Torque05's Soil Grow - Barneys Farm Red Diesel 2010/11


Active Member
Hi all.

I have posted a rather disjointed thread on this forum before but this time i hope to do it a lot better! Hence starting this actual journal rather than a random thread in the forum.

Right then heres the facts. This is a very low budget grow. The only thing ive really splashed out on are the seeds from Barneys farm. After trying Red diesel in amsterdam i decided this would be a strain id be happy to smoke in abundance.

Barneys Farm - Red Diesel Feminized
Type: Sativa / Indica (70/30 i believe)
Genetics: Californian Indica / NYCD
Height: 60 - 70 cm (indoor)
THC: 19%
CBD: 1.1%

2 Plants
2x 125W CFL lights
Plagron Batmix soil
4 gallon pots

I have a fan on 24/7 at the moment and im just using tap water as ive only just germinated the seeds and id say theyre still little seedlings, plus ive been told the batmix has enough nutrients in to last upto 4 weeks.

This was the first time i grew, using only basic soil and one 125W cfl. The quality was brilliant but the yeild was nothing near what i was looking for. I realise this is because of the budget lights, but with the setup being in the loft i dont want to attract too much attention by having a massive 600W HPS up there.



The plant grew to around 80cm which was good however i did very little pruning as it was the first grow, an experiment if you will. With these next two i aim to prune for maximum yeild under my lights... obviously guys im going to need a little help with that but. Im also hoping to bend the plants to create more of a bush and more bud sites.

So these are my two new babies. Theyre around 2 weeks old, hopefully theyre going to grow big and strong and present me with some tastey bud.
One thing thats concerned me slightly is that one is a lot shorter than the other.





Thanks for reading the intro! I should have some more pictures in a week or two, always a bit slow at this stage. Any idea's or comments welcome! :peacetwo:
hey bro,
just seen your grow and im on for the ride :)
with you mentioning the attention of the heat in the loft ect il guess ur in the uk lol
heats my biggest worry too

with your worry of one plant being bigger, dont panick, its normal some plants get a better stronger start, will probs catch up.

i feel the bending method u spoke of (LST) low stress training is better than pruning as theres realy no halt in growth and no stress to plants

well im here now so if theres anything i can help with i will :) if theres anything i cant help with there are many people here with much more knolege than i have :)
I'll be watching. I've got one of the same seeds you're trying to grow. If you're on a budget and especially if you want great nutes look at this thread.

Osmocote Plus

I also agree with Alex, lst those plants and keep them as low and close to the lights as possible.

Good luck!
Hi everyone! thanks for all the responses. You guys are quite quick at that!

Alex801, thats some damn good guessing on my location! just a bit concerned as winters setting in how cold its going to get up there. Especailly with the fan getting rid of most of the heat from the lights!
The LST method looks rather good although as with most things im not entirely sure what im doing! so when it comes to it i may need a little bit of help :confused:

BlueDog, ive grown the seed before with just one 125W CFL and the quality of the bud was amazing. It tastes and smells stunning. Really fruity and moreish. You've made an awesome choice. I forgot to mention in the intro im using Bio-Buzz nutes for flowering, ive got the normal stuff and the topmax with a little chart so im alright for that, cheers for the suggestion though.

Thanks for your encouragement so far! ill try and keep 'em alive... :tokin:
LoL thats the thing its only us in england that get paranoid about the helicopter. seriously its over the estate im on nearli every night. my grows room is inside a bedroom and i can keep the actual bedroom to a temp of about 70 degrees, which is no warmer than having the central heating on so thats how im gettin past my helicopter paranoia lol tellin my self the heat leaving the windows and the roof is no greater than the central heating lol

LST... il happyly help when as you say the time comes. but il also point you in the right place as this site im sure has some great internal links to all possiable methods of growing
Its really bad they fly by alot here. Even worse a police officer lives 3 houses away :)

Right, an update on the grow is in order i do believe. So i think the bigger plant is doing really well now. It looks much stronger than the one i grew before at this stage and isnt streching quite so much.


The smaller plant on the other hand i may have had a little accident with. My grow space is hard to access easily, impossible to really get into and generally a pain in the arse. Bear this in mind when you read the next paragraph, also please bear in mind i was pretty stoned and have a bad back...


I may have accidently dropped the plant pot.... i know :oops:. This is why the soil is now much lower in the pot.. it tipped and landed sideways tipping some soil on the little girl. I kept alot of the soil around the root mass and managed to repot her but we shall see how badly it affect its growth i suppose. It would be a shame to lose her but at the same time ive got some Big Buddah cheese seeds i really want to scrog :thumb:


On the smaller plant theres some brown spots appearing on the leaves, they are the first ones on a weak plant though so im thinking its not too serious, what do you guys rekon? Oh, and the foil... seemed like a good idea at the time.


