TheRoach's First - Soil - Aurora Indica - Organic Grow - 600W

Today I received a call from the local company that makes the kelp organic fertilizer. They also make another organic amendment based in crustacean meal and bio stimulators. I ordered a 20 kg bag of each, that should Last very long. It will be less than $60 for 20kg of chitin fert and 20kg of kelp fert.
I will update with pictures soon.
Howdy TR, just got done voting for a certain helpful dude that radiates sunshine and rainbows in all his informative posts.
Vlad's home brewing production has increased %400 this week...
How are your plants doing?


The plants are doing well. I gave away three of the mother plants, and transplanted the remaining three into fabric pots (no washing machine this time) two of the clones from the cloner died after rooting and being was crushed by a falling object, the other was not watered and dried. I also cut down 7 of the free mystery plants, they weren't done flowering yet so I will use them to make oil or butter. There is no waste. The reason I cut them is sore need of space. I have thirteen clones of Aurora Indica. I will follow my initial plant and start a perpetual grow, adding 5 clones every 15 days. The flowering clones in the fabric pots are looking good, but a little stretched. I am planning on using aloe, green coconut water, horsetail and borage along with other stuff I will include in my next update.
hey roach how do i check your plants in the contest you entered? if they look good ill will certainly vote for ye!:cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello Sol. I don't have any entries in any of the contests, but I would really appreciate if you go and vote in them. Specially in the member of the month contest!
Thank you very much for your support my friend. I will participate in the contests myself when I have a chance.
I can't upload pictures yet, but below you will find the regime and soil mix I will use for my growing effort. Thank you very much to Mr ClosedCircuit for his gracious contribution in recommending build a soil; despite not being able to order from them, the information I found in their website was of huge help.


Week 1; Water once with Aloe and/or coconut.

Week 2; straight water

Week 3-5; water or botanical tea (more on this below)

Week 6-8; Transplant to final pots, add a top dressing for flowering (more on this below), may add aerated worm castings tea.


Week 1-2; water or botanical tea.

Week 3-4; sprouted seed tea (more on this below)

Week 4-8; sprouted seed tea, aloe, coconut, clean water.

Soil mix:

Base 30 liters, 10 liters each.
1/3 peat moss

1/3 rice hulls

1/3 worm castings


1/2 cup kelp fert
1/2 cup chitin fert
1/2 cup Rabbit feed (has yucca extract)
1/2 cup oat bran
1/4 cup lentil meal

To this I will add 6 liters of aerated worm castings tea and then will let it sit, mixing occasionally, for 21 days.

Later on today I will post the instructions for making the aerated worm castings tea, the botanical tea and the sprouted seed tea, along with some other information relevant to this method.

Thank you for watching and sorry for the lack of pictures. It will be worth waiting. I promise.
Two days ago I mixed my soil following the recipe above. I will let it rest for three weeks before using it. Today I will water all my plants with a sprouted seed tea made with lentils along with some aloe and local herbs.
Sorry for the lack of pictures. Im having issues with my internet connection and can't upload pics trough the mobile site.
Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
After downloading another browser for my smartphone I was able to upload pictures to my personal gallery, but not post comments with pictures... So I have to upload pictures with a browser and then comment with the other. I think that will do while I get a better connection.

Here is a pic I took to test if it would upload, some clones and the mothers now transplanted to fabric pots.

Edit: I will add some pictures of the flowering clones once the lights turn on. I run my lights from 9 pm to 9 am to take advantage of the cooler temps during the night. The down side is watering only during the night or early in the morning.
Thank you for watching.

I run my lights from 9 pm to 9 am to take advantage of the cooler temps during the night. The down side is watering only during the night or early in the morning.
Thank you for watching.

I will be running 9pm to 9am also on my next grow. It is the hottest part of the year so it should help with temps.

Plants are looking healthy

Thank you Scar, I saw the results of your last run! Very nice buds! I hope with this new mix I will get the bud quality Im looking for.
I kind of wondered if the warmer temps during lights out would affect bud development in any way.
I can't upload pictures yet, but below you will find the regime and soil mix I will use for my growing effort. Thank you very much to Mr ClosedCircuit for his gracious contribution in recommending build a soil; despite not being able to order from them, the information I found in their website was of huge help.


Week 1; Water once with Aloe and/or coconut.

Week 2; straight water

Week 3-5; water or botanical tea (more on this below)

Week 6-8; Transplant to final pots, add a top dressing for flowering (more on this below), may add aerated worm castings tea.


Week 1-2; water or botanical tea.

Week 3-4; sprouted seed tea (more on this below)

Week 4-8; sprouted seed tea, aloe, coconut, clean water.

Soil mix:

Base 30 liters, 10 liters each.
1/3 peat moss

1/3 rice hulls

1/3 worm castings


1/2 cup kelp fert
1/2 cup chitin fert
1/2 cup Rabbit feed (has yucca extract)
1/2 cup oat bran
1/4 cup lentil meal

To this I will add 6 liters of aerated worm castings tea and then will let it sit, mixing occasionally, for 21 days.

Later on today I will post the instructions for making the aerated worm castings tea, the botanical tea and the sprouted seed tea, along with some other information relevant to this method.

Thank you for watching and sorry for the lack of pictures. It will be worth waiting. I promise.

This was a good read. well done.
Thank you Scar, I saw the results of your last run! Very nice buds! I hope with this new mix I will get the bud quality Im looking for.
I kind of wondered if the warmer temps during lights out would affect bud development in any way.

I wouldn't think that you would necessarily have warmer temps during lights out. For one the lights will be off? Less heat :) You can keep exhaust fans on to remove what heat you develop during lights out.
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