Visualize Whirrled Peas: A Perpetual Garden By 013

I haven't. I use pipe cleaners for everything
Nice, I’ve never tried pipe cleaners.

was reading the oil thread and you got distilled a while back? My state only has 151 and thinking about getting distiller. Which brand do you have? Have you owned Green Oil machine?
Revegging is a slow and ugly process! I'm revegging one plant and four clones and it's hard to watch. o_O
Soooooo true!


My last Reveg, who was a veg clone btw, had me asking if it was some weird changeling plant that had been swapped in by evil fairies!

It is only just throwing 5 pointed leaves this week, approx 40 days after it was planted.

The weirdest part, I took 2 clones, one grew normally and the other like a weirdo.

I will get a pic, hang on a sec.
Hi Shed, these are the two clones I was talking about. Tbh I thought the really weird looking one had hermed. I guess it could still be a herm. I have grown quite a few clones both from veg and buds and this is the first time I’ve seen a veg clone respond to growth in this way.

Another interesting point (well I think it is) the rootball when I uppotted comparison, was cRaZy. The normal clones root ball was, well, normal and the freak clone was the thickest root ball I’ve ever seen. Same plant, cut the same day, both in the same dirt.

Hi Shed, these are the two clones I was talking about. Tbh I thought the really weird looking one had hermed. I guess it could still be a herm. I have grown quite a few clones both from veg and buds and this is the first time I’ve seen a veg clone respond to growth in this way.

Another interesting point (well I think it is) the rootball when I uppotted comparison, was cRaZy. The normal clones root ball was, well, normal and the freak clone was the thickest root ball I’ve ever seen. Same plant, cut the same day, both in the same dirt.
In terms of growth, were they the same nodes? Cuttings from different parts of the plant will grow differently from each other. But it's weird to have a vegging clone go through reveg!

At least mine were actually cut in flower. :)
In terms of growth, were they the same nodes? Cuttings from different parts of the plant will grow differently from each other. But it's weird to have a vegging clone go through reveg!

At least mine were actually cut in flower. :)
The queer one was from the top and the normal one was a perfectly formed symmetrical piece of side growth at the base of the stem.

The plant is a Mimosa EVO, and I think at that point it was Day 60 something of veg.

I have never had a veg clone Reveg. It’s growth looks super weird too. The normal looking clone looks just like the mother plant in the fact she is tall and lanky with really large wide leaves, the weirdo a short fat ball of condensed branches and leaves.

I love monstercropping. I think it’s such a grow art form given the time and patience needed to Reveg them. Good luck with them :)
yeah just remembered I’m not fond of training on monster cropped girlies, new growth coming out of everywhere

makes sense to me but….. on an uptopped plant - the apical meristem normally shows signs first whether sign of going into flower or sign of reveg….

I suspect you flipped mimosa evo into flower and then a week or two later you cut the clones…. the flower hormones were at work building up to make the conversion to flower- but then top was taken off to make the clone yet had enough flower hormones to squeak by as being “in flower” …. the top half clone rooted up and is now doing her reveg….

clone cut from lower section never got flower hormones so she rooted up & is vegging right along

think this indictates that flower hormones work at the top of the plant first and once you convince the top she’s in flower then the hormones spread to the rest of the plant…. or words to that effect…
I suspect you flipped mimosa evo into flower and then a week or two later you cut the clones…. the flower hormones were at work building up to make the conversion to flower- but then top was taken off to make the clone yet had enough flower hormones to squeak by as being “in flower” …. the top half clone rooted up and is now doing her reveg….

clone cut from lower section never got flower hormones so she rooted up & is vegging right along

think this indictates that flower hormones work at the top of the plant first and once you convince the top she’s in flower then the hormones spread to the rest of the plant…. or words to that effect…
And you’d suspect wrong lolllllll

I had a search and found 2 things.

1. The post I was looking for.
2. Omg I can talk some shit! There were literally PAGES and PAGES of it!


So remember when I came back from hols and Mimmy had grown a foot and was out of control? She was full of nits and her tops were CrAzY from leaning to get to the sun?

Well when I got home, and after showing you guys, I cut those tops because my eyes couldn’t stand looking at them. I popped one in dirt for my friend just in case it struck and piffed the others, this clone became MC. I also cloned the tiny bottom growth. I initially called that clone Balloons. I then gave the original Bubbles clone to my neighbour, which tbh was an impulsive brain explosion. I decided I couldn’t live without a Bubbles and renamed the clone from Balloons to Bubbles. I flipped Mimmy the night before, so to be technical she’d had one night of 12:12.

One thing the mong clone didn’t get though was strong light from 5pm to midnight. I would always position her at the entrance of the tent because I didn’t have enough Mars Hydro light for everyone and I wanted to look after my plants first. She has only been under the good light since I flipped Merrie Bee.

