Using Miracle Grow Seed Starting Potting Mix For Autoflower - Need Advice

Just read my first piece of literature on high Brix gardening. All I can say is wow. I will have to do this next grow!! As soon as this ends!! I will continue to read more!! Great stuff
Just read my first piece of literature on high Brix gardening. All I can say is wow. I will have to do this next grow!! As soon as this ends!! I will continue to read more!! Great stuff

Eh, not to throw a turd in the punchbowl, but might this not just be the latest fad? Lotsa fashion, folklore, and pseudoscience out there...

What is it that sound good to you? How would you change your growing process?
I read a little bit about the brix, but not enough to understand it or what it's trying to accomplish. Most of the times people over complicate things, and growing cannabis is one of them. It's a plant, it's simple, it needs a select few things to do well and produce well just like every other plant that grows under the sun. I've seen a lot of people on here try crazy complicated things on here, while I'm over here growing in soil and get much better yields and quality. I won't knock anyone for trying something different, but just know it's probably gonna be a waste of time and money.

My little rigged 6 ft wide x 4 1/2 ft tall x 6ft deep tent. Going to plug up the HpS light tomorrow! I like having more room in my tent for air flow and I can move around haha
I think you will do well with the hps, most of those lights with more of a pink/red spectrum don't perform very well.

These lights have been great so far. For $80 you can't beat it. It puts off low low heat in the tent. I think the hybrid combo with the sun helps a lot though. But what do I know. First grow and all. We will see I guess.
I think you will do well with the hps, most of those lights with more of a pink/red spectrum don't perform very well.

Do you mean the typical "blurple" red+blue LED grow lights that have been selling like crazy for the last year or so and seem to be rapidly replacing other light sources (as far as I can see, anyway--seems like that market is exploding)? Can you please 'splain whatchoo mean by "don't perform very well"?

I just have one little 12-watt test unit, but my understanding was that the inherent efficiency of LEDs combined with only creating light in the spectrum that's used by the plants was a winning combination.
I read a little bit about the brix, but not enough to understand it or what it's trying to accomplish. Most of the times people over complicate things, and growing cannabis is one of them. It's a plant, it's simple, it needs a select few things to do well and produce well just like every other plant that grows under the sun. I've seen a lot of people on here try crazy complicated things on here, while I'm over here growing in soil and get much better yields and quality. I won't knock anyone for trying something different, but just know it's probably gonna be a waste of time and money.

I suspect that the "brix" in the name is a big part of the appeal--"high brix" sounds kinda exotic and sexy, whatever it is.
Sorry, I follow several grows and sometimes have a hard time keeping them straight.

So 24 * 1.2 kW * 12 cents a kWh US avg * 31 makes about $107 a month for lights. Chump change! ;)

Haha the dollar goes no where these days. You know it's bad when gas is more expensive then diesel. Haha
I suspect that the "brix" in the name is a big part of the appeal--"high brix" sounds kinda exotic and sexy, whatever it is.

I think it's cool you can test the brix after a watering, Nute feed, defoliation, and see how your plant reacts. Using the refractor you can test the brix. I guess it's just more data for the number junkies!! But true that! You can over complicate anything.
I think it's cool you can test the brix after a watering, Nute feed, defoliation, and see how your plant reacts. Using the refractor you can test the brix. I guess it's just more data for the number junkies!! But true that! You can over complicate anything.

So what are your testing exactly? You're using a refractometer to test the sugars in what? (Sorry, I should read up on this, but the articles I've looked at so far weren't very good.)
Do you mean the typical "blurple" red+blue LED grow lights that have been selling like crazy for the last year or so and seem to be rapidly replacing other light sources (as far as I can see, anyway--seems like that market is exploding)? Can you please 'splain whatchoo mean by "don't perform very well"?

I just have one little 12-watt test unit, but my understanding was that the inherent efficiency of LEDs combined with only creating light in the spectrum that's used by the plants was a winning combination.

No I meant exactly what I said lol, lights that are more in the red/pink spectrum. I see this from a lot of cheap leds, super bright pink, and from what I've gathered online they don't perform as well as let's say the lights that I have. And the numbers alone prove that. My leds are more of a white/light pink. One of the big sellers is bestva. Their 1000w light only pulls 185 watts from the wall, while my 450w pull 200 from the wall.
So what are your testing exactly? You're using a refractometer to test the sugars in what? (Sorry, I should read up on this, but the articles I've looked at so far weren't very good.)

You cut a leaf and squeeze the juice on to the refractometer, and it will tell you the Brix level. 0-32 the higher the brix the better the bud. Once you get a brix say over 21 your plant becomes immune to pests, and a bunch of other crazy stuff. Basically preforming at max potential.
No I meant exactly what I said lol, lights that are more in the red/pink spectrum. I see this from a lot of cheap leds, super bright pink, and from what I've gathered online they don't perform as well as let's say the lights that I have. And the numbers alone prove that. My leds are more of a white/light pink. One of the big sellers is bestva. Their 1000w light only pulls 185 watts from the wall, while my 450w pull 200 from the wall.

How many 450w do you run? I guess I will be a good test for those who don't want to spend a shit ton on LED's. I'm prob going to end up building my own custom Light. I'm getting parts priced now from a local light shop.
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