Wanna grow? Ahh, good to know!

Busta Nutz

Well-Known Member
What up y'all...Just a California Nature Boy stepping inside for a legal indoor hobby grow...finally tired of debating on shooting someone in my backyard over a few girls...ain't worth it. Hopefully everyone will jump on the bandwagon and quit stealing...shit is legal boys.
Anyway have already got some feedback in a thread I posted on so this feels like a good place. I hope to share and gather knowledge. I have some Mendo/ Humboldt county growing experience but generally outdoor..so ask away as I will be riding collective nutz around here to get the grow 100%
Enjoying some of this years outdoor...a root bound sativa mix that a friend of mine left on my back porch...i transplanted and veg'd it long as I could...pulled it on like the 7th I was pushing for the 20th but I needed smoke and my buddy was pushing me to pull so...its great smoke a real nice daytime burn...doesn't weigh me down too much..had the rain and fog coming in mid Sept. For a day or two so I had to start bringing it in at night..wish it would have filled out a little more. But outdoor smoke not moldy or stolen is always B+.


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So things I've learned in all my years of stoner dome... you all have been super helpful so I'll drop my experiences funny and serious and hope to give all of you a little minor insight to who I am.

1. If you are young enough and able? Never take a partner. Friends are great but unless they have the space to offer for you to grow? They rarely will be as invested in the project as you are...One project one failure...In early years this was an even bigger no no for me because everyone where I live had delusions of continuing to get rich even when legalization was on the way...Friendships and partnerships can be hard to maintain and honestly their is more cost to an operation than most understand...if you can find a silent aunt or uncle to help with Pge and Nutrient...best partner ever...loving and Silent.

2. Weed is basically weed...Seen alot of Strains over the years from The Skunk to the Cookie to the Original Comptche Kill, if its green we smoke it. For all the 10,000 names here in Cali I can honestly say it was a huge pleasure in the 90's to be an outlaw youth running the logging roads dying everytime you hear a car or helicopter checking in. Or Randomly just walking into someone else's spot only to know each other from school...smoke one and be out.

3. What's the overall feeling about grading weed by THC PERCENTAGE? I'm not about it all...I mean round here we will smoke something like the gelato or wedding cake at like 22 or 23 and then you have something like venom og grading out like 30 and sometimes even 17 or 18 be getting me fuckin ripped...sometimes I just buy like 20 dollar 8's of the dosido...grading at like 19 and it's better than top shelf...I smoke more than I eat and i look like a cancer patient...I know good smoke...lol

4. Continue to be an advocate for Marijuana...only downside to legal weed is that I'm still stuck in the outlaw mentality...I'm constantly still paranoid about my shit...got a public sound disturbance call on me the other day for having a TV on outside too loud during the raiders game...Sherriffs come walking into my back yard I got 10 footers just chilling...as bob would say kids" oh the times they are a changing"

5. Like many others my brother discovered herb with his friends and thru me pushing his buttons and giving him shit about it...I was iniated. I'm 43 I been smoking since I was 15 I've enjoyed everything on herb from UFC to NFL to Dances with stars live...Playstation Vr ...it has just made my life into someone who rarely does things without being stoned...I'm strangely ok with it...Loved growing up in Mendo County and just being an all around Nature Boy..I invite all of you to come visit enjoy the beach smoke and the people and hope to say wassup.
So things I've learned in all my years of stoner dome... you all have been super helpful so I'll drop my experiences funny and serious and hope to give all of you a little minor insight to who I am.

1. If you are young enough and able? Never take a partner. Friends are great but unless they have the space to offer for you to grow? They rarely will be as invested in the project as you are...One project one failure...In early years this was an even bigger no no for me because everyone where I live had delusions of continuing to get rich even when legalization was on the way...Friendships and partnerships can be hard to maintain and honestly their is more cost to an operation than most understand...if you can find a silent aunt or uncle to help with Pge and Nutrient...best partner ever...loving and Silent.