Omg this saga has more twists and turns than a fucking Days if our Lives episode!

cool deal I’m totally down for being wrong - it’s what happens when I am… in pain, half baked, sleep deprived, distracted AF, not properly medicated, overworked, underpaid and underlaid… which is a normal day like any other.

you were setting up the swick…. and then there was comment (on like Nov 24th-ish) about Mimmy being in the most shady part of the pool garden

then there was this…

Welcome back, T!

Those 3 fingered leaves may mean she's a little confused about her light situation- how much different was her light/dark time while you were gone?
I'd cut off (or supercrop) the tallest branch, and just call the remaining ones her new canopy- they look fairly even from here...

Glad you're back- we missed you around here... :love:
They were 13 hours while away, usual veg time is 18 hours. so 5 hours different.

hmm I sez…. most shady part of garden, 13 hours of light….

a thought provoking question might be when did you first notice pistils on Mimosa??

Look I’m not saying it’s your own fault…. and when I say that I totally mean Tra - it’s your own damn fault…. cuz I’m only wrong 96 days out of each month… so it couldn’t be that - right???

seriously my dear, I’m happy to be wrong once again and will issue a giant IDK…. but either way…. it appears one clone is MC’ed & the other one is not

What’s on tap for your weekend??
I’ve prolly captured the wrong pic, copied from Dec 8th… but kinda looks like pistils.

years ago I nailed all my eye tests…. when the eye doc pointed to the bottom line of the eye chart I would reply…. Printed in China, Copyright 1979 and he / she would say NOPE that‘s wrong…. until I walked over and pointed to the real bottom line.… at which point they would exclaim…Aww shit - you don’t need glasses…. ever.

today = readers plus IPad plus zoom to the max and I still can’t see shite, seriously I once could read serial numbers off an ants arse at 40 paces, but alas - no more.

So let’s cut to the chase & agree Ms. george cloney is a mystery wrapped in a riddle bowtied with a conundrum,

and further that you Miss T are 840% correct and I’m out in the weeds once again stoned to the bone, broke, blind, crippled & crazy (my doc has papers to prove it) but I’m so happy to be your sidekick.…

She will do what she will do… can I get an amen?

cool deal I’m totally down for being wrong - it’s what happens when I am… in pain, half baked, sleep deprived, distracted AF, not properly medicated, overworked, underpaid and underlaid… which is a normal day like any other.

you were setting up the swick…. and then there was comment (on like Nov 24th-ish) about Mimmy being in the most shady part of the pool garden

then there was this…

They were 13 hours while away, usual veg time is 18 hours. so 5 hours different.

hmm I sez…. most shady part of garden, 13 hours of light….

a thought provoking question might be when did you first notice pistils on Mimosa??

Look I’m not saying it’s your own fault…. and when I say that I totally mean Tra - it’s your own damn fault…. cuz I’m only wrong 96 days out of each month… so it couldn’t be that - right???
I first noticed pistils on Mimmy day of 9 of 12:12. I’m not totally sure. It’s in my journal.
seriously my dear, I’m happy to be wrong once again and will issue a giant IDK…. but either way…. it appears one clone is MC’ed & the other one is not
Are you sure? Coz that’s a lot reflecting on the topic and post searching lollling.

They are both Mimosa EVO’s. One clone was a top, the other was from the base. I didn’t think the top would even survive because I didn’t even dip it in clone gel. After I planted the bottom one, I grabbed a top from my clipping basket, and thought “I’ll have a crack” and just made a hole and stuck it in the pot.
What’s on tap for your weekend??
Workin ma gherkin
I’ve prolly captured the wrong pic, copied from Dec 8th… but kinda looks like pistils.

years ago I nailed all my eye tests…. when the eye doc pointed to the bottom line of the eye chart I would reply…. Printed in China, Copyright 1979 and he / she would say NOPE that‘s wrong…. until I walked over and pointed to the real bottom line.… at which point they would exclaim…Aww shit - you don’t need glasses…. ever.

today = readers plus IPad plus zoom to the max and I still can’t see shite, seriously I once could read serial numbers off an ants arse at 40 paces, but alas - no more.

So let’s cut to the chase & agree Ms. george cloney is a mystery wrapped in a riddle bowtied with a conundrum,

and further that you Miss T are 840% correct and I’m out in the weeds once again stoned to the bone, broke, blind, crippled & crazy (my doc has papers to prove it) but I’m so happy to be your sidekick.…

She will do what she will do… can I get an amen?

Yeah nah, that is the wrong pic.

That is a top from my Peyote Critical and my Tangerine Dream who were both in veg at the time. I did a practice in pearlite. I had never cloned this way.

They both looked like they were going into flower within days of being in the water. There is a post after asking why both clones look to be going into flower. I never got a response. They didn’t strike in the pearlite and I put them in pots. I gave the Peyote away, and the Tangerine is the tiny plant I’ve named Tawny. She hasn’t grown one bit but she is still green, so I continue to try.

I mean it’s all good. They are both growing well. I just thought it was interesting that’s all.

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