Anyway thanks for reading. Hopefully next time ill have some less clumsy news but hey ho, im sure she'll pull through. :grinjoint:
Hey, guess Im a sucker for anything DIESEL!! so I'll be tuned in.

As far as the little one goes, I'm sure she'll recover soon enough, and dont beat yourself up about it, it happens to the best of us at some point, you just happened to get it out of the way early ;)

lol i have no bobby's living own the street thank god, i also think your plant will be fine. iv reda bit about plants going into a state of shock sometimes if exposed to high temps or things out the ordinary such as being dropped on there side lol but from my own expieriance i think its quite hard to beat a plant into shock, durin my first grow my tank of a staffy bull terrier got in my grow room and knocked everythin allover lol they was fine so fingures crossed for u
Hang in there Torque! Any chance you have a bug problem? Those are some oddly spaced spots. Also maybe you could have splashed some nutes on the leaves when you were feeding them and got some burn?
Morning all! Thanks for still taking an interest guys, even at this early stage! it gets a bit tedious waiting for the flowering to start sometimes.

Van Diesel, great to have you on board my friend, i had a look through your SD grow and it looked brilliant. Like you im also a sucker for diesel, SD was by far the best strain i had in amsterdam! the taste was astounding! The Red Diesel i grew first time round was very nice tasting bud but didnt quite live up to the Sour D. Anyway thanks for stopping by, hopefully this one should be interesting!

Alex801, Haha that sounds like it was a bit of a mess to clean up! THe good news is after a good week of showing very little growth i think the little one is now starting to go again! I was almost giving up hope but it seems like its pulling through! Must be all those inspirational pep talks ive been giving it! Oh and ive also removed that stupid tinfoil. "note to self: have a maximum of two before tending to plants".

BlueDog, Thankfully i think she'll be okay now :D Im not sure about the bug problem, ive seen one or two little flies in the loft but nothing that i thought would cause that much trouble with a plant, and im not sure why they wouldnt have gone for a bigger one either. i still havnt introduced any nutes yet, im sticking with tap water for at least another week then i may use some veging nutes but this Plagron Batmix seems to be doing the trick all on its own at the moment!

Ive got a little secret as well, i was so conviced that the poor little plant was going to kick the bucket that i germinated a Big Buddah Cheese seed. Thats just sprouted so now theres 3 plants in there all of very different sizes and two different strains, it should be rather interesting! I havnt taken any pictures of the seedling as its only sprouted today and im pretty sure you all know what they look like :)

Thanks for reading guys. Shall be back soon with some more! Im gna go wake and bake now, all this talk of ganj has made me itchy. :tokin:
Hey Torque, I have just ventured into LST for the first time as well. It is working out perfectly for me! I have some really detailed pics on what I did, so I welcome you to stop by my journal and check it out.

Also, I would drop the foil and possibly replace it with something white or mylar. Foil doesn't reflect very well at all.

Thanks for asking freetheweed! Ive got some new pics to post up!!


SmokeyMacPots, I had a long look at your grow, those pictures are very very helpful indeed and looks like its going to be a good grow! nicely done! i think ive waited a bit too long on the larger plant to do some LST... what do u think?

The larger RD is still doing very very well its growing a decent amount every day, looks nice and heathly and like its going to produce some lovely bud when its flowering.



Next come the one i dropped! It looks to me like hes recovering! im really happy about this as i really enjoyed the Red Diesel smoke, it was amazing, and that was my last RD seed.



This would be the plant i think to try the LST on as the big one now has a very thick stem and is really really bushy rather than tall. What do u rekon? but then i suppose by LSTing the small one ill need more veging time in which the larger plant will be twice as tall. This would be fine but im using CFL's so there would be some horrible plant stretch if i were to move it too far away from the light source.

And the little baby seedling, just sprouted a couple of days ago now and looking strong as ever. Thought id mix it up a little with this Big Buddah Cheese plant in the mix as well, first dominantly Indica plant ive ever grown :)


Well that pretty much concludes my update, was wondering what you guys think about the LST, also im pretty tight on space at the moment. Im looking into ScROG from my next grow, larger pots and 2 Indica's should make for a nice one.
Hey Torque, thanks for the kind words! And as for your big girl, you could possibly still bend her, but it will take some time with a thick stem. Just tie and pull her til you feel a little resistance. Then tighten it up everyday. She'll do whatever you want her to!
Hi Torque05 looking great! It's never too late to lst as long as the girls aren't in flower... if they are resistent just start very gently and tighten them down day by day... they'll conform.

The main use for lst'ing is to keep the plants mostly at the same height so your lights can get to them, this is especially true with cfls. You want everything as close to the lights as possible, but I'm sure you know that.

I love that Red Diesel... probably cause I have a seed in waiting. Good luck!
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