2. Weed is basically weed...Seen alot of Strains over the years from The Skunk to the Cookie to the Original Comptche Kill, if its green we smoke it. For all the 10,000 names here in Cali I can honestly say it was a huge pleasure in the 90's to be an outlaw youth running the logging roads dying everytime you hear a car or helicopter checking in. Or Randomly just walking into someone else's spot only to know each other from school...smoke one and be out.

3. What's the overall feeling about grading weed by THC PERCENTAGE? I'm not about it all...I mean round here we will smoke something like the gelato or wedding cake at like 22 or 23 and then you have something like venom og grading out like 30 and sometimes even 17 or 18 be getting me fuckin ripped...sometimes I just buy like 20 dollar 8's of the dosido...grading at like 19 and it's better than top shelf...I smoke more than I eat and i look like a cancer patient...I know good smoke...lol

4. Continue to be an advocate for Marijuana...only downside to legal weed is that I'm still stuck in the outlaw mentality...I'm constantly still paranoid about my shit...got a public sound disturbance call on me the other day for having a TV on outside too loud during the raiders game...Sherriffs come walking into my back yard I got 10 footers just chilling...as bob would say kids" oh the times they are a changing"

5. Like many others my brother discovered herb with his friends and thru me pushing his buttons and giving him shit about it...I was iniated. I'm 43 I been smoking since I was 15 I've enjoyed everything on herb from UFC to NFL to Dances with stars live...Playstation Vr ...it has just made my life into someone who rarely does things without being stoned...I'm strangely ok with it...Loved growing up in Mendo County and just being an all around Nature Boy..I invite all of you to come visit enjoy the beach smoke and the people and hope to say wassup.

"rarely does things without being stoned"

I used to worry about this, quite a bit. but that's when i was spending $350+ / month on the stuff. since i've started growing my own the thought and worry is out of my head.

I used to play in a band and was pretty serious about it in my 20's. my older brother warned me that if you smoke too often, the things you like to do won't be as good or not good at all when you're not stoned. I was young and laughed it off.

but those times that the band had no weed and no beer, all we'd do is sit around at the jam space for an hour and all make excuses to go home instead of jam. pretty sad and we all knew it. this is a very real thing. I wouldn't dare pick up my guitar unless i was stoned. in fact, i'm not sure i could do much but sit and stare at the tv in misery waiting for someone to find me something. ( grew up in a small town that often went dry )

the other thing i don't understand ( just adding a bit here ) is medicinal. how in the fuck does a stoner actually use weed for meds? This old guy i know started taking it for pain, now he just smokes to get stoned and is back on his meds.

I think it has valuable medicinal qualities when it comes to mental health, but how could someone use it for pain and not build up a serious tolerance to it. I have crushed lower discs and there's no fucking way pot would ever, ever be enough to kill that pain.

so sorry med users lol i don't get it.

Great Read BTW Busta. Thanks.
Smoking weed all day every day is a way of life..

I have had all the weed to smoke in the world in the palms of my hands for years upon years and have smoked all I want to smoke whenever I want..

I have enough weed right now to last me a year or 2..

I might smoke a gram a day to myself..
Their are always 10 joints a day going around the circle.. I barely need to smoke any of my own..

I pass 50% of the time because I just don't need to smoke that much.. I could smoke more free hits than I need to and only really ever smoke by myself when its early or late..

Daytime traffic has plenty of joints rolling through..
So? Tell me about your feelings on Thc %...my filosphy when I was a kid was that when I was smoking outdoor...no telling what kind of pollens or bugs I was getting high off...and the whole idea of grading pot is cool by potentcy...but its like your old ass uncle telling you he ate edibles for the first time and he almost went insane...

I'm still looking for that edible that cripples me...but as most of us are...I'm kinda a legend.. lol.
Anyone rockin the Lighter Buddy? Honestly this is the only lighter in my rotation that doesn't get stolen...everyone knows that bitch be mine. Great little tool. The bottle opener is underappreciated.


