takes her out of the running. She'll get flipped.

#3 (Day 25) Looking more closely at this specimen I believe she should be my winner instead of #4. She has a nice tight structure at this stage, which gives me more freedom going forward. She has the least amount of the curling leaves of the three bigger specimens.

Most importantly, she's the only one of the four at this stage that has this shine to her leaves.


Yep, this one is the winner for the next Carnival in the tent. She'll get the 7 gallon pot.

I dug out some pots to offer a little more root space to them. I still want to keep them small, but at least now they won't be so starved for soil.


The plan:
- Finish out Carn2.

- Upcan all clones as soon as the soil is ready (this Wednesday).
* Carn1, clone 3 in 7 gal fabric pot
* Carn2, clone 3 in 2-3 gallon pot, to be upcanned in another month when the second clone gets flipped.

Continue vegging all clones

- Drop Carn1, clone 3 in after Carn2.
- Carn1, clone 3 follows about a month later.
- Carn2, clone 3 follows about a month after that.

Ok, let's see what mischief life has in store for us, now that I took the time to plan. :laughtwo:
Daily Update: Friday, November 4, 2016

Good evening everyone. :love: Let's take a peek in on the brood, starting at the auto tent.


I went looking for that damaged Industrial Plant seed and found nothing. I'll start another tomorrow night, which will put it in the right schedule for the perpetual. This time I'll be more careful with that seed and use a Rapid Rooter.


That means only Train Wreck is growing in here right now. She's looking pretty happy at Day 14. Just another day or two until her topping.


Emerald was looking a bit dry. Time to check the ph on the nutrient mix. It swing a bit high, up around 6.4, if I remember correctly. Regardless, I got it back down to around 5.8 as instructed with the Lucas Formula. I also added 1/4 tsp of Epsom salts. Start low and work up slowly. She's nowhere near stable yet.


Then I took the time to ph correct the plain water to the same point. Made more sense that way. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I emptied out the reservoir a bit and started her off with 5 ounces of plain water, very deliberately poured for maximum coverage, followed up with 5 ounces of the 4 & 8 nutrient mix for seedlings and cuttings. Just enough.



Waiting for her to start to take off.


Everyone back under the lights. I took the time to shift some of them around under the lights. It's looking quite interesting under here, eh?


I stuck the camera in the tent and took a quick shot so she could be included too. It seemed wrong to have everyone else represented and leave her out. :cheesygrinsmiley:


On to the tiny closet and Dark Devil Auto 4 (Day 73).


She's looking more and more like a candidate for a rolling harvest. She has colas that are obviously ready or very close to ready....


.....and others that are still pushing out white pistils as fast as possible.


This one will be an early harvest for sure.


All the popcorn that fills the inside of this specimen is still looking like it's just getting started. It'll be an interesting week. I'll need to pull out the loupe tomorrow and check the more advanced colas.


Whew! We didn't lose anyone, did we? :laughtwo: I do prefer a busy garden. I keep telling myself I want to simplify, and as soon as I do I add more layers of complexity on. Silly woman. Lol!

Alright people, I'm way overdue for a righteous buzz. I'll catch up to you all in a bit. Pulling out this delicious DDA3. After a few days curing the DDA2 (the hempy girl) has taken on more of a sweet fuel smell and the DDA3 (the LOS darling) has begun to take on the sweetest berry smell and taste. The DDA3 is still the harder hitter. Mmmmmmm.......

Later. :ciao:
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