What's In Jim's Grow Room?

Thinking about starting to make feminized seeds. Things that worry me is however pollen contamination. Did you have any issues yet?

I have two tents very close, sharing the same air more or less. Perhaps I should exhaust the "pollen-tent" directly out and then make certain to always maintain under-pressure in the pollen tent.

Anyway - As you can see there are plenty of candidates

LOL. I see you answered my question a little back. You'll get a lot of nice mystery seeds then I guess? Any unplanned crosses?
So ok! Good old Jim just showed me why I should be more patient and maybe consider to create a 4th grow-space for pollen inside the house, far far away from the flowering plants :)
So ok! Good old Jim just showed me why I should be more patient and maybe consider to create a 4th grow-space for pollen inside the house, far far away from the flowering plants :)

Ya, I have to agree. Jim is finding issues I never even thought of.

Thanks for doing this journal Jim
LOL. I see you answered my question a little back. You'll get a lot of nice mystery seeds then I guess? Any unplanned crosses?

Everything in the house is Blue Dream. I have several packages of this pollen in the freezer.

So ok! Good old Jim just showed me why I should be more patient and maybe consider to create a 4th grow-space for pollen inside the house, far far away from the flowering plants :)

I'm not sure how many spaces are needed. I just wish I had taken each of the target plants completely out of the grow room....out of the house even for the pollinating. I just completely underestimated the handling of microscopic material.

Reminds me of something I heard once: "A rumor without legs to stand on will find a way to get around." Same with pollen.


Ya, I have to agree. Jim is finding issues I never even thought of.

Thanks for doing this journal Jim

You're welcome. I'm really not sure how badly the ladies that weren't intended to be pollinated were affected. I just know they have some seed sites. There are lots of buds unaffected.
Everything in the house is Blue Dream. I have several packages of this pollen in the freezer.

I'm not sure how many spaces are needed. I just wish I had taken each of the target plants completely out of the grow room....out of the house even for the pollinating. I just completely underestimated the handling of microscopic material.

Reminds me of something I heard once: "A rumor without legs to stand on will find a way to get around." Same with pollen.


You're welcome. I'm really not sure how badly the ladies that weren't intended to be pollinated were affected. I just know they have some seed sites. There are lots of buds unaffected.
I've ran into the same problem, twice now even with trying to be very careful. Other time with the same actions, I got a nice little catch of 20-30 like I wanted. I'm looking at it as getting plenty of seeds to play with and share. Trying to see the silver lining.

There is a plan for a separate room in the future. Pollen chucking is fun but can throw a wrench in things.
I've ran into the same problem, twice now even with trying to be very careful. Other time with the same actions, I got a nice little catch of 20-30 like I wanted. I'm looking at it as getting plenty of seeds to play with and share. Trying to see the silver lining.

There is a plan for a separate room in the future. Pollen chucking is fun but can throw a wrench in things.

me too. pollen chucking can get wild but i have only ever gotten a handful of accidental seeds. it is like magic they just appear.
There is a theory that seeded bud has a different taste profile cannot say i have seen it. But always fun to experiment.
Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 47

Yesterday should have been a watering day but I was so stoned all day I simply forgot. When I opened the tent this morning I saw the only plant that was not staked up all flopped over. I reached over and gave her a little water and after a bit I started unloading the tent so I could get to her. I up righted her and supported her with a bamboo stake.

Really only a couple of the girls needed water as they've stopped lapping it up on a 3 day schedule. Trichomes a full and clear with only the slightest few becoming cloudy. All there is to do now is monitor the watering needs and checking the trichomes. Very few of new pistils are being developed so the grow is coming into final stage.

Team Blue Dream


I guess this is my favorite. ShiggityFlip called this an "11".



I've decided to smoke the last bud of the Dark Devil Auto that I harvested.12/22/15. There is absolutely no moisture remaining in this bud but it's not crumbly either. The high is not quite as I remember but this body buzz is there. Oh yeah! Gotta thank my friend SweetSue for this one. :love:
You are most welcome. :kisstwo:

Time to grow more. :laughtwo:
You are most welcome. :kisstwo:

Time to grow more. :laughtwo:

Well....I wasn't very lucky with those seeds. I think the original pack I bought was 3 seeds + 1 or something like that. I germed the first one then never got another one to sprout. I've had a bunch of successes in seed germination but a bunch of failures too.

I do have quite a few seeds in the vault and I'm planning a variety grow. We'll see what happens.
Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 50

This crop of ladies haven't changed much in the past few days. They've been on a straight water diet since the last feeding (June 9). I'm not sure why I've done that....maybe to test if the soil can finish the plant. Maybe to see the fade to yellow leaves that's working up the plants. I do love to see that normal color change.

Actually, today....I'm going to give them a shot of the very first tea I ever made. :rofl: It could be I'll kill 'em. :rofl:

Actually I think everything is working as it should. I've finally seen some toxicity on higher leaves which tells me I reached the upper limit of nutes in late bloom. This is good for me to know.

Trichomes are slowly transitioning from clear to cloudy. It seems to be right on time for a harvest next week.

So here are some new photos that may look a lot like previous photos. Cheers! :passitleft:








Looking absolutely beautiful Jim. Those buds look quite dense and definitely ripening up nicely. :thumb:
Those are some fine looking buds Jim. I would not want them to change a whole lot.

Cheers friend.

Now I'm on the fence about giving my girls the home brewed tea. Much of the compost is banana peels which are high in potassium. I originally started composting mostly small sticks, twigs and lots of tree leaves. Then I've spent the last year and one-half feeding the composter just cannabis trim, lawn grass trim and banana peels from my (almost) daily breakfast.



So I gave 4 gallons of the tea to my vegetables and one azalea that I'm resurrecting. The last almost gallon is still bubbling as the girls need nothing today. I'll probably give them the tea tomorrow as it's totally organic and shouldn't affect taste at all. Plus the seed producers may need it. :rofl:
Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 51

So I noticed a slight improvement in the azalea overnight so I gave the girls the remaining gallon of the organic tea I was bubbling. I'm at that point in the grow when one wonders if the plant will finish. I know the buds are continuing to bulk up as I watch the same low branch getting lower each day. I wonder if it's strong enough either from genetics or from my care?

Back to finishing. Trichomes are becoming cloudy and some have a little bulk near the end. Oh I think I like that. I magnified a few photo frames which I hope will show this action.



Shot showing the LED near top of the tent. The CFLs are used only to take the photos.


All bud shots are from "11" :rofl:









Magnified? I don't know what happened here. I use Paint to crop/magify stuff. Apparently my process is not consistent. That is the sugar near the top of that bud above.


Have a great day folks. I started my morning with a strain that I really have more respect and appreciation for than ever....White Widow. I know there are more potent hybrids and poly-hybrids out there and I certainly love those too but WW really satisfies me like no other. It's just a nice place to be. :love:
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