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I've always tried finding the Highest Thc possible. What I've noticed about lower thc is for myself and few others they high does not last as long. Ran a few quality strains and asked people for opinions and it was usually the same thing. The high THC just knocked them out. So they used it for nights only.

Honestly I'm just starting to believe that peoples endocannabinoid systems all react differently to various strains it's weird. I've smoked some strong stuff with people only to have others smoke the same product but have a slightly lower high. When we smoked the lower grade product they were super high. I found that quite odd.
the other thing i don't understand ( just adding a bit here ) is medicinal. how in the fuck does a stoner actually use weed for meds? This old guy i know started taking it for pain, now he just smokes to get stoned and is back on his meds.

I think it has valuable medicinal qualities when it comes to mental health, but how could someone use it for pain and not build up a serious tolerance to it. I have crushed lower discs and there's no fucking way pot would ever, ever be enough to kill that pain.

so sorry med users lol i don't get it.

Great Read BTW Busta. Thanks.

Cannabis is one of the strongest anti-inflammatories available, and damn near every ailment is in one way or another caused by inflammation.

My wife has had Fibromyalgia for decades and used to be taking opioids everyday, usually 4 to 6 oxycontin or tramadol plus about 6+ tylenol and a muscle relaxer and her pain never went away, it would ease up from an 8 down to maybe a 4 or 5.
She hasn't taken but maybe 3 to 4 opioids total in the past 4 years because of cannabis.
And now her pain rarely even goes above a 4, most of the day shes pain free.

I have very minor arthritis pain, just old age bone creaking but with cannabis I am pain free and have much better mobility.
I have slightly high blood pressure, would be about 135-140 over 85-90.
With cannabis I stay pretty much a perfect 110/70 all day.

Far as iam concerned cannabis is quite literally a wonder drug.
the other thing i don't understand ( just adding a bit here ) is medicinal. how in the fuck does a stoner actually use weed for meds? This old guy i know started taking it for pain, now he just smokes to get stoned and is back on his meds.

I think it has valuable medicinal qualities when it comes to mental health, but how could someone use it for pain and not build up a serious tolerance to it. I have crushed lower discs and there's no fucking way pot would ever, ever be enough to kill that pain.

I started using weed mostly everyday, about 3 years ago. It was around the same time I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I also have advanced stages of the other more common arthritis...there are many kinds of arthritis. I'm sad to say it's not effective for psoriatic but does seem to help other types of pain I have.

I believe it changes my perception of the pain which is still helpful but certainly doesn't eliminate it.

I also have stomach issues which negatively affect my appetite. I don't have to tell you guys how much it helps with that. lol

Mood can also be a problem so it works wonders for that and my wife will attest to it.

Finally, I've been a bad sleeper my whole life and pot works wonders for that.
I started using weed mostly everyday, about 3 years ago. It was around the same time I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I also have advanced stages of the other more common arthritis...there are many kinds of arthritis. I'm sad to say it's not effective for psoriatic but does seem to help other types of pain I have.

I believe it changes my perception of the pain which is still helpful but certainly doesn't eliminate it.

I also have stomach issues which negatively affect my appetite. I don't have to tell you guys how much it helps with that. lol

Mood can also be a problem so it works wonders for that and my wife will attest to it.

Finally, I've been a bad sleeper my whole life and pot works wonders for that.

yes stomach i forgot about, and i don't know how because weed is my go to when i'm feeling ill or cramped.
Cool!!! SUNRAISE Shipped me my free gift of 3 5 gallon canvas grow bags....Nice!!! Love free stuff.


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Cool!!! SUNRAISE Shipped me my free gift of 3 5 gallon canvas grow bags....Nice!!! Love free stuff.

i thought you were showing us jeans at first LMAO. Nice bags broski!
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