Turbo Bucket's Take On RADDWC: Grow Room Build-Up

I mean often too much light will make a plant eat at itself like a runner who doesn't eat enough and their body eats itself.
I mean often too much light will make a plant eat at itself like a runner who doesn't eat enough and their body eats itself.

That was where my head went at first, they seem to be starving, but they've been fed more than I expected autos to tolerate already so maybe they're just pigs. I think the biggest problem is I don't feed frequently enough for the container size. They get plenty to drink but not eat kinda thing.

Damn those look healthy.

They seem to be coming along pretty well. Those girl scout crack in the back left are doing work. Planning to lollipop them this weekend.
Yeah. They're doing fine, probably just a touch too much light. They look good regardless
A couple of weeks makes a huge difference......

Felt as if I missed it all....... still in to creep and watch..... :popcorn:
They look great Turbo!!
Thanks guys! I'm pleasantly optimistic about them.

I got the new nutrient line in last week, (Botanicare Kind it's a 3 part mineral based). I need to finish up a solid door for the room and remove/rebuild the inner framework (switching the 2*4's to slotted angle to make room for the finalized design of the light fixtures. I also need to finally add the make-up air run.
Yeah those gals will do great in flower bud. Cant wait to see the space explode (figuratively of course)

The girl scout crack and Pineapple Express 2 are much taller than the G-BOMB I planned to split them evenly between the two sides for a comparison of the lights. However the primary purpose of the run is to select a mother from each strain so I will be running the pex2 and G-Bomb in separate sides with one girl scout crack to fill it out. I can select a mother without spectrum effecting plant morphology. I also get a narrow comparison of spectrums with the girl scout cracks.
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